My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1620: Third city

Just when Jinpeng Little Prince used his talent magic.

A dozen people were sitting on a high platform in Yaochi Holy Land. Among the more than a dozen people, except for the Immortal Ancestor of the Big Dipper and the Immortal Ancestor of King Kong, the rest are all invited strong ancestors.

Including two world masters invited from far away.

In the middle of the stone table surrounded by the powerful ancestors, there is a ‘relict stone basin’. In the stone basin is a lotus, three lotus leaves, and a slightly smart lotus bud.

The ancestor of the Great Dipper turned his hand and took out a finger-high jade bottle, which contained the real Jade Lake Immortal Liquid, and poured it into the stone basin...

The lotus buds swayed and gradually began to bloom, and pictures began to appear on the stone basin.

"Dragon Phoenix Blood Sutra? This technique still exists in the world." An ancestral realm powerhouse saw in the picture, Su Jin unfolded through the Dragon Phoenix Blood Sutra world, suddenly surprised.

"That kid of the Jinpeng clan, I'm afraid he will really be beheaded to death. Once the Dragon Phoenix blood meridian comes out, unless there is suppression, the unfolding'Float World' cannot be touched by all methods, and the Kunpeng technique is useless." Among the masters, a Tsing Yi master said lightly.

"The King Jinpeng and our realm have an old relationship, and there was a personal affection that has not been paid back." Another realm master, a graceful woman, only saw her open her mouth gently.

"Yuanshijie and Jinpeng God King are old?" asked the expert in the ancestral realm.

"The Great Emperor of our Realm was chopped, and an arm was forged by someone. It was the King Jinpeng who broke his arm and donated Kunpeng essence and blood to continue on the Great Emperor of our Realm." Yuanshi Realm Lord Ying opened her mouth again and said: "This kid is not important to you. If it is not important, I will send someone to kill him."

"No, he is my Jade Lake's hope. In the future, I will continue to rely on him!" Immortal Ancestor King Kong immediately shook his head and refused.

"Hehe." Yuanshi Realm Master laughed, "Yaochi's hope? I think it is the calamity of Yaochi. What do you think is behind him?"

The rest of the ancestral realm masters, after being reminded by the Yuanshi realm master, all focused their eyes on the stone basin, and as expected, a faint white light radiated from behind Su Jin.

A female fairy corpse!

The expressions of Immortal Ancestor Beidou and Immortal King Kong all changed drastically, and their expressions were ugly.

"The appearance of the nine ghost ships must be to collect the existence in the fairy coffin. This kid is a calamity. The reason why we can all sit down is the'nine ghost ships'. For the matter, I let the kid be killed, let the ghost ship take the fairy coffin away, and Yaochi will be safe naturally."

Yuanshi female realm master, her tone was calm. After speaking, she saw all the powerful ancestors in silence. She laughed, raised her hand, and the voice reached the high platform, saying: "Shang Li, you rescued the little Jinpeng and cut it smoothly. This Su Tianzi."


Below the high platform, there was a maid dressed in purple, who disappeared directly in place.


Now the little king of Jinpeng is extremely uncomfortable, Kunpengshu can fight the sky, but the "world of the Buddha" that Su Jinzhan exposed seems to be boundless, and it is included in it. No matter how vast the fighting magical technique can't work, and there are constant inexplicable flames. Refining its demon body.

Can't break free!


When the little King Jinpeng was desperate, dawn greeted him, and an external force shot and smashed the "Fotu World" evolved from the "Dragon and Phoenix Blood Sutra"! It escaped straight away, swooping into the distance, looking at the maid of the Yuanshi Realm who helped it escape in amazement.

The world of the Buddha was suddenly shot apart, this woman is a strong saint king!

Su Jin was shocked and his scalp became numb. He looked at Shang Li in the air and shouted: "Who are you! Why intervene in my fight with Jinpeng evildoer!"

"Master maid Shang Li." The purple-clothed girl looked at Su Jin coldly.

"He Jie!"


"Have not heard!"

Su Jin managed to endure his anger, knowing that someone did not want Little King Jinpeng to die, so he rescued the Jinpeng, and put pressure on him with tyrannical realm.

"I come to kill you by the order of the realm master, and accept your fate, you can't live today." Shang Li raised his hand and pointed a green sword at Su Jin.

"Hahaha." Su Jin laughed suddenly.

The maid Shang Li was still a little puzzled, she was looked up by hundreds of thousands of monks, plus she was mortal, and now she can still laugh!

"What are you laughing at?" Shang Li asked coldly.

"Yes! Your realm is high and the years of practice are long! Standing at the highest point, you can do whatever you want, but you can't help me laugh." Su Jin smiled more happily.

Sorrowful for this world where the strong is respected, the servants of the realm masters are all strong in the holy king state, and they can completely kill others if they want to kill or save if they want to save.

"You are not at our level, nor can you reach our level." Shang Li said lightly. Anyway, she knew that Su Jin was already mortal, and then she said: "At our level, a monk like you , But an ant that can be crushed to death at will."

"What level are you!" Su Jin couldn't hold back his anger, yelling at Shang Li.

"Holy King!" Shang Li's eyes were sharp.

"Killed!" Su Jin said two words indignantly.

Shang Li:...

In the high platform, the Yuanshi Realm Master seemed impatient, and his voice swayed, "The little guy with a good temper, who wants to come and has endless adventures, has never experienced ups and downs and despair, Shang Li, first kill her female friend~~~"

Shang Li raised her head lightly, without any hesitation, the Saint King's true body instantly unfolded, and her big hand directed at a nervous girl...

It was hard to stop the Saint King's shot, and this caught Li Bicheng.

"Dare you!" Su Jin's eyes reddened and he blurted out.


With a pinch of the Saint King's true body, Fairy Bicheng, who was struggling with constant brilliance, spurted blood and was instantly wiped out.

Su Jin's white hair was flying, his expression was stunned, and he raised his hand in the direction of Fairy Bicheng. He didn't fall, and he couldn't fall at this moment...

The entire Jade Lake Holy Land was completely silent. In contrast to the absolute Saint King powerhouse, Su Tianzi could not protect his own woman.

"You... aloft." Su Jin slowly closed his eyes, and two lines of tears rolled down from the shallow stubble, his calm tone seemed to see through everything in the world.

When a word fell, a murderous opportunity appeared in Yaochi Holy Land!

Many monks were in a daze, and they saw Su Jin sitting in the void with his eyes closed and a golden Buddha slowly sitting up behind him! His white hair was caught in the shadow of the real Buddha...

Pull hard...

It left a blood scar. White hair flying down~~

The world dimmed, the Buddha was still bright, Su Jin's hair was getting less and less!

I don't know if a trace of pain comes from my heart, from the palm of my hand, or from the blood scar on the head. Su Jin cut the palm of his hand, and blood dripped to the ground...

On the sacred ground of Jade Lake, those few drops of blood were like wild pythons, crawling on the ground, converging, and forming a big **** ‘magic’ character!

In the dim world and far away, under a rolling black cloud, there is a "Devil's Palace"!

That palace is like a mirage, magnificent appearing, mixed with thunder and lightning falling down, this world seems to be a catastrophe!

The third city, the hall of demons!

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