My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1681: From afar!

As the saying goes, the ancients mentioned the scenery in the poem: Looking at Luofu in the snow, Yufeng rises up.

The Rong family of Blizzard City is close to the Blizzard Lord. It is located in a good place, relying on two snow peaks. Although it is not high, the layers of snow have been covered for many years, but now it looks like a beautiful skin, the snow is tender and soft, and it is especially beautiful in the middle of the night when the snow is falling.

The candle was extinguished, and it was faintly illuminated by the bright light outside the window, and there was repeated blue smoke on the candle.

In front of the red embroidered screen, Xia Yuyan loosened her long black hair like a waterfall, and gently sat on the bed, her long and thin snow-colored legs moved into the mandarin quilt before lying down.

When it was cold today to the evening, the heavy snow did not fall. During the day, Rong Qingqing took him and wandered a lot of places, but there was no one around him, which always felt strange.

"Sister Yuyan--" Rong Qingqing's voice appeared outside the quiet door.

"Huh?" Xia Yuyan turned his thoughts back and looked over.

"Sleep! Can I come in?"

"Please come in."

Xia Yuyan had just moved onto the bed and didn't expect Rong Qingqing to come. This girl was full of energy all day long, as if she had endless energy.

Rong Qingqing opened the door to enter and lit the red candle light again. Her big eyes were piercing, and she didn't mean the slightest fatigue. The whole girl's body was as beautiful as a flower bud waiting to bloom. Then she said: "Sister Yuyan, take you tomorrow Go to Bronze Town, it's fun there."

"Where is Bronze Town?" Xia Yuyan didn't quite understand.

"Just outside the city, in a special casting place, as long as you have enough spirit crystals, you can also order spirit treasures with a store~~" Rong Qingqing laughed.

"Count the days, Su Jin should be back soon." Xia Yuyan was a little helpless. She said that she was not busy at home, but she was still a little worried when she was missing from the company. Maybe this time, she would not Time to follow.

"Follow him!" Rong Qingqing laughed, "Sister Yuyan, you must remember, don't let Su Tianzi know about that day."

That day, the manager of the Rong family sneaked in. If the grandmother hadn’t found out in time, I’m afraid he would be in disaster. Even if luck is good, things would not be easy to deal with if Su Tianzi angers the Rong’s family. It was a thousand reminders.

Never let Su Jin know about this.

"I know." Xia Yuyan nodded, what she promised, plus there were no major problems, there was no need to let Su Jin know, and she was at Rong's house, and the other party took care of it quite thoughtfully and reasonably. Can't regenerate right and wrong.

"Alright." Rong Qingqing breathed a long breath of relief and said: "I'll take a bath first, good night sister--"

"Hurry up, don't freeze."

Xia Yuyan looked cool and flustered. Rong Qingqing may be used to it. Now she is wearing a white silky pajamas. If there is a man, she will definitely not be able to wear it like this. The material of the clothes is too thin, and everything about the girl The charm of youth seems to be revealed.

"It's okay." Rong Qingqing responded, then turned back to his room.

Among the jumping red candles, Rong Qingqing in the boudoir opened a mechanism on the wall, and an underground staircase entrance appeared at the corner.

After the mechanism was pushed out, a wave of heat rushed over.

The location here is just right. There is a hot and humid hot spring with a layer of colorful petals floating on it, all of which are shipped back from several other areas by the servants. Rong Qingqing takes a bath here every day.


Little snow-white feet, not much bigger than a palm, gently tapped into the hot spring, and Rong Qingqing sank in.

At this moment, Rong Qingqing's pupils stretched out with a pink light, which caused her face to be red, and she whispered to herself: "It...has become stronger again. After being photographed by the'Hehuan Picture', I... …Will I eventually become his slave?"

Immediately, a sound of bone erosion appeared in this small private hot spring space——


In the distant world of Buddhas, Su Jin walked by the giant Buddhas rushing to the sky. He has observed more than 300 Buddhas, without exception, there is no problem, and he has not found the so-called teleportation gate. He even has an illusion.

There is no illusion of a way out here!

It wasn't until Su Jin came to the middle position of the 987 Buddha body heaven and earth that something different appeared in front of him.

A clear stone pond, about a hundred meters long and wide, in which the clear water has no fluctuations!

At the edge of the stone pool, there is a thin stone monk of normal height, sitting firmly on the fishing platform, like a decoration, sitting at the edge of the pool, holding a stone fishing rod, and seems to be fishing.


Su Jin tilted his head and looked up.


"Buddha friend, what do you think of me like this." Monk Shi turned his head stiffly.

It seems to give people a very ordinary feeling!

However, Su Jin took two steps backwards and gasped. He already had a thought in his heart. He immediately put his hands together and said: "Senior, I entered this place by mistake, and I didn't mean to disturb."

"It's okay, it's okay." Monk Shi shook his head, "Where do Buddhist friends come from?"

"From afar!"

"A good one from afar."

"Senior." Su Jin heard the voice of approval and asked: "The water is clear and there is no fish. Can you catch one in the pool?"

"Never caught it." Monk Shi shook his head, "Besides, I'm not really fishing, I'm keeping my mind."

"The Buddha Dharma of the predecessors is profound, and the boy is ashamed." Su Jin has become a Buddha until now, and he cannot recite the Buddha in ordinary language. Moreover, he can't see the details of this Buddha. It is very likely that there are 987 Buddhas around him. related.

"I am optimistic about your indestructible stone heart. Its future achievements are difficult to measure." Monk Shi really tilted his head, staring at Su Jin's heart, and applauded: "I don't know how many people will envy you if you can understand this step. ."

"I am Buddha wise."

Su Jin was shocked. This was the first power that could penetrate his secrets. The heart of the stone surrounded by Pangu's will was his future support.

"You come from the Great World of China." Monk Shi asked.

"Yes." Su Jin replied.

"At the age of that year, several buddhists from China Great World came here to exchange Buddhist scriptures. I am afraid that they are not there anymore, and I am also..." Monk Shi slowly shook his head and did not speak completely.

Su Jin's expression was slightly startled.

Then his face showed joy. He played against the king of Yin Shuoyi and performed creative tricks, "Heaven and Earth are first opened", which caused the body to be still in a state of serious injury. But at this moment, the Buddha light seems to resonate with Monk Shi. After a few sentences...

It is recovering at a thousand times speed!

"Get the bait--" Monk Shi stared at the water, the fishing rod in his hand sank, and the stone-colored fishing line was quickly pulled away.

However, as the stone monk relaxed and comfortable swing, the thing caught out of the pool...

Su Jinjin changed and couldn't help but step back a few steps!

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