My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1674: Girl riding a black elephant

One hour, two hours passed.

More and more monks are entering the black dragon corpse boat, and there is no danger. More and more monks can't restrain their anxiety and begin to climb on the back of the dragon corpse and enter the "Buried Heaven God Realm"!

Even the son of Baili couldn't resist the temptation, and walked into it with the holy girl of ring dance and others.

In an instant, the waiting monks walked as much as ninety-nine percent! At the end, there was only one woman standing in place.

Miss Mo Family Mo Yue, in fact, had already spotted Su Jin's figure. He hesitated to wait for him to go in, but she was very surprised when she saw that Su Tianzi didn't leave.

"Can I get on your boat?" Mo Yue walked into the void, looking at Su Jin, who was still on the bow, with a smile on his face.

"Of course welcome!" Su Jin nodded.

Mo Yue walked up and saw Long Yingru and other beautiful beauties in the room. Looking at Su Jin, a fanatical admiration appeared in her eyes and asked: "Everyone is in, why are the idols still hesitating? "

Petite Xinxiang's body was close, Su Jin lowered his head and glanced in front of her, but Mo Yue's cheeks were blushing and she dared not look at her eyes.

"Waiting for a result." Su Jin retracted his gaze, secretly shocked Miss Mo Yue's figure cost, but smiled faintly on his mouth.

"The result?" Mo Yue glanced at the dragon corpse boat and asked puzzledly.

Su Jingang wanted to explain that hundreds of bonfires were suddenly blown out by the wind, and sparks were blown ten feet away! At this time, a black phantom mist turned into the state of the old man, formed from the fire, and walked towards the place where Su Jin was.

"Little friend, when the lecture is about to begin, why not bring your wife and relatives to listen to the truth?" The old man who turned into a black mist looked at Su Jin with a smile and asked.

"Are you the great power who confuses everyone here?" Su Jin asked coldly.

"Tomorrow I will sit down, and Hong Chen has nothing to do with me. You have a relationship with me, and you are also a monk against the sky. I saw the shadow in you. So, let's go with me!" The old man stroked his beard. Said.

"You haven't seen it yet?" Su Jin suddenly said to the old man.

"What do you see?" The old man asked in a daze, startled.

"I'm waiting for you to die—"

Su Jin's voice was icy cold, the ‘Mahe Town Prison Eye’ between his eyebrows opened, and the red glow shuffled for several feet, directly enveloping the strange old man, making it into nothingness!

Mo Yue and a few girls covered their small mouths, and couldn't believe what they saw. The shadow of the strong man who was going to give a lecture was killed by Su Jin!

It was an accident, caught off guard!

"Why—" Mo Yue was caught off guard, and hadn't figured out the situation.

"This is the result of my answer to you." Su Jin nodded.

Su Jin was still a little uncertain before. After all, he hadn't done his speech for a long time. This is not like a power that is about to die. If he says that the other party is a monk against the sky, he believes this, but the saying goes well. Steal from rape!

After Su Jin completely refined the phantom of the old man, the old man's voice appeared in all directions:

"For countless years~~~ The thief God forbids me to survive against the sky. I accepted my fate, but refused to obey it! That year, I made a coffin with five-color clay, arranged everything, and buried myself in this black dragon boat. , I tried to use this to resist the years and delay aging, but the old body is too decayed to look like~~"

Then the old voice began to appear again.

"However, although I can't go against the sky, I can change my life! Su Tianzi, you are my chance, let me live a lifetime again!"

Hearing that, all the faces on the Nine Elephant Flying Boat changed!

The other party called everyone to go, but there was only one purpose, and that was Su Jin! Seize his body, destroy his true spirit, and then enter into the Lord by himself, for a bright and sunny life!

"I really thought that if you didn't want to enter, I couldn't help it? It's just a little effort, it's not important... Dou Zhuan Xing Yi!"

Boom boom boom~~~

This piece of land began to vibrate, and the deep void was no longer the sky in an instant, and this person was so powerful that it was terrifying!

Su Jin's complexion changed suddenly, and he was unable to resist it. The secret method of "Fighting and Star Transfer" directly removed his own sky and replaced it with the space in the Black Dragon Corpse Boat!

"It's just a loser!" Su Jin's face was cold, without the slightest fear in his heart, he directly took the'Nine Elephant Flying Boat' into the bone ring.

Looking around, Long Yingru, Mo Yue and others did not know where they were transferred. At this moment, his eyes were wide open, and he did not expect that there would be something outside of the refined "Black Dragon Corpse Boat". Happening.

In the open view, the sunlight is warm and the environment is like spring all year round.

There are green trees in the distance, and there are small streams near by, and springs dingdong. There are even a few swimming fish, struggling to swim.

Su Jin's face was solemn, and he looked towards the source of the stream with a puddle of red, and he began to walk towards that place——

Above the creek, there is a waterfall cliff with moss, and below it is a deep pool with no bottom. The reason why the red color appears is naturally that there is blood flowing down!

Su Jin stepped to the top of the waterfall, and finally saw the tingling of his scalp.

This kind of scene made him reluctant to see, because this kind of evil method is extremely vicious to the extreme, and people will be horrified and shudder at the first glance. Remember when entering the ‘Ancient Continent’ and passing the ‘weak water’. The trees in that village were covered with corpses.

Now there is a dense forest and stone road on the cliff above the waterfall. Three live corpses have been hung on both sides of the road. A female nun is still twitching even after her death!

"Five domain cultivator." Su Jin took a deep breath.

How did they die? Su Jin didn't think about it, but saw that blood holes appeared in the heart of the three corpses. The heart was dug out and then hung on the tree.


A horrified cry for help appeared in Su Jin's ear, and he disappeared in one step, quickly rushing to the place of the cry for help.


For a moment on the ancient tree shaped like a candle dragon, the girl's eyes widened, and the flying sword in her hand was still grasping, she was killed by someone and hung on the old tree!

An anger surged from the bottom of Su Jin's heart, and he opened the eyes of Maha Town Prison, reversing the scene that had just appeared!

Grey-black tentacles! Su Jin was stunned.

The black tentacles, which resemble snakes, manifest in the void, and may appear almost at any time. Once they are touched, the sharp fingers will directly penetrate the human body, cutting continuously, burning without burning, and cannot stop it!


A mile away, a clear voice appeared, pulling Su Jin's thoughts back, he turned his head and walked towards the voice.

When he arrived, the girl Su Jin saw...

It turned out to be the girl riding a black elephant!

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