My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1642: Five domain shock

"What? Brother Su actually has a hole card!"

Mu Tianhan's heart was extremely shocked, and the bright white Dragon King Orb, even if it was so far away, could still feel the majestic power contained in it, without knowing its origin.

"That's a Dragon King Orb!" The dozens of cultivators in Blizzard City, after all, were talented people with great insights, and took a breath of air when they reacted.

"The ancient dragon clan has prospered for a long time. There were tens of millions of dragons in that clan, and only one of them can become the dragon king."

"In this world, I don't know how many years there are dragons, let alone the dragon king!"

"No! Go back!"

Dozens of monks didn't help, but now they felt an aura of restlessness and destruction on Su Jin. That aura was too terrifying and made people feel powerless and hopeless.

Mu Tianhan's face changed suddenly, and he swept into the "Desolate City" one step at a time, hugged the crying little girl under his arm, and walked straight away for fifty miles, without even daring to delay her breath! This five- or six-year-old girl, the only seedling left in the deserted city, almost died in the city ruins.

Su Jin took a dragon king bead, and the white brilliance began to fit with the blood, as if there was a chemical reaction. The blood that wandered through the meridians all over his body, faintly circulated a touch of golden brilliance!

Immediately, Su Jin's muscles began to expand! A golden dragon phantom, wandering through the veins, and each vein is created with full resilience, far exceeding the previous tenacity!

Not only that!

In Su Jin's chest, the "Ren Channel" and the various acupoints of the "Du Channel" in the center of the back began to entangle a cloud of golden energy, and every acupuncture point contained a cloud of golden dragon phantom!

The acupuncture points of the human body have been traversed thousands of times. At this moment, the acupuncture points of Su Jin's body are constantly lighting up. The value of this Dragon King Pearl is no less than an ‘Ancestral Soldier’, and even more!

One hundred, two hundred, four hundred!

The acupuncture points at 486 are occupied by clusters of golden dragon phantoms, and the acupuncture points in the side branches are surrounded by a cloud of deep golden mist. Over time, a golden dragon phantom will appear on his body's acupoints!


Su Jin's black hair danced wildly, and he screamed up to the sky. 486 golden dragon shadows began to fit together, and there was a burst of dragon roars on him!

Left arm!

The magma-like color of the Ancestral Dragon Book began to fluctuate and flicker. This picture of the Ancestral Dragon Book began to split, and a touch of blood gleaming with golden brilliance cracked the skin, and a red stone dragon rushed out of it! This red stone dragon is no longer a virtual ancestor dragon!

When it appears, he roars directly into the sky and flies into the void!


A black warship, uncontrollable, directly floated out of the mountain **** Dachuan map. This warship was hung with a banner with the character ‘Zhen’, and its core was a robbery dragon! Born in response to the catastrophe, once it appeared, the thunder and lightning began to fall, and everything around was baptized by it!

In the sky, a fairy bridge, ups and downs, manifests itself, it is faintly visible that the long bridge is erected above a fairy pond, from which the white fairy dragon carries the billowing water waves and the endless fairy energy, opening the dragon’s mouth and biting the void Hollow, the void becomes its lair!

There are nine lairs, and the white fairy dragon shuttles through it, as if the ancient fairy king dragon is alive!

In the far north, the purple dragon manifested, swallowing aura, swallowing all the aura, this is Su Jin's purple dragon heaven!

The earth is cracking, the air is suffocating, and people's hearts are trembling!

"What, what is that!" Seeing a clear scene in the Northern Territory, Blizzard City, countless cultivators suddenly got up in shock.

Western Regions, Western Heavenly Buddha Kingdom. Buddhism is the most prosperous place today. There are Buddhas everywhere, and there are big Buddhas. Countless Buddhas stared to the north and saw a terrible scene!

In the domain! The two elders of Yaochi, King Kong Immortal Ancestor, Beidou Immortal Ancestor, and these two people are discussing with the rest of the holy ancestors to conquer Su Demon. Now they are horribly induced, soaring into the sky, seeing the appalling scene, suddenly not language.

And the feast of Yaochi is still going on, the goddess of Yin and Yang Tai Yuer, graceful and graceful, standing on the top of a mountain, watching from a distance, her heart is trembling...

"It deserves to be my Mo Yue's idol." The second in the Hundred Schools, Miss Mo Yue, looked at it with big aura eyes, and liked it a little bit more in her heart.

South Xinjiang.

In the sea of ​​red tide, the red tide had been beaten by one wave, and a monk in southern Xinjiang suddenly raised his head and looked north, and he also saw this scene of jaw dropping!

In the East!

"That's...that's Su Tianzi!" There was a monk in the Eastern Region, and he almost shed tears. After all, Tianzi Su first appeared in the Eastern Region, and now a few regions list him as a demon, but the Eastern Region cultivators don't think so. It's rare for such a demon to appear against the sky.

The cultivators of the Eastern Regions are very familiar. Only Su Tianzi can have the Zilong Tianxiang, and the second city ‘South Heaven Gate’ captured the true fairy pond in Yaochi, and the fairy dragon was able to coil around!

"It is said that Tianzi Su is the demon, but he killed the enemy, where is the demon!" The Eastern Region cultivator became indignant.

"In the Northern Territory, it has not been a day or two to fight for the first place in the Five Territories. My Eastern Region is listed as the weakest by them. Now we are suppressing Emperor Su and listed as the demon. I don't want to threaten their status in the future!" The monk said so.

"For countless years, there has been such a heaven-defying cultivator in the Eastern Region. Those strong ancestors are really shameless!"


It can be said that the five domains are shaking now! Even in several worlds outside the world, they have noticed a shocking scene. This scene happened in the Northern Territory, and the shock that caused people was both worrying and terrifying!

Above the ‘desolate city’, a black cloud condensed here, and the heavy snow flew wildly, the biggest one, the snowflakes are like fists!

"In the name of Su Tianzi, the lord of the Great China World, the Lower Realm Demon Swordsman Eleven, kneel down to receive the decree!" The voice spread throughout the Northern Territory. The **** of thunder punishment who was swallowed by the red ancestor dragon by Su Jin!

After being swallowed by Su Jin with the Ancestral Dragon Heavenly Book, this Thunder Punishment Divine Envoy has been imprisoned in the catalog of his left arm. He has been brainwashed and refined, and now he has completely converted to Su Tianzi!

"You let me... kneel!" Jian eleven woke up from the shock and looked up at the black cloud, his tone of madness and irritability radiated.

"Kneel to my lord Su Tianzi. If you don't kneel down to take the decree, I will drop the'Nine Prison God Thunder' and kill you to this place." The Lei Punishment God Envoy still has no emotion.


Jian Eleven roared up to the sky, his heart was full of unprecedented anger, and now he has lost his mind!

With this roar, this piece of void was split by Sword Eleven Roar, he desperately raised the arm of the Great Lord, and retracted the arm from the bottom of the deserted city!

The arm of the great master, terrifying, directly directed at the sky, violently sweeping!

The blue and green divine thunder began to condense, and the sword eleven's great arm swept across the road and the cloud, but it was domineering and reckless. He smashed the void and failed to prevent the ‘Nine Hell’s Thunder’ from descending!

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