My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 172: I'm in love

The little nurse almost died of anger, her face flushed and she didn't know what to say about Su Jin. If the hospital couldn't make any drastic actions, she might splash his face with a cup of hot water!


Su Jin was amused secretly, it seemed that his guess was correct, "Am I right?"

"Yeah!" The little nurse glared at him and handed him the cup. "If you do this again, I can call someone!"

"You are still angry when you say that no one wants it." Su Jin took the boiling water and put it aside, looking helpless.

"Who said no one wants me!"

"Then you call to show me..."

"You are not me, why should I listen to you."

"Then how do you prove it? Who made you want to prove yourself that way."

The little nurse looked at Su Jin in a daze, then smiled suddenly and nodded: "Okay, I can't tell you, can't I leave!"

Su Jin secretly cried out that it was a pity that she was really gone, she wanted to see her more, she was still a full-bodied girl, and she was also pretty good.

As the little nurse left, Li and Qing also walked in.

"Boss, you must be successful, brother's life's happiness is on you!" Li Qing said nervously.

"What?" Su Jin couldn't understand what he meant.

"It's nothing, let's pray for Sister Shiwen!" Li Qing's face became normal, and he also glanced at Yang Zi's face, and found that it was a little red. It seemed that his shameless tactics were quite successful.

Su Jin nodded, "It should be successful. If you are short of money, tell me."

"Hey, I see." Li Qing said, "I will definitely not be polite to you."

"Li Qing, go to the nurse and ask for another quilt." Yang Zi said while looking at him.

"Uh..." Li Qing looked at the medical quilt on Su Jin, a little puzzled, but he nodded and ran out obediently.

Su Jin looked at Yang Zi curiously, as if she had something to say to herself.

But soon, Yang Zi's move surprised him, and she knelt down in front of him...

"Get up." Su Jin frowned.

"Thank you." Yang Zi burst into tears, "Without you, my sister would not have had such an opportunity."

"I'm for my brother, and there is also my fault in it." Su Jin said with a smile, "Get up."

Yang Zi didn't want Li Qing to see him like this, so he hesitated, got up, and said, "It's already over, I hope my sister can recover."

"Well, but I still suggest that you consider Li Qing. He used to delete all the beauty phone numbers in the phone for you. Of course, this is just a suggestion. If you don’t like him, just treat him as if I didn’t. Say." Su Jin said.

"I'll consider it." Yang Zi nodded, "Actually, I don't hate him."

Su Jin's eyes lit up. This is so interesting. What he wants to know most is her reply. What does it mean to spend some money for my brother? Of course, he still feels that Yang Shiwen is very pitiful. It is not that he spent the money for his brothers. Even without Li Qing, he would save Yang Shiwen. This is not to say that he is a good person, but from the heart, If he doesn't save him, he will feel sorry for him, and he may become mentally ill in the future. People who practice cultivation are most afraid of having such concerns, so they can be regarded as helping themselves.

"Let Li Qing stay here to accompany you today. I am definitely going out. When Shiwen is transplanted, you are telling me that it should be the last two days, and I will come by then." The cup opened and got out of the bed.

"Can you still do it?" Yang Zi was a little worried.

"Yes!" Su Jin has returned to normal now, for him, it was just a small matter.

"I'm leaving now." Su Jin smiled and walked towards the door. Yang Zi wanted to say something, but didn't say anything. She already owed Su Jin too much, and she would feel a little cautious about what she said now.

Su Jin stretched his head out of the room door and found that the little nurse was not there. He immediately took out the cigarette, inserted his trouser pocket, and walked towards the stairs.

"Hey! Stop!" The little nurse chased him out and stopped him in person.


Was discovered.

Su Jin looked at her helplessly and said, "Sister Nurse, you should be after me?"

"Who is in love with you! Return me to the ward."

"Ah." Su Jin said sternly, "If you don't look at me, why stop me? Big sister, I am a man with a wife, don't give me any idea, besides, I don't want my wife to stay alone."

"You are getting better and better. If you don't go back and lie down, believe it or not, I'll be anxious to you." The little nurse stretched out her hand and stopped in front of him.

"It's fierce." After Su Jin was taken aback, he couldn't help speaking out.

The little nurse turned red and gritted her teeth and said, "What did you say? Say it again!"

"It's so fierce, this is the second time." Su Jin glanced at her and repeated what she asked.

"You...what's wrong with this girl, you are not convinced!"

"Beauty, you say so, I'll take it!"

Grandma's, brother is a man, definitely not as good as your sister, you have to accept if you don't accept it.

The little nurse suddenly showed a smug look on her face, "Since I have taken it, let me go back and lie down."

"Should I say no?"

"Do not?"


The little nurse suddenly turned a trick, and took out a large syringe with a diameter of 30 cm from her back. "If you don't go, believe it or not, I'll give you an injection!"

"Beauty, you are too violent." Su Jin was ashamed. This girl played such threatening tricks smoothly.

"Huh, be afraid, you can't go today, it's windy outside, you just had your bone marrow taken, and you get sick easily." The little nurse said truthfully.


Su Jin knew that there was nothing to play, so he sighed and said, "Listen to you, I'll go back."

"If you dare to have the idea of ​​running away, don't blame your sister, I really shot you! I will always supervise you!" the beautiful nurse said seriously.

Su Jin secretly has a headache, forget it, I feel that it's not interesting to care about these things with her, it's better to go back and look for opportunities, besides, he wants to say that this girl's eyes are really poisonous!

"Boss Boss!"

Behind Su Jin, Li Qing quickly followed with the quilt, and then said with a smirk: "Okay, that girl just now is the best."

"You can see it too?" Su Jin looked at him in surprise.

"Of course, who am I? Why, do you have some thoughts about her?" Li Qing said like Brother Pig with a face.

"I miss you." Su Jin knocked on his head.

However, this kid is greedy for life and afraid of death. When he saw Yang Zi come out, he immediately pretended to look like I was a gentleman. Su Jin was depressed and itchy in his heart. Is it good to be such a hypocritical person!

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