My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1589: Scare everyone

The top of the West Mountain.

Standing on it, there is quite a feeling of being overwhelmed by the cold.

The corner of Su Jin's mouth rose slightly, looking at the holy stone that tested the so-called talent potential, and walked over.

This sacred stone is about 1.8 meters high and has an irregular shape. If you don't feel the Taoist rhyme in it carefully, you will never know that it has this extraordinary ability.

Before the holy stone.

Without thinking about it, Su Jin raised his hand and gently patted the holy stone in front of him, and suddenly the sea of ​​air in his abdomen began to surge.

Holy stone buzzing~~~

In an instant, five infant fairy shadows were shot out of the holy stone seed and manifested in the air!

Five ways, fifty ways, one hundred ways, three hundred ways! Five hundred ways!

The speed was extremely fast when it first manifested, but when it reached the three hundred paths, it was much slower. When the three hundred paths reached the current five hundred paths, the period was as slow as a snail!

The monk at the foot of the mountain outside the city suddenly burst into an uproar.

"With all his strength, this person has the ability to kill five hundred infant monks in a flash!" Someone sighed with emotion.

"Compared to the ordinary semi-sage, it's not bad, but it's nearly twice as bad as the Snow Princess." Some monks felt very disappointed.

"Princess Tingxue is an innate divine body, you can't compare this person with the princess, it's incomparable."

"The first level is perfect, this second level is almost meaningless, I thought it was such a great character, I'm leaving, look at it!"

"Unfortunately, I was in the second level, but I have to admire this person's madness. Half-Holy has reached the power of five hundred infants, and he wants to be comparable to the Snow Princess. The princess had nine hundred infants when he was half-sacred. From this point of view, when the princess was half saint, she could beat him two!"

It was all a sigh.

Kou Niang's gorgeous purple dress was enchanting and refined. At this time, Qiao's face was suspicious, she looked at the tomb saint and said, "Don't you feel strange?"

"Nothing strange." The saint of the tomb sneered.

"Not to mention what he has done before, just take him before in the Imperial City of the Kingdom of Shu, and kill the Yongye Prince, it is more than this strength." Kou Niang frowned.

"It's very simple. His strength relies on foreign objects, and he adds a lot of treasures!" The saint of the tomb was sad and angry.

"Is it wrong?"

Kou Niang shook her head repeatedly, pointed at the Saint Treasure's "Ladder to the Sky" under the West Mountain, and asked: "The Saints are both in the semi-sacred realm. Can you do it and ascend to the sky in one step?"


Although the saint of the ancient tomb is far away from the St. Baodeng ladder, she still feels the repressive road marks lingering on it. After hesitating for a while, she still has to shake her head and admit: "I can't do it."

"Not only you can't do it, you can't even hear Princess Xue, this guy deliberately played with us~~~" Kou Niang stomped angrily.

She was worried for nothing!


The saint of the ancient tomb was startled at first, then slowly opened her eyes wide, and sucked in a cold breath: "You mean...he suppressed the cultivation level?"

"Between baby fairy and half saint." Kou Niang said very cleverly.

Immediately, the tomb saint shook her body and couldn't help taking a step back. She couldn't help but said in disbelief: "You mean, he suppressed the cultivation base and used the strength of the aspiration period?"

"Yes." Kou Niang nodded with a smile.

Shocked! The face of the saint of the ancient tomb was full of shock.

After the infant is aspiration, the aspiration period can evolve the power to instantly kill five hundred infants!

Above the West Mountain, Su Jin was quite surprised. Let's not say that this test holy stone is not accurate, but it is quite interesting to play. He suppressed to the peak of the aspiration, only to kill the power of five hundred infants.

Not everyone knows that he plays like this.

The sixth princess of Nalan Kingdom was very optimistic about Su Jin. After all, the first level touched her so much, she cried and wet several handkerchiefs, but now her face is full of disappointment. She sighed and shook her head as if she felt it. What? When I looked back, I saw sister Tingxue also come to a Qiong platform, her mouth turned up, her face was obviously disdainful.

"Princess Six, you are not allowed to test the holy stone, is it the first time I came to your Nalan Imperial City?" Su Jin's magnificent voice was uploaded from Xishan, deliberately with an unpleasant tone.

"Young Master Su, the test is for things and not for people, and everyone is the same test." Six princesses said loudly, and the voice spread to all the monks.

"Anyway, when I asked for the title, there was definitely more than five hundred infants!" Su Jin's voice came down again.

What Su Jin said directly caused the cultivators in the city to quit!

"Who is it, if you lose, you lose. It's beyond listening to the power of Snow Princess's nine hundred infants, and even quibbling about something wrong with the holy stone!" Some monks became dissatisfied.

"Yes! Drive him down and drive out of the imperial city!"

"If you can't compare, don't compare, don't be afraid of being ashamed to say such a thing?"

"The princess is not that you want to marry, you can marry if you want!"

"Get down!!!"

"Wait, calm down, what he just said... it seems to be tested with the aspiring cultivation base..." There was a monk who didn't know whether he heard it accurately.

Suddenly, the audience was silent.

Every monk began to think about it, it seems that Su Jin really said so!

Kou Niang smiled bitterly, glanced at the wonderful expression of the saint in the tomb, one after another was speechless.

The expressions of the six princesses of Nalan Kingdom were shocked. They were sluggish on the spot, and the power of five hundred infants could be manifested during the aspiration period. What kind of concept is this! She couldn't even think about it! After all, there is a huge difference between the world.

On Qiong Stage in the distance, after hearing Princess Xue no longer smile, staring at the top of the West Mountain, Qiao's face finally gained a dignified look.


The phantoms of Yingxian began to speed up, the speed was much faster than before, and the speed started to increase. Almost instantly, it exceeded nine hundred, reaching one thousand!

Under the west mountain outside the city, tens of thousands of eyes are watching, not even blinking, for fear of missing any wonderful scene!

"One thousand five! It broke one thousand five in an instant!" someone exclaimed.

"Oh my God! Two thousand, two thousand!"

"Three thousand! The speed does not decrease!"

"Four thousand, my mother!"

"It's more than six thousand, this is the real half-sage against the sky!"

"Now the power of more than 6,000 infants seems to be the limit, it is nearly seven times more than when listening to Snow Princess Half-Holy!"

Some people were completely frightened and couldn't express their shock in words.

"It's the limit, his talent is comparable to or even surpassing Snow Princess!" a monk said firmly.

"Is it really the limit?" The saint of the tomb suddenly became scared and muttered to herself.

Kou Niang's expression was moved, she scanned her surroundings, and suddenly stared at the West Mountain, her face pale and said, "No, it's not the limit!"

The saint of the ancient tomb followed her gaze, and she softened and almost collapsed to the ground~~~

I saw that the gray scene was spreading down rapidly in the west mountain. It was a unique stone color. I saw the saint of the ancient tomb yesterday!

Three cities!

The power of the first city!

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