My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1713: Destroy the imperial city and destroy the emperor!

Any struggle is just in vain.

Su Jin knows this too, but he can accept death, but he cannot be killed so easily!

The "Maha Town Prison Eye" in the center of the eyebrows vomited endless red light, covering the blood lotus, trying to prevent it from moving forward, because Su Jin still has things to do!

Never leave the Royal Kingdom of Dayan intact before death!

The desperate resistance produced an unexpected effect. The ancient pupil technique ‘Maha’s Prison Eye’ was truly extraordinary in the world, and the blood lotus slowed by nearly half! Taking this opportunity, Su Jin shook his body and started to twist and rushed towards the Emperor of the Kingdom of Yan.

"Guardian! Escort!" A soldier roared.

Su Jin now gives up fighting against the gray-haired rain, and uses all his strength to ignite all the true spirits. There is no more void for hundreds of meters around the whole person. He is like an attacking fireball, rushing towards Yan at an unstoppable speed. The emperor, and the palace!

"Quickly, kill him!" In Baifa Lingyu's mind, Dao consciously urged.

"He can't live anymore. I promised you that the conditions have been met."

A hint of evil was outlined at the corner of Baifa Lingyu's mouth, and then he said: "However, in order for you to be completely integrated and to allow me to reach the Consummation of the Ancestral Realm again, I have additionally agreed to your request."

After speaking, with a wave of the white-haired Lingyu's cuff, the blood lotus unexpectedly accelerated more than twice!


Suddenly five hundred stone Buddhas rose up all around, each one as high as 100 meters! Angry with the Buddha's eyes, he kept chanting the Sutra of Transformation. This trick was used to save Sakura in the ancient continent, but at this time, it was forced to be used!

"What a cunning kid." The white-haired Lingyu walked a step in the void, disappearing.

The blood lotus exploded among the five hundred stone Buddhas, causing a monstrous crackling sound. Su Jin didn’t want to look back at all. He had only two goals now, one was to kill Emperor Yan, and two. It is to destroy the entire Yan State Palace!

White-haired Lingyu slowly appeared behind Su Jin, gently raised his hand, and patted Su Jin's back——

Despite the huge queer's defense, the invincible tremor that came out directly made Su Jin feel that his internal organs were shattered...

puff! A blood mist sprayed in the air.


What a tragic word!

Su Jin knew that he could no longer live, his life was almost gone, his true spirit was also ignited by him, and now he was hit by the white-haired spiritual rain again, and the five chapters and six fu-organs seemed to have lost consciousness in the severe pain.

"This sword..." With this confident blow, Baifa Lingyu photographed Su Jin as a fan, but it seemed unexpected, Su Jin hadn't died yet.

There is even more power!

Baifa Lingyu's eyes flickered, her pretty face was calm, and she secretly ordered: "There are three divine bones and a stone heart in his body. If he continues to cultivate, who can stop him in the future."

Su Jin's lips are full of blood, and his mind is a little trance. The feeling in his mind seems to be spinning around, and the scene in his eyes also begins to blur.

The last time he was in the Tomb Sect of Southern Xinjiang, his body was shot and his true spirit was shaken out, and he survived somehow, but this time, his injuries made him feel desperate, and he could no longer hold on to being an ordinary person.

"Daiyan annihilated the country today!" Su Jin's head roared and shouted desperately, his voice hoarse, although he was so badly injured, but...

But the next moment, more than four hundred golden dragons began to roar with Su Jinfa at the acupuncture points around his body. The five hundred Buddha shadows at the acupoints around his body also ignited flames one after another. Forced out!

"Tianzi Su, is about to die--"

"The human body has released a powerful potential in a desperate situation. This is a return to light."

Many monks bowed their heads sadly. There is the meaning of silence, but in the eyes of more people, this kind of bowing is a tribute to the strong!

Salute the unyielding monk!

"The other party is an ancestral realm powerhouse, and it is not easy for Emperor Su to persist until now."

"In the world, there is no enchanting genius who may become the invincible emperor in the future."

"Brother Su, there are countless geniuses in the world, but no one can compare to you." A little girl who was about 18 years old collapsed to the ground and said with tears.

"The strong are ruthless, and Tianzi Su has risen too fast, unable to contend with the power of ten million times more than his years of cultivation.

"Why give us hope and despair?" Many of Su Tianzi's female fans began to cry.

"Precaution! Be sure to guard!" Nearly a thousand soldiers, holding shields, began to converge on them, completely covering the Golden Temple in the middle.

Su Jin is like a torch, bright and dazzling, like the last moment of a spark, trying to show his brightest moment in the world!

Yan State Imperial City.

Some are happy, some cry, some rejoice, and some feel distressed. That hot flame is far more powerful than residual heat!

At the last moment, Su Jin clenched his fists, fiercely on his head and feet, and exploded in it--

Boom boom boom!

The unimaginable scene appeared!

Nearly a thousand soldiers in the shield array were lifted off without resistance. Slowing the camera in the air to see, not only how far they flew! Of course, this is just the aftermath!

Su Jin hit the ground hard with this blow!

The place where the Yan Kingdom’s imperial city hit directly with Su Jin’s fist began to split. The monks onlookers had long seen the situation not good, flying high into the sky, and at the center of the release of power, a strip of tens of miles wide appeared in an instant Rift valley!

Compared with this rift valley that was shaken open, the Yan State Palace was even more inconspicuous, the palace was lifted off, the world was dusty, and the Yan State Palace, even a grain of gravel, was all shaken into powder!

The millions of monks flying far away in the city, with silly expressions, stared at all this in a daze. The aftermath of the storm just pushed them away for nearly a hundred miles! Some unhelpful monks fainted from severe injuries.

Yan Kingdom’s imperial city can’t be better described in four words!

living hell!

Was moved to the ground--

There was finally a touch of appreciation in Bai Fa Lingyu's eyes, but he didn't show the shock in his heart.

"Father!" The white-haired Lingyu's lips moved. It was obviously the real Gusu Lingyu's tone, which was extremely painful.

In an instant, Emperor Yan seemed to have received special care. First, he was directly shaken into fleshy by Su Jin, and then burned into a black ash floating away. Emperor Yan's unbelievable expression remained forever in the real Gusu. In Lingyu's memory, even though she was about to be merged.

"It's too late, it's too late! If my brother-in-law dies, I will be scolded to death by my sister—" Not far away, there was a young man in black clothing.

Youth words fall--

He is in the ancestral world, and countless phantoms fly out. Each ancestral virtual body has a different posture, either with a sword or a pose, or sitting with a piano, or sitting cross-legged and raising hands, feeling the way of heaven. .

The visitor turned out to be an ancestral realm powerhouse, also called Su Jin brother-in-law?

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