My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1655: The return of his king!

The audience's attention!

Mo Yue's beautiful eyes widened as never before. The speaker is Su Jin! Her heart was pounding, her face flushed, and she was so excited.

When almost everyone bowed their heads to admit counsel, Su Tianzi stood up! Let these five-domain cultivators who call him the devil... look up!

No matter where it is, strength is king! The blue-headed lion demon king of the Yuanshi world is rampant and domineering, treating my five-domain monks as bugs, and even crushing and killing a genius in the'Lieyangmen', which is arrogant to the extreme.

"Who... is he?" A monk became nervous on the spot.

"Someone has already died in the hands of the Blue-headed Lion Demon King, and now another one is standing up. Do you want to be pinched to death by the other party? Courage is commendable, but living well is more important than anything else." The monks seemed unwilling to see just now. That scene.

"Maybe he can match this blue-headed lion demon king!"

"How can it be matched? The famous genius on the **** platform dare not say a word. On the second **** platform, there is Mu Tianhan, the son of Blizzard Lord, even he can bear it!"

"There is also Princess Tingxue from the Nalan Kingdom of southern Xinjiang. She is a divine body, but under the majesty of the Saint Demon King, she dare not make a mistake."

"Little King Jinpeng, dare not speak out."


National unity can make the country strong, but at this time many people are questioning the ability of the Qingpao monk. In the eyes of some people, Su Jin's behavior is undoubtedly no different from sending death! Some people even think he has a problem with his brain!

Miss Mo Jia looked around now, the corner of her mouth gently brought out a smile, and now Tianzi Su has changed his face, no one knows his true identity except for himself, if it is revealed, I am afraid it will scare everyone!

Guardian monk! As it should be! Worthy of being my idol of Moyue!

Miss Mo Jia felt proud and proud of her temperament! But one thing is one thing, the opponent is the blue-headed lion clan of Yuanshi Realm, or the realm of Saint King, if Su Jin explodes all his strength and no longer hides himself, he may have the power to fight.

But how can he stand out for the whole world without revealing his strength?

Difficulty! Mo Yue instinctively began to get nervous.

However, at the moment on the stage of the gods, there was a little doubt in the eyes of Emperor Shaoman, the green-robed monk felt a bit like someone...

Soon the emperor Shaoman burst into madness, and roared in his heart: "It's the boss!"

I don't know if it is out of excitement or something else, the Emperor Shaoman has completely burst into tears, a big man, a deposed prince! Now tears are streaming out, crying to death with a mud boy!

The boss once again helped him, wanting to save some face for everyone! The Emperor Shaoman himself feels alive and worthless. The prince of Chilan Kingdom, who was once beautiful, is now humiliated wantonly on the stage!

"Why are you crying?" Kou Niang looked helplessly at Emperor Shaoman, wondering if the prince had any spine, and she cried at every turn.

"Boss! It's the boss! Return of the king!" The Shaoman emperor let out a crazy roar, condensed into a line, and transmitted the sound to the ears of Kou Niang, Princess Tingxue, and the saint of the ancient tomb.

what? ? ?

The three daughters of Kou Niang were dumbfounded. But the three women thought carefully in their hearts, this behavior is indeed Su Jin's style, but now the green robe monk is very different from Su Tianzi in terms of appearance and appearance.

Be concerned by the audience.

Su Jin's whole body was filled with Confucianism and Taoism, and the purple aura continued to permeate, like a Taoist power, three flowers gathered on top of his head, his expression was cold and arrogant with disdain, step by step... Step into the void without any hurry!

Even the man and woman in the "Jin Luo Realm" looked at Su Jin. Just now, the blue-headed lion demon king pinched him to death with such a domineering Lieyang Sect monk, but he did not expect that some people would dare to come forward now.

It seems that it feels quite different. The two of Zhen Luojie secretly thought.

"Here is another bug! It's still a sacred bug. Your strength is very powerful in your realm, but in my Yuanshi are very ordinary!" The blue-headed lion demon king obviously didn't care. He was in the audience. Dare to provoke, let alone a young man in a holy realm?

"How do you want to die." Su Jin's face was Wu Jing.


The blue-headed lion demon king was furious, and the aura of the saint demon king spread out, and immediately he and the young genius of the'Lieyangmen' who had just pinched to death, violently condensed a thick black beast claw, which was a sweep against Su Jin. Pinch, he wanted to crush Su Shaosheng with the same attack!

See this scene.

Among the thousands of monks, most monks covered their eyes with one hand. In the eyes of this group of monks, the result was the same. The opponent was the Saint Demon King of the "Yuanshi Realm", and the Qingpao monk could not defeat it.


The fact did not happen, Su Jin's feet slipped out of blue light, and moved to other places, the Holy King Daohen couldn't suppress him! Even, there is no impact at all, and Shengsheng walked out of this claw!

The blue-headed lion was stunned.

In his opinion, none of these people's heads of bugs can catch his own claw, but now! Su Jin is like a okay person! Resolved in a relaxed posture, where did the force move?

"Exhibit your Demon King's true body, maybe it can still resist me a few blows." Su Jin looked at the Blue-headed Lion Demon King with a calm tone.

The speaker is unintentional, but the listener intends! In the eyes of the monks watching the battle, this sentence is almost overwhelming!

"Who is this person? Why did I never know?" Someone started to look at Su Jin again, and the ability to defuse the blue-headed lion's attack so easily is already impressive.

"Never heard of it, who of you knows his name?" Someone responded, sounding.

"Don't expect too much. The blue-headed lion clan is a high-ranking clan in the Yuanshi Realm. The blow just now is just a test of the feel."

"If I take two blows from this blue-headed lion demon king, I will go out and blow for a year! If I can take five blows from this blue-headed lion, I will blow for a hundred years! If I can kill this blue-headed lion, I will blow for a lifetime!" There is a monk Aroused bloody.

"It's almost impossible..." A cultivator slammed.

Now, the blue-headed lion demon king is very angry!

"Hmph! You bug has already provoked this king!" The blue-headed lion demon king was extremely angry, and his sturdy body suddenly shook.

The monks in the audience saw a blue lion phantom behind them! This scene made people feel uncontrollable fear. This Demon King didn't listen to Su Jin's opinion, but just showed his fate!

But even so, the void is constantly being shattered, like the birth of a world-destroying devil, and this blue lion-like phantom alone fills the void in that side, it is huge!

Mo Yue's heart was gripped. How could Su Jin sanction this arrogant blue-headed lion without exposing himself?

"Boom boom boom—"

The eardrums of the monks in the audience seemed to be shattered by the constant rumbling sound. When everyone stared at the green robe monk Su Jin, it was immediately unbelievable!

Su Jin's face was flat and straightened! Show pride!

In the acupuncture points in his body!

There are over a thousand acupoints on the human body! One by one golden dragon phantoms occupies 486 of them. At this moment, these golden dragon phantoms are shining crazily!

Glittering golden light!

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