My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1658: Wan Shi Lin

"Four star lights were placed on the coffin of the gods."

A monk was very excited, and then said: "She must be the God King before the Era. Without a doubt, she is in the divine coffin and fell into the'weak water'. She may want to live a lifetime again, but for some reason she failed."

"This water must not be stepped on. If you use your body technique to skim into the air and drop to the coffin, I wonder if you can remove the divine coffin!" There was an old man with white hair, the Holy King, who was quite eager. His deadline is approaching. Many, if you don't fight, you really won't have a chance.

"Even if you can't remove the coffin and take away a star lamp above the coffin, this trip will not come in vain." Old Sage Wang thought.

However, just when the old saint king wanted to do it, more than a dozen rectification shadows had already swept into the air!

The old Saint King who immediately provoked a glaring glared, he rushed into the sky without hesitation, hoping to win the coffin of the gods from the hands of the younger gang!

Su Jin's face sank.

Without thinking about it, he turned around and left immediately. His behavior at the scene made people feel puzzled. Two people had already watched Su Shao leave in confusion, and did not anticipate the imminent danger.

A large swath of red suddenly appeared in the distance of the cyan weak water. At first, this group of people hadn't noticed it. It was extremely difficult to **** the weak water and air, as if there was an inexplicable force pulling the body!

You know, this ‘weak water’ can’t even float on a feather. The attraction from the river makes the monks who want to **** the coffin of the gods uncomfortable.

"What are those red shadows? Could it be that there are fish in the'weak water'?" The ring dance saint raised her snow-white arm and pointed at the red shadow group that moved quickly in the distance.

"No! Go back!" The **** son Baili felt tight and directly reminded him, regardless of his posture, he turned around and ran away.

The red shadow group was full of dozens of miles. When the **** son of Baili left with his sister and fiancée, the dozen or so monks who were weak in the water and air felt fear, but their legs were as if they were trapped in the mire, they couldn't evacuate in time!

Nearly a thousand monks stepped back together, as they looked far away, they still hadn't seen what the red shadow group in the "weak water" was!

However, a dozen people on the weak water and air are the most intuitive to see!

It's okay if I don't see it, as soon as I see it... all my faces paled with fright, and the Six Souls got up!

"Crocodile, there are red crocodiles in the weak river!" A dozen monks scrambled in the sky, trying to evacuate the shore.

"Ancient weak water **** crocodile!" The old saint king relied on his high cultivation base to turn his life around, but with his efforts, he could only get to the edge of the weak water.

The next second-

Dozens of red crocodiles rushed out of the water!

Each of these red crocodiles was two meters in length, with red fleshy wings on the scales on both sides of the back, directly culling more than a dozen monks in the air.



There were screams and screams, and the old saint king didn't even dare to look back. When he saw the river in front of him, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he was finally safe!


A three-hundred-foot-long crocodile king, drilled out of the water, bitten the old holy king away and sank into the water!

In addition to the monks who had just entered, a total of two thousand people saw this terrible scene.

And the divine coffin in the middle of the river, no one dared to make an idea anymore!

"Even the strong saint king was taken away." Baili Yunshang Huarong paled. There were ten people in her Baili family this time, and her brother Baili Shenzi was also there. Advantages, but now it is directly cut off from thinking, it is impossible.

"A bunch of stupid monks!" Su Jin cried secretly.

Su Jin moved quickly. Everyone at the scene was attracted by the "Divine Coffin" and the Crocodile King, but no one left here, and he went west for the first time...

Because every river is narrow and wide!

Sure enough to go west, Su Jin used the'Happy Streaming Light Technique' to drive about a hundred miles, and he could directly see the other side of the river. Although it is not the narrowest, it is about 500 meters to the other side of the river. Su Shao did not want to waste time. I intend to be the first to cross this weak water.

Su Jin stepped on the pace fiercely, and the whole person flew over the weak water, but immediately felt that the majestic power was pulling him down!

The higher you fly, the more powerful you can pull! Su Jin immediately stuck to the surface of the water, exuding terrifying power, resisting the weird and inexplicable'weak water' influence.

If it is normal, the five hundred meters can be passed in a flash. After all, the mystery of Xiaoyao Streaming Light is there, but now!

After ten breaths, Su Jin took about a hundred meters away, and the clear "weak water" under his feet was bottomless~~~

Suddenly, Su Jin was slightly startled.

In the water, there was a waterfall of two meters of snow-white long hair, which gradually came into view. It was a water monster, with a delicate face, slightly pointed corners of the eyes, and a pair of breathtaking eyes. The whole body was so perfect that it could not be perfect, white and tender. , Almost like a mermaid in the water.

"Hehe." Su Jin sneered, his foot suppressed the mark spreading over the water.


The water monster's pretty face changed drastically, and he opened his mouth and squeaked twice. Although his appearance was good, his sharp canine teeth did destroy the overall beauty!

This water monster is much smarter than the red crocodiles. The human form has excellent intelligence, and he knows how to wait for the prey in the narrow river. Unfortunately, the first one met Su Tianzi and suffered a lot. No minor injuries.

No surprises and no dangers.

Su Jin finally stepped on the land on the opposite shore. The groggy area made people feel a little uncomfortable. He went straight to the north. After picking a few spirit grasses, he finally made a big discovery!

It turns out that this pre-Era continent was also inhabited by humans. And it's still by this weak river!

What shocked Su Jin even more was that when he walked into a village, he found some petrified old trees.

A stone corpse hung on every old tree!

In the distant epoch, even the villagers could easily cultivate into the holy stone body.

One, ten, one hundred, one thousand!

Ten Thousand Dead Forest!

The atmosphere was depressing and unspeakable. In the drowsy environment, there was a corpse hanging on every old tree. Some villagers in the Holy Land seemed to take the initiative, and some were more like being hung on it.

What happened to this continent back then?

The ‘Maha Town Prison Eye’ at the center of Su Jin’s eyebrows opened, but when this ancient pupil technique was born, it was already after the epoch, and it was impossible to see the last time of the year on this continent!

Unknowingly, Su Jin continued to move forward, the terrifying and terrifying environment continued until he walked out of the ‘forest of ten thousand corpses’. Su Tianzi climbed to the top of a gray 100-meter mountain...

Looking far away.

Ten miles away from the mountain peak, an open and flat land was faintly visible, but then, this ancient continent continued to shock Young Master Su!

Suddenly, Su Jin's heart shook, and he saw a terrible scene that he had never seen before, which was very unusual.

"That is……"

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