My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1695: Who is he!

Concubine Nie Qian is very angry-

This Kunlun Sword Sect’s most violent ‘senior sister’ now only feels the suffocated panic in his heart. The past eloquent and eloquent words are completely useless in front of Young Master Su!

Can you not get angry!

And Nie Qianfei finally understood that her father had arranged for Su Shao two beautiful registered female disciples to be bed warmers!

"Warm you big-headed ghost!" Nie Qianfei was full of a grin on her face. If she really does that, then she is nothing. She is also the eldest and little princess of the Kunlun Sword Sect. If she warms the bed for him, it is not for him...

"The cold night is long, since sister Qianfei is not here to warm the bed..."

Su Jin paused, "Then why are you looking for me?"


Concubine Nie Qian turned her head to the side with a thoughtful look in her eyes, and then said in an embarrassing tone: "I'll see if you are asleep or not. I want to see if my senior came to my Kunlun Sword Sect, and was taken care of. How are you living, you are a distinguished guest, you can't neglect it!"

"You pull it down." Su Jin laughed. Taking advantage of this time and adding the lone man and widow in the same room, he began to look at Concubine Nie Qian.

Nie Qianfei changed her white background to a long skirt with a light pink pattern because she had just soaked in Lingquan. On a cold mountain, her two white long legs were exposed under the skirt and she was wearing a pair of deerskin boots. Calm and suitable, coupled with her delicate and beautiful features——

Don't say it!

It's really good--

"Senior, why do you want to look at people like this?" Nie Qianfei blushed on both sides, that is, Senior Su Shao, when other men dared to look at it like this, she would not be able to dig her eyes off.

Bang bang bang.

The heartbeat is rapidly increasing in frequency. Even Nie Qianfei doesn't know why this happens. She doesn't even know what the circumstances are, come to see Master Su. I just said that "the care is not thoughtful" is just a rhetoric.

"Look at the look good, isn't it just for people to see?" Su Jin said.

"But where does anyone look at people like this?"

"Coincidentally, I am this kind of person."

"If you do this, people will ignore you."

"How can you be satisfied?"

"Keep away your ‘aggressive’ gaze, otherwise we won’t be able to have fun!"

"Really, this handsome and decent person, I feel a little sad to be said by you like this--"

Su Jin still doesn't know how far his "wolf" has reached when communicating with beautiful women, but now he is embarrassed by what Nie Qianfei is like, and his heart is immediately happy.

"You are a senior, bullying a girl, and washing yourself out, saying that you are decent."

Nie Qianfei said in her small mouth, screaming in her heart that this guy is a'wonderful flower', and then she mustered up the courage, straightened her body, pouted her small mouth, and exclaimed: "Why did you show up in the bath? If I could beat you, you would have lie down long ago."

Su Jin immediately lay on the back of the chair, laughing presumptuously hoarsely, stretched out his hands and said: "Hahaha! Come on, I'm lying down now, and what do you want to do? Do you have any ideas for me?"

"I won't play with you!" Nie Qianfei stomped her feet severely on the spot, turned around, and walked out of the room angrily.

When leaving the door--

Behind Su Jin stared at her, he secretly praised that Nizi's figure is really good, but he really doesn't think much about her. He plans to talk to the master Nie to buy the "Enlightenment Tea Tree" tomorrow morning. Things, let's rest early now.

Outside the stone building.

Nie Qianfei stopped her quick walk, turned her head venomously, stared at the flashing window, gritted her teeth and said, "Bad guy! Evil big guy!"

That look, if it is not a veteran, will not show it at all, it is a look that can make unmanned beauties even blush!

"Strange, why should I be angry!" Nie Qianfei's breathing was a little short, and immediately she became a calm beauty, humming lightly a tune she didn't know where she learned, and turned and walked away.



The early morning in the Kunlun Mountains was still very cold, but as a red sun rose, the temperature gradually began to warm up——

"Senior Sister, Yu Chifeng is here again, and I heard that I also brought a Ling ginseng." A female disciple said to the absent-minded Nie Qianfei as she walked.

"What?" Nie Qianfei was relieved, her eyebrows frowned slowly.

"Uchifeng! He's here again!" The female disciple raised her voice. When she reminded, her face was puzzled...

Today's Nie Qianfei is different.

"What does Wan Jianmen mean?" Concubine Nie Qian turned her face sideways, not in a good mood.

"What's the matter of Guan Wanjianmen, Yu Chifeng will inherit the ultimate swordsmanship in the future, so that he can become the head of the'ten thousand swordsmen.'

"Then he came over and over again, what is he doing?" Nie Qianfei was a little angry on her face.

"Senior Sister's EQ is really low. He has been here five or six times. He must have liked you. We practitioners will be both Taoists and partners. I heard that it will be very helpful for cultivation." The female disciple said.

"Daoist? You mean, Uchifeng likes me?"

"What do you think!"

"Shoot him away~~~" Nie Qianfei tilted her head, her fiery temper was once again manifested.

The female disciple looked helpless. She felt that love between men and women was normal. Sister's temper was so hot. The young master of Wanjian Sect could still like her. This is an incredible thing, who knows Sister Sister Don't even buy it!

Su Jin was out of the stone building at this moment. He got up early. After enjoying the beautiful scenery of the distant mountains in the snow-capped mountains, he heard the voice of the girl's dialogue before he unfolded the "Mountain God and Dachuan Picture" and walked towards this side.


Sure enough, Nie Qianfei spotted Su Jin at a glance, with joy on her face, she walked to his side and asked, "How did you sleep last night?"

"It's okay, where's your father?"

Su Jin glanced at her, then lowered his head, and couldn't help being speechless for a while. This Concubine Nie is really a familiar beauty! I only met last night, and now I am familiar with the point where I put my small hand on my arm?

Not far away, the female disciple was stunned. Sister she--

"I didn't see it, you won't leave today? Stay a few more days in our Kunlun Mountains." Nie Qianfei asked expectantly.

"I want to go back today." Su Jin shook his head.

It is Su Shao's plan to go home after doing business with Master Nie, and he won't waver.

Nie Qianfei suddenly wilted like an eggplant beaten by frost, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

The two came step by step--

At the turn of the road, a young man's eyes were about to breathe fire, and he fixed his eyes on Su Jin, who was living with Concubine Nie Qian. His eyes were red and he roared:

"Who is he!"

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