My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1711: Tengai Coffin

The coffin of the gods is silver-white, no more than two meters long, ups and downs.

Every time it fluctuates, after it appears, it has crossed a distance of tens of miles, and is coming quickly in the dark void.

The three holy kings, Hu Helu died, Yuan Shangkun was seriously injured, and Xin Ji fled far away! Originally, all this was so shocking that people hadn't reacted to it, but now there is a terrifying coffin descending——

"Silver God's Coffin!" A monk exclaimed.

"I've seen in an ancient epitaph. The legend says that the coffin has silver, but it's rare! Also, there are 78 Xuanyin crystal stones inlaid on it, indicating that the coffin is a strong woman! And I want to live forever." An erudite young man was amazed.

"Flying coffin outside the sky, why does this coffin come to our Dayan Imperial City?"

"Let's take a look first, but in this battle, Emperor Su can be called a complete victory.

"My idol, I'm proud!" A little fan girl narrowed her eyes into crescent moons.

At this moment, the lively scene began to quiet down, and the wonder of the flying coffin outside the sky was suspicious, but some people guessed that this coffin was mostly related to Su Jin.

Then the silver **** coffin stopped fifty meters from Su Jin--

On the dragon bed of the Jinluan Temple below, the Yanhuang has already arranged strong defenses by experts around the Emperor Yan, nearly a thousand soldiers set up their shields, and the strands of energy began to communicate with the formation of the line, forming a distant attack. Near defensible battlefield.

"I am a dignified country of Yan, and no one can match it." Yan Huang's eyes were desperate, and his heart was very frustrated. When he was in the sacred land of Yaochi, it would be good if his ancestors did not die, otherwise Su Jin would not worry at all!

However, Emperor Yan is now in despair with confusion, what is the origin of the silver divine coffin.

Su Jin quietly became vigilant at this time and stared at the silver divine coffin. What was even more shocking was that he couldn't tell how old the coffin was with his "Mahe Town Prison Eye"!

Not good--

This happened before, Su Jin looked up fiercely, a cold light flashed in his eyes!

When he was in the ancient continent, there were some powerhouses who existed in the pre-Era, and his divine eyes could not penetrate the profound emptiness. In addition, he had heard that "Gusu Lingyu" disappeared in the depths of the ancient continent alone...

Could it be!

Su Jin secretly took a breath of air, and before coming to this imperial city, the old man who claimed to be on his deathbed said he would die in the hands of a girl. He still didn't believe it, but...

But it seems more and more able to verify the accuracy of the old man.


The silver divine coffin, which was originally quiet and still, began to emit a trace of bright red brilliance, and countless white hairs, as if being driven by people, came out of the gap in the coffin lid——

"Ah!" the monk in the imperial city yelled in the strong wind.

There are people inside, and they are still alive!


The lid of the coffin was lifted up, and a white figure suddenly appeared from it! The appearance of this woman made Emperor Yan dull, and the entire imperial city was silent and shocked!

"Princess Lingyu!" The whole city was boiling.

"Didn't Princess Lingyu go to the ancient continent?" someone said with great excitement.

"It is true that she went to the ancient continent, but how did she become like this? Could it be that she found the inheritance of the divine residence in the ancient continent?"

"It seems to be a real inheritance! But Tianzi Su can crush the Three Saint Kings. Princess Lingyu's previous realm was too low. Now that she appears and can save the Great Yan Kingdom? I doubt it!"

"It's difficult, Su Tianzi is in the limelight right now, and there is no young man to control him. It is a foregone conclusion to destroy Dayan. Besides, there is no one in the royal family of Yan Kingdom now. She will die if she comes out. It is not a good deal!"

"Yeah! Even if Dayan destroys the country, she won the Divine Mansion, and she can't hide it. It won't be too late to find Su Tianzi for revenge after she has a certainty of victory. It is too unwise to appear now!"

The monks in the city kept talking.

They all felt that Gusu Lingyu shouldn't appear at this time, but they didn't know that in Su Jin's eyes, there was something wrong with the other party.

Gusu Lingyu now has long white hair reaching her waist.

The plain white skirt wrapped her body tightly, and she wore brown leather boots, but these were not important. The important change was that her eyes turned to pale red, not the black-eyed beauty anymore——

"You are not Gusu Lingyu." Su Jin frowned and said.

"It should be said that she was not her originally." Gusu Lingyu's cold face was indifferent.

This evil female, her speech and behavior are not like normal people, Su Jin has a terrible thought in her heart, is it because Princess Lingyu was taken away by the evil spirit in the ancient continent?

Because I have also encountered this situation, the broken old stone man wanted to take his body, and was miserably killed by him. I am afraid that he is still rubbing the Buddha statues.

"Then who on earth are you?" Su Jin asked rhetorically.

"It's not important." Gu Su Lingyu with pale red eyes, looking at Su Jin, said slowly:

"Her appearance was originally a mistake. Back then, I transformed into a thousand perfect ancestors, but she was the only one who gave birth to spiritual wisdom and fell into the six reincarnations, preventing me from fully claiming emperor perfectly. Recently I called her to my side. She promised all her promises, and her wish was to kill you and destroy your true spirit."

"It's so cruel..." Su Jin's face was calm.

But there seemed to be a huge wave in my heart, and I got a lot of information!

The implication of this woman was that she almost became a powerhouse in the emperor realm back then, but something went wrong in her practice, which led to her inability to reach Consummation, but she didn't know what realm she was after the return of Gusu Lingyu.

"Kill you, my emperor realm is just around the corner." Baifa Lingyu said lightly.

"Are you so confident?" Su Jin asked, squinting.

"You will kill him soon!" In the white-haired Lingyu's little mouth, a discordant tone suddenly appeared. This tone was sent by the real Princess Lingyu. If you don't see Su Jinzhen's spirit disappeared, she will never Will never give in.

In the dark night, the white-haired Lingyu's red eyes were disdainful. It seemed that killing Su Jin was only a matter of minutes. Then he smiled slightly and said to Su Jin: "Have you heard? Our little beauty, Kind of... can't wait—"

"Although let the horse come here!" Su Jin knew that he was destined to fight a **** battle. Although he was less than 10% sure of leaving here, he had to fight, and he could only die if he didn't fight.

"Okay, then you go to death!" Baifa Lingyu gently raised his hand with a wave.

Su Jin's face changed drastically, his strength at the peak of the Heaven-defying Saint Realm, when facing this woman, there was no resistance! With a seemingly simple wave of the other party, his whole body seems to be imprisoned!

The nearly four hundred golden dragon virtual appearances of his own can't be mobilized! The same goes for the Buddha's shadow in the five hundred acupuncture points. His qi sea is no longer tossing, and he has become like an ordinary person!

So strong

Su Jin didn't even have a chance to leave!


Lowering his head, Su Jin was in pain, his body was cracking--

Want to... die? Su Jin is not reconciled!

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