My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1661: Turned into a bone god?


How can it appear at this time!

Rong Qingqing was screaming in her heart, but she found that sister Yuyan's face was filled with doubts, her cheeks were flushing, and she was obviously the same as herself, all poisoned by ‘Dechuncao’!

"Su Tianzi's beautiful wife~~~ Tsk tsk tsk!" The black robe man retracted his hand, and Jie Jie Jie began to smile, "If something happens to you, will the Rong family be wiped out?"


Rong Qingqing gritted her teeth. Sure enough, this old thief had this idea. She really didn't want something to happen. She guaranteed it. She would rather die by herself than hurt the entire Rong family!

"" Xia Yuyan suddenly understood the seriousness of the situation.

"As you think, I just want to use the hand of Su Tianzi to get rid of the Rong family! Even if the death is incomplete, the Rong family will fall! To avenge the blood and blood!"

The black-robed man directly changed the target, no longer chose to touch Rong Qingqing's little face, and rushed towards Xia Yuyan!

"Old thief! Go and die!"

Rong Qingqing exhausted all his body's strength, and at the moment of the moment, his hand pressed a piece of organ on the back wall!

The entire wooden building suddenly burst into the sky with a burst of purple light!

The black-robed man's face changed drastically, and the sacred stone body was instantly unfolded. He still maintains the posture of walking towards Xia Yuyan, but he can't move directly on the spot!

what's the situation!

Heipao people have never heard of such a terrible organ hidden in Rong Qingqing's residence! What's more, what scares him is still behind!

A giant snow-white hand, directly through the roof, peeked out of the purple beam of light, that snow-white five fingers were crystal clear!

"Ancestral Realm!" The black robe roared.


The giant snow-white hand is like holding a chicken, holding him in his hand, closing the palms of his hands in no hurry, and the stone body below the neck of the black-robed man is directly crushed!

A head rolled down!

The true spirit of the black robe man roared silently, and the true spirit's eyes were full of fear.

"The ancestor is forgiving." The silent true spirit of the black robe man said four words very accurately.

The purple light in the wooden building faded, and there was already a woman with silver hair in the living room. After this woman appeared, she raised her hand at the two women!

There was a burst of pink in the skin of the two women, and the poison was forced out by life. After finishing the work, Rong Qingqing's power began to be unfettered, and he went straight to hug the incense burner on the desk and threw it through the window. Get out!

"Thank you grandma for help!" Rong Qingqing said with excitement.

Xia Yuyan's flushed face faded, her frosty expression rarely showed gratitude, and she nodded at Grandma Rong Jiazu.

"General Manager Fan, the blood disaster 30 years ago was very widespread. My Rong family did not take action against your family. Not only did they fail to do so, but even when I knew your true identity, I asked you to be my Rong family’s. Manager! I didn't expect you to still want to attack the Rong family."

Grandma Rong’s grandmother looked at General Manager Fan’s true spirit, and her cold light flickered, “Since you are so rebellious, I will capture your true spirit and wrap it in the wick of the ghost for thousands of years. If the true spirit is still alive, go to the ghost mansion and reincarnate!"

The black robe man turned out to be the director Fan who blamed his subordinates!

However, it is almost impossible for the true spirit to last for thousands of years on the ghost wick, let alone ten thousand years! This is to make him disappear in this world forever!

"He turned out to be Manager Fan!"

After saying that Rong Qingqing didn't believe it, kicked the head on the ground, and immediately covered his small mouth, his face was full of surprises.

In this way, fortunately, Xia Yuyan was in peace, Rong Qingqing himself was relieved. In the situation just now, if it weren't for grandma's move, the two of them would definitely not end up.


The Rong family incident is just an episode.

At this moment in the remote ‘Ancient Continent’, Su Jin had already bypassed that ‘Yin Mountain’, although he had walked a considerable distance away.

But the breath of the ‘Yin Mountain’ is still thrilling, and it makes people feel emotional and cannot be calmed for a long time.

Without stopping, Su Jin headed northward, going further and further.

Gradually, the wind became stronger, and the robes of the green robe were hunting and hunting.

Su Jin stepped into a confused white world with white bones under his feet. When he walked on it, the bone meal in the distance was like sand, and was blown up by the wind. It was all desolate. This bone land did not know what happened back then. What's wrong, Su Shao feels like a main battlefield of **** battles, a deserted place.

Suddenly, Su Jin stopped in this white bone region!

"I have a mantle and heritage, you are willing to take it."

A trace of Dao marks escaped around, and the voice was thick and heavy, and Su Shao heard it.

"What is your heritage?" Su Jin asked lightly.

"Undead Iron Axe Great God." The inheritance Dao Mark from the pre-Era, condensed again, and made a sound.

Su Jin was silent.

This inheritance of the gods must be fancy that his infant spirit is the Skeleton King. Now that he is angry, the Skeleton King is still nourishing it, and there may be mysterious changes in the future.

"Are there any requirements?" Su Jin asked again, looking up.

"Washing away the mottles and transforming into a bone **** will last forever." The mysterious and strange voice reappeared, and there was a kind of overbearing in the tone that was hard to conceal.

"Can it go against the sky?" Su Jin asked calmly.

"No." As if thinking, Dao Mark's condensed voice responded later.

Hearing this, Su Jin shook his head, "I won't answer."

The reason for not accepting is very simple, because inheritance is one thing, and being able to carry forward is another matter. There are many inheritors in the five domains, who are still not strong enough to reach the point of guarding the sky. Princess Tingxue of Southern Xinjiang is an example. She is a divine body, and she has achieved the ability to communicate with God, and she is still defeated in her own hands.

Moreover, taking over this inheritance meant eliminating all his spells, which he couldn't do.

Continue to go.

Half a stick of incense time passed, Su Jin walked and realized that he walked out of this bone land, and fifty miles away from his right hand, a black cloud was rolling, and there seemed to be a faint swimming fish in it!

Su Jin had no expression on his face. In his eyes, those swimming fish were all a kind of Dao marks, and the black cloud billowing was a chaotic area, in which there was no way of inheritance.

With one hand behind him, one hand dropped or raised at will, Su Jin finally walked into the black chaotic zone.

In the dark clouds, as if in the deep sea, the blue-glowing "fishing fish" was actually a touch of sword marks, which existed in the chaotic kendo inheritance!

"You have a sword to match my mantle, and you are willing to take it." Another voice came.

"Price." Su Jin didn't even want to talk more about nonsense.

Su Jin understood very well that the sword refers to the ‘Juque’, this saint soldier can grow, and his future achievements are limitless!

"Washing away the dross is a mantle of my peerless sword god."

"Can you change your fate against the sky?"


"I won't pick up~~~"

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