My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1603: Want to compete with the Monkey King! (1/4)

This hate is not shared!

A Dou scratched Mao's face, walked to the starlight, flicked it away with a flick of his finger, and immediately pulled up the half-high iron rod, the cat started following Su Jin at his waist.

Su Jin came to the body and stopped silent. The fine cracks on his chest were far from healed. The treasure book'Huang Quan's Notes' contained all his possessions. When he left, his true spirit had been shaken out. Now If oneself possessed oneself in, I wonder if the physical body will collapse.

This injury is unprecedented! If you don't look, you definitely don't know why Su Jin is angry.

"Where is the baby?" Ah Dou was walking beside him, walking around.

As soon as Su Jin gritted his teeth, the true spirit lay in the flesh, and in an instant he sacrificed the "Mountain God and Dachuan Picture", and immediately felt that the true spirit was shaken out...

If it weren't for the'Ancestral Book of the Dragon' and the'Great Life Art', this body would have become a dead body!


The Juque Sword's body was thrust into the ground again.

Ah Dou straightened his eyes, the iron rod in his hand fell to the ground, and he began to circle the'Ju Que', tapping with his fingers from time to time, and said in a daze, "This is the Black Profound Dragon Iron..."

"Do you also know the Black Xuanlong Iron?" Su Jin said lightly.

"The best material for casting magic soldiers." A Dou said with a face full of intoxication: "It's just that the casting technique is too poor~~~"

Su Jin warned: "Let's start to compare."

"Wait a minute." Ah Dou flicked his finger on the sword.

A slender sword spirit was shaken out with a pale face, and when he appeared, he exclaimed: "Who is this monster? Can he beat me out?"

Ah Dou said nothing, his fingertips seemed to contain profound principles, and he repeatedly hit the sword, and the sky full of sword marks collapsed and flew out of the'Juque Sword Body', and everything about the Juque Sword was instantly grasped by him!

"Good sword! Good sword!" Ah Dou became more and more obsessed, "As a perfect control, this has to be changed."

There was another slap in the hand.

"You can't do this sword formation, it's an eye-catching sight, it must be changed a lot." Ah Dou fell into his own world.

"Sora has a good set of materials, the weight is good, and there is still a lack of a supreme way to cooperate with the host, make up for it! Make up if you are not perfect!"

A Dou waved his hand and grabbed a shocking technique on the sword. The giant Que Sword Spirit widened his beautiful eyes. When he turned his head to look at Su Jin, he found that Su Jin made a booing gesture to it. Who would refuse such a good thing?

Ban Zhuxiang passed by, and Ah Dou looked at the completely remodeled Juque sword, took it up, weighed it, and his face was full of satisfaction.

"Not bad."

Ah Dou Xin waved his hand repeatedly, suddenly his face froze, and he slowly straightened the hair on his head, his face became tangled, and he said in a long voice, "That's it~~It's not the monkey master!"

With his furry face tilted, A Dou looked at Su Jin with an innocent face.

"Does it compare?" Su Jin asked.

"Change~~~" Ah Dou spit out two words slowly.

"What use do I want this iron rod for?" Su Jin simply refused, "No change!"

"The ratio won, change it."


Su Jin squinted, this monkey still wants to win? Too naive, even it wants to change the treasure, I would be stupid if I change it!

Ah Dou stuck the giant **** sword on the ground, jumped aside, and screamed: "Hey! Give the monkey up!"

An iron rod directly began to skyrocket on the ground.

"Rising and rising!" Su Jin gave a look at the beautiful sword spirit of Juque, and said: "It, this iron rod, is the famous soldier I told you not long ago, and it is also one of the best treasures in the world. It, you are the first!"

Juque sword spirit laughed, and the huge giant sword body began to soar!


An iron rod pierced the sky and opened the boundless void with a terrifying aura.

On the side, a heavy broadsword with a mountain pattern also did not fall into the wind, and a real contest began between the two!

Ah Dou scratched his face anxiously, and soon began to give up. He squatted on the ground in annoyance and shouted again and again: "It's no match, no match. Taken together, this sword is 4,500 jin heavier than my iron rod. , No matter how lighter than you are, I still lose in the end!"

"It's good to admit defeat. I have practiced in this life, and there are some problems. After you go out, help me kill someone. If you are not well-behaved and do evil outside, I will also exile you here and never go out." Su Jin scared. .

"No problem. After I went out to help you complete one thing, I went to harm other big worlds. I used to have a righteous brother, and I don't know if he is still in the world." A Dou seemed to have tempered his hostility, and he would still be accused of doing bad things Exile, directly and repeatedly show weakness.

Su Jin nodded.

He began to stare at his physical body and frowned. At this rate of recovery, it would take at least a day to fill up the cracks in the upper body. I don't know when the internal injuries and the half-sacred bones will heal. How should my true spirit blend in?

Three days later...

Southern Xinjiang, ancient tomb school.

The scene was beaming, even the branches were hung with red silk, and the clearing behind the cable bridge was full of human heads.

Although the big red looks festive, but the atmosphere has an inexplicable sadness~~~

Today, the fateful saint of the ancient tomb will marry again, to marry a dead prince, and be his prince and concubine, completing the etiquette that was not completed a few days ago.

"The saint is really pitiful, she doesn't really like Prince Yong Ye, she actually likes Emperor Su..." A female disciple of the ancient tomb sent her tears.

"The Kingdom of Shu deceived people too much. It clearly wanted our saint to be a widow and marry a dead man absurdly." A male disciple clenched his fist, his face full of hostility.

"What can the royal deceive others do? Su Tianzi is gone, and the saint has no support..."

"Is Tianzi Su really dead?" a disciple asked regretfully.

"It's really dead. Someone has seen it with his own eyes. Three days ago, he was crushed to pieces by a giant beast. It was a blow comparable to that of a holy king. Even the bones were blown to ashes and no longer existed."

"Hateful, if it is so good for Emperor Su to live, he would kill the emperor of the Kingdom of Shu who lacked the heart."

"The most annoying man is the grandpa Liu. The sect master took the best holy medicine and healed him. He could move yesterday!"

"It's our incompetence..."

The disciples of the Tomb School talked a lot, all with expressions of indignation, but they were helpless.


A wooden three wheelchair was pushed out, and the audience fell silent, all looking at the people lying on it with red eyes!

It's not who Liu Gonggong is!

Behind Grandpa Liu, the master of the tomb was gloomy, and he heard the sound of blows and beatings in the distance.

"Have you heard?" Grandpa Liu smiled triumphantly, pinched a orchid finger, and then said in a high-pitched voice: "Sect Master, I was beaten like this at your place, you behaved well... When I return to the palace to report to Ming Sheng..."

The owner of the tomb door pushed the wooden wheelchair, his face became more gloomy, and he had to sigh and said, "It's the fault of the next."

Grandpa Liu then looked out of the cable bridge with enchanting eyes, and said in a questioning voice: "Have you finished with the makeup of the saint bride? Are you wearing all the festive clothes? This caravan of welcoming marriages will be here soon. If time is delayed, can you afford it?"

"It's ready." The tomb master slowly closed his eyes.

Gonggong Liu slowly shook his head, his eyes blurred and said, "Hey~~this suona~~It's so festive."

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