My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1608: Go to the meeting!

The breeze blows, and colorful flowers of various colors bloom on the grass, full of fragrance.

Wearing a blue-and-white robe, Su Jin has been sitting cross-legged with his back against the'Juque'. He closed his eyes and sank his mind into the body of the giant's sword. Three days ago, Ah Dou grabbed the method from the sword and needs to understand carefully. In order to be effective.

The name of the miracle is: Bengtian Seven Steps.


It was too difficult. Su Jin sank into his mind and discovered the power of this method. The method contained almost all traces of ‘suppression’, and it was even more difficult. The initial comprehension does not count, this method still needs to cooperate with the giant **** sword, it is difficult to understand with common sense.

After a long time, the sun gradually set to the horizon.

Su Jin opened his eyes, picked up the'Juque', and said to himself: "Bengtian seven steps, every step you take will add 30% of the power, if you stack seven steps, the power is unlimited! But with me With current strength, perhaps only one step can be taken."

The problem is that the suppression of Dao marks is not controllable. Su Jin has a great immortal technique, the bridge to the sky. This immortal technique is displayed. The immortal bridge is magnificent and can suppress many enemies, but those suppressing Dao marks are completely unable to compete with the pinnacle ancestral realm. The repression of the strong is on par.

In the method, it is necessary to condense the repressive scars produced by the'Bengtian Seven Steps' on the soles of the feet, and cooperate with the Giant Que Sword to succeed.

"Try it first, but you must be above the sea of ​​suffering, otherwise you will be very embarrassed." Su Jin thought in his heart, turning into a stream of light, and came to the top of the sea of ​​suffering.

Silently communicated with Juque Sword Spirit, Su Jin had an indescribable power all over his body. At the height of the void, the Juque Saint Soldier instantly released his weight!

Su Jin carried a huge fault of 18 thousand catties and fell directly from the sky!

"Drink!" Su Jin roared violently, combined with his own strength, a trace of suppressing Dao marks was condensed on the soles of his feet, which was all he could comprehend now!


Under Su Jin's feet, the void was trampled into a spider web, and the power spread out in circles.

Su Jin was very satisfied with this blow. If a strong holy realm competed with him, this step would be able to crush the opponent's saint stone body!

But after this step, Su Jin fell straight and fell into the water.

It's too difficult. The second step of the "Seven Steps to Beng Tian" requires carrying a weight of 18 thousand catties in the void, and it also needs to be connected to the first step without breaking!

Immediately, Su Jin rushed out of the sea of ​​bitterness, with a face full of helplessness. He might have to wait for the "three cities" and evolve into the third city before he could comprehend these seven steps. The giant sword is too heavy, even the strongest of the Holy King. It's not easy to grasp it. When the Third City reaches the Heaven-defying Holy Realm, the weight of 18,000 catties is not a problem.

After changing his clothes, Su Jin went ashore and began to walk towards Zijie County. He needed to repair all night in Zizhen County and head to Yaochi Holy Land tomorrow morning.

He didn't know that in the remote domain, a scene of laughter was happening at this moment.

In the extreme south of China, on a sea-crossing bridge, there was a lot of traffic. At this moment, the vehicle was blocked and the horn was constantly honked behind...

The instigator, A Dou, the monkey-playing monkey, is holding his forehead in the middle of the street light pole, looking at the location of the Dragon Palace with one hand. China is now a country of steel and concrete, and the location of the Dragon Palace really needs to be carefully considered. Find.

As a result, the blockage caused by the two'red lights' is ongoing. Fortunately, soon after, Ah Dou disappeared and went to the Dragon Palace, where the cross-sea bridge was restored to flow again...


Outside the territory, Zijie County.

The night concealed this county city. Su Jin did not choose to go to Zihuangfang. He chose a restaurant to live in at random in the middle of the city. He did not go to Zihuangfang. First, he felt that it was unnecessary, and second, because the restaurant was the easiest. A place to learn some news.

With more than ten red lanterns swaying under the eaves of the restaurant, Su Jin sat down by the window, ordered wine and delicacies, and glanced at the almost full guests around. It seemed very lively.

"The Yaochi feast is about to start. I heard that the scene is big. It is rumored that the ancestor of the Yaochi Holy Land walked out in person and invited an ancient king back."

"Prime King? So powerful!"

"More than that, it is rumored that there are also big figures of the level of the master of the world, the master of the world, it is not the existence of our world."

"This Yaochi feast is different from previous ones."

"I also heard that after the great calamity of the Miaoshan Mountains, the three princes of the Yan Kingdom left the customs, and an elder from the Yaochi Holy Land personally invited..."

"The three princes of the Kingdom of Yan went out and heard the news that they had accomplished their magical skills and threatened to kill Su Jin in the Holy Land to avenge the country!"

"A few of the talents in the middle domain have already spoken, saying that they will cut him off when they see Emperor Su, and don't allow him to be rampant."

"It's not easy, right? Three days ago, did you hear about the affairs of Nanjiang? A holy king shot and killed Su Tianzi, but three days later, this morning, Su Tianzi reappeared and brought out a strange ape holding an iron rod. , And killed the sacred king of Dashu Kingdom in the afternoon."

"Wow, Prince Yong Ye also died at the hands of Emperor Su. This man is simply a stunning wizard. No one can control him yet."

"I heard that there was a young man who stole the bones of the Saint King in southern Xinjiang, named Jianxi. He has a bone tower. I don't know what level of treasure it is, comparable to Emperor Su..."


Su Jin listened to the news. During the period, Xiao Er from the shop brought fine wine and delicacies. He ate a few mouthfuls with his chopsticks, but he didn't expect that his actions in the past two days would spread here so quickly. For him, this Yaochi feast was indeed dangerous, and it was far more troublesome than rushing to ‘Zhongmiaoshan’.

I don't know how many young talents in Zhongyu want to step on him and go to the meeting once, but it may become a way of no return.

Listening to a steady stream of news.

Su Jin continued to drink, listened to the incense stick time, and also drank the incense stick time. It was late at night, he put down the wine cup, went upstairs, and began to rest.

The noisy Zijiao County gradually became silent as the night went on...

Just like that, one night passed!

Early in the morning, Su Jin got up and left the restaurant, because there was a teleportation formation not far away, much closer than the frontier formation that went to Yan Kingdom! He arrived at Ziji County from the Tomb Sect, and he came from the magic circle he arrived at, and from here he could directly reach the Central Region.

Su Jin put his hands behind his back and strode towards the teleportation formation...

As the pace gradually went away, Su Jin raised a strong fighting spirit!

The three princes of Yan Kingdom want to kill him!

He has offended many people in the family of Zhuzibai! Also have to get rid of him soon!

Dazhou, Dayan, Chilan, Dashu and other countries also wanted him to die.

The young genius of the middle field rises up with the goal of beheading him! There are countless potential enemies, such as the ancestor realm powerhouse and the holy king realm powerhouse of Boundless Sword Mountain.

Kill him!

Come on all! A thought came into Su Jin's mind.

Soon after, the teleportation array lighted up, and the white-haired youth disappeared in it and went to the middle domain!

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