My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1626: Trampling on the king

Xianqiao experienced a transformation yesterday.

Even the fairy dragon in the second city's vision "Ancient Heavenly Court" clung to it. The white fairy dragon above evolved from the Jade Lake, and the real Jade Lake exists in the Second City Vision!

Su Jin was also shocked by the power of this blow. He was not surprised, because the "Bridge to the Sky" was originally a great immortal art, and when used with holy power, the power naturally varied.

"You ruined my City Lord's Mansion!" Beiye Nantian's eyes were red, and an irritable aura radiated from him. On the stone hammer in his hand, a burst of primitive charm emerged. This Wang Bing, who had been found from the'desert', began to be caught by Ziyang. The lord waved his head.

The power generated by the Saint King Soldier is by no means an exaggeration!

A gray whirlwind began to blow for ten miles, and for a while, the world was covered with dust, and everything within ten miles no longer had color!

Beiye Nantian danced the Saint King's soldiers, and shouted: "The power of the gray sea world! Guardian'Dong Jiu'!"


After Beiye Nantian said it, behind him there began to be a gray humanoid monster, which was condensed from traces of gray thread. He used all the Saint King cultivation bases, and he did not believe in the undead demon Su Jin!

"Sacrifice Lord, Dong Jiu is here!" The humanoid monster Dong Jiu, a middle-aged man with long ears, was completely manifested with a layer of gray fish scales on his neck. It was called from the "Gray Sea World" in the void.

Su Jin drew up the'Giant Que Sword', held the handle with one hand, and carried it on his right shoulder. He looked at Bei Ye Nantian with interest. This person's practice method is very special. Many monks dream of becoming a holy, but he can become a holy. Wang, at the time, he was also considered a stunning existence.

"Are you ready to die?" Su Jin asked him lightly, letting him cast spells.

"You are the one who died!" Beiye Nantian was furious, "Tong Jiu, kill!"

The guardian Dongjiu, full of demon strength, can make the whole Ziyang City tremble with every step of his stride, and now only with the aura spreading from it, I don’t feel like Su Jin. Of course, I can’t look at the appearance. use!

Yaowu Dongjiu's limbs were like lizard feet, but he was standing. When he pounced, the claws grabbed him and wanted to hold Su Jin, and he meant to tear it into pieces!

Su Jin jumped up in one step, raised the heavy broadsword ‘Juque’, and slashed towards the sharp claws~~

Qiang Qiang!

When the iron-cut giant sword was slashed on the sharp claws, there was a sound of golden clashing, which caused a spark of star. This strange monster Dongjiu is so powerful!

But soon, Su Jin found the flaw in Dong Jiu, this man had copper skin and iron bones, and tofu waist! Its skin was very strange and difficult to cut, but then he directly captured and photographed the "Blood Emperor Sacred Seal" and threw it on the nine heads of the strange monster Dong, and the power of a whole mountain erupted fiercely.


Dong Jiu suffered heavy damage, its own strength is actually in the Holy Realm, no matter how high it is, it is impossible, and it is impossible to be higher than the'sacrifice master'. Now it is like being run over by a mountain, and it is directly smashed out of its mouth with a spirit of energy. Come down.

On the other side, Kitano Nantian completely erupted into the Holy King’s power, and his whole body was covered by a streak of the Holy King’s Dao marks. The Holy King’s true body was exposed by him, and the huge Holy King’s body also burned a gray flame. .

"Tianzi Su! I burned a thousand years of life to kill you once and for all! You died in the hands of a holy king of mine, and it is worth it!" The true body of the holy king of Beiye Nantian stands tall, his head higher than'Ziyang' The highest point of the city, almost touched the cloud.

The magnificent voice of Beiye Nantian still echoed around the entire Ziyang City, and immediately a figure was like a ‘white strip in the waves’, facing the waves! Tianzi Su, now even more chic than "White Striped Fish"!

Back the sword and rise to the sky!

"Now, it's time to trample on your holy king!" Su Jin rushed straight into the cloud, and Beiye Nantian's "Holy King True Body" was huge and unparalleled, clearly visible.

Seven steps to collapse the sky, the first step!

On the body of the Juque sword, a sword formation was lit up. Fighting Saint Buddha Adou transformed this sword. With the strength of the pinnacle ancestral realm, he grabbed a god-defying skill that cooperated with the master!

In an instant, the terrifying weight of 18,000 catties fell directly, like a meteor, and in the blink of an eye, he stepped on the head of Kitano Nantian's "Holy King Real Body"!


The ripples spread on four weeks, this foot, the void is trembling, covered with spider web cracks!

Kitano Nantian is not the worst saint king, he has no luck on his path of cultivation, he is a saint king with a solid practice!

but! This foot stepped on, even though he resisted with all his strength, he still spurted a **** arrow and was trampled by Su Tianzi!

Not over yet!

Seven steps to collapse the sky, the second step!

Su Jin could not take this step before because it was difficult for the semi-sacred realm to carry 18,000 catties against the sky in an instant, but now he is a heaven-defying saint!

Unmatched strength, as if pressing the mountain with his back, after Su Jin stepped on the "Holy King True Body" of Zhongbeiye Nantian, Shengshengjiang had not yet removed the full strength of the "Juque" and carried it again...

The superposition of this second step increases the power exponentially, and the difficulty is also the most terrifying. Su Jin almost failed to carry it. It was impossible to achieve the idea in his mind for a moment, and he meant to give up, but he wanted To kill this not weak saint king, you must do it!

In the second step, Mai leaped up to 800 meters, his body was full of sacred power, this step was like a human sword, condensing all the'suppression of the road mark' that he had understood with his right foot, with a hideous face, he stepped heavily!


It was as if a thunderstorm fell from the sky. With this kick, the Saint King Kitano roared up to the sky, but he couldn't hide and was trampled on!

The stones splashed all around, the Saint King’s true body was crushed, and the place where the condensed blow of the void was stepped on, a black hole was guessed!

Beiye Nantian, the lord of "Ziyang City", a strong man in the Holy King Realm...


Su Jin stagnated in the void, covered his robe and hat on his head, turning into a stream of light and rushing towards the location of the ‘Bei Ye’ family.

On the west side, twenty miles away from the ruined city lord’s mansion, is the residence of the Kitano family.

In the Beiye family, many servants began to flee. The ‘Holy Ancestor of Beiye’ has long retired behind the scenes and is no longer the head of the family. The genius of Beiye Nan just now is!

Now that the Saint King’s Patriarch is dead, the servants feel the catastrophe, and fled to live better! Who can resist Su Tianzi's majestic power? No! Unless Saint Ancestor Beiye rushes, he is still in the sacred land of Jade Lake and his ancestor is damaged.

The streamer dragged by Su Jin in the sky gradually turned into a red ancestral dragon. The huge ancestral dragon was roaring at the Beiye family.

Rush in!

Boom boom boom! In the Kitano family, there are mountains and waters, covering dozens of miles, no less than 50 halls, and the scenery is beautiful!

But now the red ancestral dragon, winding and twisting, immediately ignited dozens of halls after rushing down, and melted three hundred-meter stone mountains, turning these stone mountains into stone soup!

The figures were chaotic, and many people attacked Su Jin, but they were all killed by Su Jin!

It’s no more appropriate to use this word to describe a tiger into the flock!

"I want to avenge my father!"

A girl with braids and a delicate face, but five or six years old, with a small face like white porcelain, she is really cute.

She was holding a short iron sword and rushed towards Su Tianzi...

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