My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1671: He is Su Tianzi!

"Do you also wear women's saints? Ha ha, who is abnormal?"

Linghuo Palace monk Yang Yandong, wearing a golden robe, stretched out his hands and kept trying to take off the'holy clothes' from Emperor Shaoman, and said lightly: "It just so happens that my junior sister needs a holy robe. Taking it away is perfect. ."

"Does the Yang family, among the philosophers' hundreds of families, behave like this? Do you know who I am?" The Emperor Shaoman insisted on ‘chaste’ and asked Yang Yandong angrily.

"The prince of Chilan Kingdom was only abolished, a waste." Yang Yandong was a little impatient with the struggle of the Emperor Shaoman.

Shaomanhuang's nose was sore. Yes, he is just a deposed prince, and he has no hope of becoming the emperor of Chilan Kingdom. It is normal to be looked down upon.

"You let me go, I will take it off for you." The Emperor Shaoman suddenly released his hand and gave up resistance.

"Hurry up, take it off for everyone to see."

Yang Yandong has just obtained the inheritance of the "Qingyan God" this morning, and his self-confidence is already in the forefront of the young geniuses in the current five domains. Moreover, the Yang family of the "Hundred Scholars" has hopes from 15th place. Leaping into the top ten existence is all because of the inheritance of the divine residence.

The Emperor Shaoman glanced around, with a little embarrassment on his face. In addition to the girls of his own Kou Niang, among the 15 members of the Spirit Fire Palace, there are five or six female disciples. Now the women's saint clothing is a bit close... …

No... not so easy to take off.

"Hurry up! What is it?" A young monk urged in the Spirit Fire Palace.

The Emperor Shaoman gritted his teeth cruelly, closed his eyes and began to untie his robe, and finally took off his close-fitting saint robe. The shirtless man was covered by a pair of boxer briefs below his waist, his face was as embarrassed as a red butt!

"Hahaha, red." Yang Yandong pointed at Shaomanhuang's red boxer briefs and laughed heartily.

There was also a burst of laughter from the monk in the Spirit Fire Palace behind. At this moment, Emperor Shaoman wanted to find a hole to get in. The other party obviously took pleasure in making fun of him. After all, he was a deposed prince, and humiliating him naturally had a sense of accomplishment.


A **** ship broke through the gray fog and rolled away!

Su Jin searched for this all the way, he had planned to pick up Shaomanhuang and the others. He used the "Maha Town Prison Eye" to find several people, but he didn't expect to see this scene when he rushed over.

At this moment, this scene touches the scene. Emperor Shaoman is like a student who was bullied at school, was ridiculed and asked for money, but he was helpless. The strength of the opponent is simply beyond his imagination!

Long Yingru was standing next to Su Jin at the bow of the ship. Seeing this situation, her face suddenly became angry. Anyway, she is also friends with Emperor Shaoman. Now...

She just wanted to talk.

Su Jin raised his hand and stepped off the'Nine Elephant Flying Boat', with a calm face, step by step in the void, towards the place where the Emperor Shaoman was.

"Brother, is that enough?" The Emperor Shaoman took out a cigarette and lit the one that hadn't come yet.

"What pretend to be!" Yang Yandong slapped the cigarette on his mouth, suddenly changed his face and said: "Kneel me down! Knocking three times, my lord does not remember the villain, let you leave alive."

The Emperor Shaoman sighed deeply, his face full of helplessness, he sipped his lips, nodded, just bend his knees—


A calm voice appeared at this time.

Suddenly, the emperor Shaoman raised his head, his eyes turned red in an instant, the wind was too strong, his eyes got a piece of sand, and his eyes were lost~~

The audience's attention!

Su Jin walked from the mist, step by step, full of powerful demeanor, his bluish-white hair, his face was extremely calm. Kou Niang's expressions relaxed, they knew Su Tianzi would find themselves, but they didn't expect it to be so timely.

The saint of the ancient tomb has a faster heartbeat, and even she doesn’t know why she is. Maybe after a period of contact, she knows the nature of Su Tianzi. Now Su Jin’s expression is calm, but in the eyes of the girls, That is the rhythm to kill people.

"Who are you?" Yang Yandong's face changed suddenly, and he took a few steps back, feeling Su Jin's extraordinary. When he tried his best to find the inheritance before, he didn't know the situation, he had never seen Su Jin before, and he didn't know the relationship between him and Shaomanhuang.

But he has heard of Su Tianzi's reputation!

"Master, brother, he is Su Tianzi~~~" There was a sister in the Spirit Fire Palace, looking at Su Jin who was walking with excitement on her face, feeling nervous, she did not expect to see the legendary character now.

"Emperor Su?" Yang Yandong smiled suddenly, just arched his hands and wanted to give a gift, only to find that Su Jin's figure disappeared.

Next second~~~

Extreme speed, show!

Yang Yandong felt that the world was black, his neck was grasped by a big hand, and it was tightened so hard that he felt unbearable!

Su Jin tilted his head, his eyes were cold, and said slowly: "My Su Jin’s brother, you can bully? Don’t say you are a member of a hundred families, even if you are the lord of several holy places and realms, A strong emperor, you don't deserve to stand in front of him!"

The sky is falling! The cultivators of the Spirit Fire Palace were all dumbfounded, this, this Shaoman Emperor is actually brothers with Emperor Su! Don't know the news at all! This is also to blame for their poor news in the Spirit Fire Palace, how can they know that such a relationship exists.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding--" Yang Yandong suffocated his face, couldn't move his throat, and felt a life and death crisis.

"Tianzi Su! Please spare our brother Yang, don't kill him..." A young man from the Spirit Fire Palace said timidly.

"Yes, yes, the Yang family of the various schools of thought has a distant relationship with the royal family of the'Zhenluo Realm', please think twice~~~"

"When he came, the ancestor of the Yang family asked for a magic talisman from the realm master to let someone from the realm to take care of one or two. It's on Brother Yang's body, which can be used as evidence!" And the spiritual fire palace monk said.

Su Jin tilted his head, there was still no fluctuation on his face.

In the blink of an eye, Yang Yandong's body filled with stone! He didn't know when he grabbed the magic talisman in his hand and crushed it directly. Not only that, a blue terrifying flame rushed directly from the soles of his feet to his whole body. This is the inheritance of the "Blue Flame God" he obtained!


Su Jin's hand was like an eagle's claws, directly scratching Yang Yandong's neck and throat, and a handful of stone chips were raised by his side, his face expressionless.

"Cuckoo~~~" Yang Yandong clutched his neck, his whole body faded, and a bunch of blood came out with despair in his eyes.

Boom boom boom~~~

As Yang Yandong smashed the magic talisman just now, a beautiful phantom appeared not far away, gradually condensing into a solid body, and walking in one step!

That beauty turned out to be one of the two people who descended from the realm of Zhenluo. She wore a Chinese dress, her eyes were ethereal, her face was covered with a piece of snow, and she was so holy! Even when she appeared, every hair and every detail could be noticed.

Eye-catching to the point of incredible.

Su Jin knew that the trouble was coming, so he didn't hesitate to raise his arm directly, holding a scroll in his palm!

Unexpectedly, the "Acacia Picture" was launched!

I took it!

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