My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1676: Going to start

Inside the scarlet foggy dragon corpse, the strange atmosphere was still spreading.

The emperor Shaoman's eyes were round, and he was so surprised that he could put an egg in his mouth. In addition, seeing the faces of Kou Niang and Long Yingru were equally astonished and surprised.

"The two bosses--" Emperor Shaoman's scalp was numb, and the clothes were soaked with cold sweat behind his back. He looked at the two people back and forth in shock and chose to back off directly.

Kou Niang, Long Yingru, Ancient Tomb Saintess, and Princess Tingxue left the Su Jin beside them for the first time. They also had strong doubts about Su Tianzi beside Fu Qianmo.

"What's the matter?" Kou Niang bit her head and asked in a low voice, even she couldn't figure out the situation.

"Two Emperor Su, what happened?" There was also a monk, his face pale and retreated, the strange situation made people feel unclear.

"The boss has not left our sight just now, the black elephant girl is definitely a fake boss!" Shaoman Huang said nervously.

"Are you sure?" Princess Xue gave a look at Shaomanhuang.

"Not sure!" Shaomanhuang smiled bitterly, "but which of the two of them is true? I can't tell."

"When I was transferred in, I couldn't see anything for a moment. I felt that the one standing next to us...was a fake." The saint of the tomb flushed and said her opinion.

Of course Su Jin himself knew at this moment that the opposite was definitely a false self. He didn't grind at all, and directly shook his right arm...

The ghost qilin soul turned into an entity and ran away directly!

The fake on the opposite side smiled coldly and made the same actions as him, generally no different!

"Human heads make wine glasses and drink all the blood of the enemy! Xiongtai, do you know where this poem comes from!"

Su Jin leaked a little bit of talent, jumped up while talking about poems, raised his fist, and smashed it directly.

Boom boom boom! The two fists collided, and the red spirit filled the surroundings!

The mountain suddenly shook. In this black dragon corpse boat, the opponent made the same action as himself, and his strength was not inferior to him.

Five steps backward at the same time!

"Human heads make wine glasses? Wow! The boss is extremely talented and coquettish, the opposite is definitely the real boss!" Shaomanhuang blushed and roared.

However, the other girls looked helplessly at this deposed prince. The head turned a little fast. Didn't it just say that the one beside her was the real one?

"I am you, and you are me, and I know everything about you." The other party finally opened his mouth, and the same spirit showed: "I am still bitter, and there are screams everywhere in the southeast! You... can be seen from where!"

Shaomanhuang was dumbfounded.


The two Su Jins, one true and the other false, each showed their talents, and for a time turned everyone onlookers into a puzzle.

"Bissau, right? You're a mess, wait for me." Su Jin didn't do anything again. He knew that fakes could never be real, so he took out a pack of cigarettes and pulled out one lightly. Tap it~~~

The smell of smoke permeated this small area.

"Little panda brand, wow~~ it smells so good--" The Emperor Shaoman moved his nose, and his drunken face was full of ecstasy, but soon his expression changed drastically, and he greeted the others to retreat and said, "No. ! The one who just followed us is a fake! Attention everyone!"

Long Yingru was stunned.

Fortunately, there was Shaomanhuang just now, and a few girls were getting along with each other, and none of them were taken advantage of by this fake Su Jin, otherwise it would be fine! But now it's really scary if you think carefully, this fake has been leading the way, and I don't know where to take them.

Smoking a cigarette, Su Jin squinted at the silent fake opposite.

"It's about to start." The fake Su Jin suddenly raised his head, looking at Su Tianzi and said.

What do you mean?

Everyone is in the mist, now everyone clearly knows who is the real one, because even Su Tianzi's brother has seen through the true and false, and now that the fake is undisputed, now he has said strange things.

After the fake Su Jin finished speaking, the figure gradually began to fade, then fade again, until it turned into nothingness, and disappeared completely!

The Emperor Shaoman breathed a sigh of relief, and walked over with the other women.

"Boss, what's the matter? Where were you just transferred?" Shaoman Huang took a cigarette with lingering fear, and lighted it with trembling hands.

Su Jin briefly talked about the encounter just now, and the black elephant girl Fu Qianmo next to her, holding a sunflower in her hand, introduced her name.

The other monks onlookers saw the legendary two people in awe. The black elephant girl inherited the inheritance of a female fairy! In the future, the achievements seem to be predictable and there is only time left.

"We are currently in the position of the dragon tail of the black dragon corpse boat, and there is a tomb of the holy king." Su Jin said.

"The tomb of the holy king can only be placed at the tail of the dragon..." The Emperor Shaoman became worried, "What kind of existence is the position of the dragon head."

"So be careful, let's go forward first, let's make an emergency!" Su Jin said lightly.

"Boss, on the stone wall of the dragon corpse boat... there are a lot of monks hanging on them, they are all the geniuses of our five domains." The Emperor Shaoman said again.

"Got it." Su Jin took a deep breath.

The atmosphere here is uncomfortable. Even he can't see the road ahead. It is enveloped by layers of scarlet mist. The monks who came here don't know how many died, maybe one hundred, maybe two hundred, you need to know this Not much time has passed.

"The old guy before was a lie, and the opening lecture did not appear. Instead, there were many lingering stone men who wanted to find people who lost their homes, faded the old body, in exchange for the life of the whole life." The Queen Shaoman was a little scared." This is impossible in the Five Domains."

He was right.

How could it be that simple to change the first generation, Langlang, Qingtian, if this is possible, the power of other ancestral realms and holy king realms can survive for a long time. However, the existence of this pre-Era may really have a secret method, but the price is not known.

Several people began to merge and walked forward together...


Only after walking out of a hundred meters, the black dragon corpse boat trembled.

"What is happening?" Everyone present changed their expressions.

Outside the black dragon corpse boat.

The long black dragon corpse is constantly beginning to tremble, this frequency is accelerating, and when no one can see...

The huge black dragon corpse actually seems to be alive! It twisted its body like a mountain, and the huge longan on the dragon's head was filled with blood.

"Oh my God! Is the Black Dragon Corpse Boat going to fly?"

Inside the dragon corpse boat, the uneasy atmosphere was spreading, and it began to noisy, and the unknown situation made people feel desperate.

"It will take us away from the ancient continent!"

"I don't want to leave. I have just acquired the inheritance. I am the hope of the glory of the Li family in the future. I don't want to die..."

"We might really be leaving, we shouldn't be here!"

"If the black dragon corpse is really resurrected, where will it take us?"

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