My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1700: This young master is also very desperate!

A circle of smoke spit out from Shao Su's mouth——

Su Jin leaned against the wall, with one leg on the other, looking at the opposite corridor wall, an unspeakable temperament was erupting on him.

"Am I handsome?" Su Jin said slowly without looking at Chen Zhiruo.

"When you grow up like this, do you have any dissatisfaction with this world?" Chen Zhiruo squeezed her powder fist tightly, she could not help it. Of course, if a good woman does not fight a man, she will bear it! But he couldn't bear it.

"Oh, you don't understand me."

Su Jin exuded a lonely mood, then looked at Chen Zhiruo, looked up and down, suddenly smiled, and said: "Zhiruo...Let’s be serious. I heard that you graduated from a prestigious university. Let brother I will test you."

"You take the test! There is nothing I don't know." Chen Zhiruo still has this confidence. She was at the school level at school back then. With Su Jin's knowledge level, she can definitely answer the questions asked.

"There were four great whites in ancient times, do you know which four whites are?" Su Jin asked.


Chen Zhiruo knew that Su Jin would make things difficult for herself, but she didn't expect to ask such an unpopular question, how would she answer! However, she has already let out her words just now, so she can't just say the three words ‘don’t know’, right? What a shame!

Now she can only blush.

"You know what you said..." Chen Zhiruo felt Su Jin's eyes and swept over his skin, knowing that the so-called "Four Great Whites" are not a good problem.

Su Jin smiled, holding a cigarette **** and said to Chen Zhiruo: "The four great whites: snowing, driving sheep, clouds in the sky, white sugar."

"It's that simple?" Chen Zhi was stunned, and then said: "Hehe, don't you think you are smart? Then I will test you, what are the four wickedness——"

"Kick the widow's door, deceive the honest, dig the graves of the dead, and beat the disabled." Su Jin thought.

"Awesome! Where are the four great pleasures?" Chen Zhiruo showed an expression of admiration.

"Long drought and rain, meet old friends in other homes, wedding nights in the bridal chamber, when nominated for the gold list!"

Su Jin’s answer is simply seamless, flawless, and perfect to the extreme. When it comes to this, he meaningfully re-ordered a word: "Long drought, every sweet rain~~~"

Chen Zhiruo:...

Want to be so cheap! She was completely speechless, and the combination of Su Shao's eyes and expression with a good word would make her feel so terrible.

"President husband, have you ever regretted anything?" Chen Zhi lazily talked to him about this topic again, and immediately lowered his voice to ask.

She was very impressed. When she fell in the air when she went to New York, Su Jin saved her and the president's sister, and...when he was alone with herself, she quietly focused on this point——

"Being a soldier, letting go of the guns, taking mouse medicine, and crossing the train tracks. I don't regret it~~" Su Jin squinted his eyes, dangling a cigarette butt, and smoking a cigarette twice.

"You, you are mad at me!" Chen Zhiruo turned his head and walked away, reentered his office, and slammed the door shut with a bang.

I'm so angry I'm so angry, nowhere is there such a strange man in the world, it is a big strange flower, anything can be said from his mouth!

Chen Zhiruo's original commercial assistant temperament has vanished at this moment. She doesn't know how the president's sister can stand Young Master Su. If she is herself, he will definitely be **** off one day!

Su Jin shrugged in place.

How to do--

This young master is also very desperate!

Su Jin held the cigarette **** and waited in the corridor.


It was said that it was an hour, but the wife seemed unwilling to let herself wait, which was why Su Shao came out of Chen Zhiruo's room.

In about half an hour, Xia Yuyan walked past the empty door frame. The door had been dismantled violently by Su Shao before, and it was taken away...

Xia Yuyan walked through the door of her office with a speechless expression.

"What's the matter with the husband of the president? I'm very busy." Xia Yuyan walked over, interlacing his arms in front of him, and Frosty's expression was unobstructed.

"I just want to ask about your affairs at the Rong's house." Su Jin tilted his head and said lightly: "Let's talk about it, two days before I rush back."

"What can happen, you are inexplicable."

There was a trace of undetectable panic on Xia Yuyan's face. She had agreed to Rong Qingqing and could not tell Su Jin about her housekeeper that night. In addition, it was originally a false alarm, but was rescued by Grandma Rong's grandma, so she didn't take it seriously.

"Really?" Su Jin stared at his wife's eyes.

"of course it's true."

"You are lying to me..."

"I didn't lie to you! You really think too much."

"You still want to hide it from me, that housekeeper, it's cheap for him, really think I don't know?" Su Jin smiled coldly.

"You, how can you know!" Xia Yuyan was taken aback.

Su Jin clicked his mouth, took a deep breath, pointed at the center of his eyebrows, and said: "After that Huashang appeared, my eyes knew everything in that room."

"Hey, I'm in the Rong family, and they are very good to me, don't mess around." Xia Yuyan's expression was tense. She knew that her husband was outside the domain, and he was a great man, far more famous than in the domain. , She was afraid that Su Jin would do something in the Rong family of Blizzard City.

"Fortunately, you are okay, otherwise I would never let her Rong's house go!" Su Jin popped his cigarette **** out of the window dozens of meters away.

"That's right, there is nothing wrong with it. If you make trouble for them, it will become unreasonable."

Xia Yuyan approached a few steps and said, "Qingqing still said to take me to Bronze Town, but if you come in time, I won't have that chance. When will you go to Blizzard City?"

Su Jin smiled and shook his head, took the first two steps, pressed her hands on her shoulders face to face, and said, "Don't mention the outside world to me in the future, there is simply not a place you can stay—"

Xia Yuyan:...

Be seen!

Can you not be seen? Although there is a **** storm outside the territory, it is like a world away, where you stay for a few days, you can feel it, and it is much more exciting than Huaxia.

"What the **** are you doing?" Xia Yuyan immediately felt Su Jin's movements, and saw Young Master Su picking a strand of her hair behind her ears, and constantly looking at her.

This is the corridor.

People often move around, and it seems a bit unpleasant to be seen.

Su Jin slowly held up her beautiful face, touched her forehead, and then slightly distanced her, and kissed her little mouth...


Taking advantage of the trend, he embraced Xia Yuyan's willow waist and leaned her forced back against the wall!


Xia Yuyan looked at the left and right passages, Su Jin always liked to engage in dangerous moves, how shameful it was to be seen!

But the next moment, Xia Yuyan's heart touched her throat, and her husband--

He actually treated himself this way.

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