My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 167: Poisoned you

"Thank you." Zhong Man nodded.

"Don't be so nervous, since everyone knows each other, they will all be friends in the future." Su Jin seemed to have thought of something and was a little bit happy. He had poached Xie Dazhi from the Civic Group earlier, and watched Zhong Man's etiquette. It is quite in place, and very temperamental, and the work must be very good. I don’t know if I have a chance to dig it away in the future...

However, this idea was rejected by him as soon as it came out. If he did this again, it is estimated that Lin Siyan would have to go crazy no matter how good the relationship is with him. He still gave up this shameless idea.


"Sit down. Since President Lin is not here, it is good for us to have a chat." Su Jin said to her.

Zhong Man was originally treated as Su Jin first, so he was naturally very attentive to his invitation. After all, she was talking with him. This is where she is very good at it, so she didn't shy away and sat in Su Jin. On the other side, started to chat with him without a word.

As time passed slowly, Su Jin became more and more aware that Zhong Man, this beauty is very smart, and that being a secretary is a shameless talent, but these are people's own business, and he can't say anything.

"President Su, you are finally here." Lin Siyan smiled and walked in. She naturally couldn't leave the meeting beforehand, so she rushed over as soon as the meeting was over.

Seeing Lin Siyan's arrival, Zhong Man got up and said, "Mr. Lin, you guys talk, I'm going to work."

Lin Siyan nodded and watched Zhong Man leave and close the door, she couldn't help but walk to Su Jin lightly and sit down.

"What are you polite to me?" Su Jin said with a smile.

"Of course, they miss you." Lin Siyan showed a trace of fatigue on her face, tilted her head on Su Jin's shoulder, and said relaxedly.

Su Jin sniffed the scent from her, nodded and said, "Beauty, you should find a boyfriend."

"Aren't you my boyfriend?" Lin Siyan immediately became energetic, raised her head and looked into his eyes and asked.

"Forget it?" Su Jin asked in a daze.

"Of course, forget it, you won't just eat and wipe your face and refuse to recognize people!" Lin Siyan asked nervously.

"It's just a joke with you. It scared you." Su Jin put his hand on her lap and closed his eyes. In fact, he has a lot of things to ask her, but it feels a little inappropriate. After all, she Civic Group It is also a big consortium in Qincheng.

"Don't say such things in the future, okay." Lin Siyan put her arms around Su Jin's neck and said with a pitiful pouting.

Su Jin secretly called a fairy, turned his head and looked at her eyes, "If you charm me like this again, don't blame me for moving you."

"You move, come, I am not afraid of you!"

"Lin Siyan, are you poisonous!"

"That was your poison too! Ah..."



That's it, 1 hour later.

Lin Siyan sweated and hooked Su Jin's arm with one arm, her eyes blurred, she sighed in Su Jin's ear and said, "You are so bad."

Su Jin looked at Lin Siyan and said with a smile: "I have a little thing to ask you."

"If you have something to say, please." Lin Siyan gave him a blank look and decided in her heart that she agreed to everything.

"What are you doing in such a hurry?"

"I'm going to buy medicine! Damn, how can you do this..."

"Oh, I see, that's it." Su Jinqiang held back a laugh, and then told her about Li Qing.

However, he did not tell the truth. Instead, he said that the Lijian Security Company was opened by himself. The boss behind the scenes was himself. The others did not say anything. He just hoped that Lin Siyan would use all the quotas in the security system of the Civic Group. Give it to Lijian Company, I believe this will be of great benefit to him.

"That's it?" Lin Siyan asked in a daze.

"Yes." Su Jin said.

"It's a trivial matter. I thought there was a big deal. I can just ask you to send someone off in the future. In our group's security system, people leave every day. I will recommend your company to my friends in the future." Lin Siyan said.

"Really good." Su Jinduo glanced at her figure.

Poisonous, such a Bai Fumei, I am afraid that millions of men will not be able to hold it when they see it, but it is a pity that she has become her own woman!

"Are you doing anything?" Lin Siyan looked at him and asked.


"Then can you go buy it for me?"

"Yes, but I'm afraid of being discovered by someone with a heart."

What Su Jin said is not a lie. If it is exposed in this way, it will not be good for him and Lin Siyan. It is better for her to buy this kind of thing by herself after get off work.

"Hey, I can't stand you anymore, I'll go by myself after get off work." Lin Siyan said.

Su Jin shrugged, "If you are busy, you can do it."

"No, it's rare for you to come here. I just finished the meeting today. I have finished the work in the morning. If there is any, it will not be too late to deal with it tomorrow." Lin Siyan sat back next to Su Jin and started talking. .

This talk was one afternoon.

In the evening, Su Jin left the Civic Group, but during this time he called Li Qing and asked him about the security of the Civic Group. Of course, Li Qing was agitated. This is a big deal! And Su Jin’s effect is much better than theirs!

Su Jin drove the car, but when he was about to enter the Xia Family Group, something unexpected happened to him. He was stopped, but the person who stopped him made him frown.

So, he got out of the car, looked at Yang Zi who had a bit of hatred towards him, and said lightly: "What do you want to do?"

"I want to talk to you!" Yang Zi was wearing a light blue long dress and looked at Su Jin coldly in his eyes.

"I refuse." Su Jin shook his head.

Yang Zi didn't look pleasing to the eye, and there was no intersection between the two, and even the two rarely communicated. They weren't his own woman. He didn't want to waste time on this.

"You have to talk to me." Yang Zi didn't want to leave before Su Jin's car.

Su Jin frowned, "What if I don't?"

"Then do you believe it, the madness of a mean woman!" Yang Zi put his hand behind his neck, with a belt there!

As long as she unlocks it, the consequences will be unthinkable!

This woman is crazy! You know this is at the door of the house, now it's time to get off work...

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