My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1721: Xu Fengxiao

Su Jin really doesn't care.

Anyway, the way to survive has not yet been found, even if it is to pave the way for the brother "Shaomanhuang", he will do this.

The royal is unfeeling. Because of himself, Emperor Shaoman is still living away, so he is the second to come to Chilan instead of going to the Great Zhou Kingdom——

Su Jin looked indifferent, raised his hand to the city gate and grabbed it slightly!


The void was caught and exploded and turned into a black land. The East City Gate, the tower, and the magnificent city wall for dozens of miles were turned into ashes under this grasp!


Su Jin was stunned. He didn't rush into the palace, but first wiped his lips with his fingers, the blood was unusually eye-catching!

The reason Su Jin was very clear. He knew that he was weakening and had suffered an unprecedented serious injury before. If it were not for the energy of the water in the tomb of the immortal tomb, he would have died.

Now the mysterious energy that binds to his true spirit and maintains his lifespan for a few days is fading faster. This feeling is especially true every time he uses his strength.

Immediately, Su Jin's eyes sharpened, and he strode into the east gate of Chilan Palace!

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

As the East City Gate was just caught and exploded, the guards in the palace began to send out signals, staring nervously at the black void that was exploded, and gradually...a young man in white robe walked out of it!

Su Jin is here!

"Emperor Su! I advise you to retreat quickly, this is not where you can come!" After the general Yan Bin came to report, Emperor Chilan was unusually calm. After seeing the invincible powers he had invited, he too Be more confident.

Moreover, there are blood stains on the corners of Su Jin's mouth, it is difficult to conceal the fact that he was seriously injured, he now wants to avenge his previous blow!

Su Jin gently raised his head, glanced at Yan Bin and the archers standing around, and said lightly: "You can go to death."

Just as Yan Bin was about to ridicule, suddenly his face changed, and an immortal bridge appeared from the sky, his angry face turned green, and he did this trick again! Fortunately, he was wearing a holy cloth, and he had already taken precautions! but--

But Su Jin's figure shook, almost missed by the naked eye. He stood still and patted the ground with his left hand, then lifted it up, the ground cracked, and a red stone dragon came out!

This red stone dragon was several feet wide, and once appeared, it would roar in anger. With the cooperation of the Great Immortal Technique "Bridge to Heaven", it rushed towards Yan Bin in anger!

"not good!"

Yan Bin was originally suppressed by the Suppression Daohen. He had taken the healing medicine before, but he still hadn't recovered completely. Now every step can only be described by an inch, watching the red stone dragon rushing forward.

Do not!

Yan Bin had a numb scalp, and the speed of the stone dragon was too fast, so fast that he couldn't turn around. In desperation, he could only display the "Holy King True Body", but he was not sure to resist it!


The red ancestral dragon's tail swept across the void where Yan Bin was, like lightning. The void was cracked with spider web patterns. Yan Bin was directly swept away, and the true body of the Saint King was swept into gravel, like a high Like a hundred-zhang stone statue, it collapsed instantly!

"Kill!" I don't know who it is. Under nervousness, he threw the first arrow with a divine bow, but then thousands of black and crushing arrows came out!

Su Jin gently closed his eyes, and the immortal bridge floating in the sky shook slightly. To the naked eye, time seemed to stop, and thousands of arrows seemed to have stopped!

The feeling of wandering is wonderful-

Su Jin’s spiritual sea has long been detached. He, who is already strong in spirit, has increased so much after his dual cultivation with Yu Xuanji. Now he closes his eyes, but the trajectory of those thousands of arrows seems to be Seen by him!

Flick your hand slightly!

Thousands of arrows were swept back directly by Emperor Su, too fast!

Accurate to the point where no one can survive, whoever has an arrow, who becomes a corpse! Kill thousands of elite Chilan soldiers instantly!

Su Jin didn't open his eyes. When he was away from the spirit, he discovered the existence of the strong! At the top of the highest palace, there are two holy kings!

One man and one woman, very strange.

The young man wore a purple cloak, and the girl had a beautiful snow skin. The girl held a sugar man in her hand and licked it lightly with the tip of her tongue. Her face seemed to be replaced by another woman's face. This woman is definitely in the realm of a holy king. , And still not a weak saint king!

Su Jin's feet shook, and the ancient invincible vision of "Three Cities", the first city "Wanli Stone City" reappeared!

An old pear tree was hung with divine urns. Each divine urn seemed to have broken through the mystery, manifesting the beloved heads of the two holy kings, and constantly appealing to the sins of the two! To the west of Wanli Stone City, there is a ‘Daxiong Hall’ of Buddha's light!

There is a Buddha phantom sitting above the void, preaching, and constantly singing Buddhist scriptures, trying to transform the two powerful holy kings!

"Really a big demon." The girl was surprised.

"Big Devil." The young man said with no expression on his face, as if he had lost his soul, echoing the girl.

The girl licked a sugar man on her hand, giggling and said, "Which of you two is handsome?"

"Who is handsome." The young man's eyes were empty.

"Shall we go kill him?"

"kill him."

"You are such a fool." The girl licked the sugar man in her hand with her tongue, her face turned into another girl's face, and then she jumped up.

"I'm a fool." The young man with a dumb expression, followed the girl away from the void.

Su Jinhuo opened his eyes, and his vision of the First City had some impact on the girl, but it had little impact, and it had no impact on the young man at all! These two are very tricky!

"I can kill Su Tianzi, I, Xu Fengxiao, did not come here in vain." The beautiful Snow Muscle girl, behind her words, rushed to the front of Su Jin with the youth, and the two directly punched out two green and red energy. stand up!

A cold light flashed in Su Jin's eyes, and his clothes were draped. The red ancestor dragon flew into the sky. He raised his fists and cracked the bluestone slab with his feet, and the black and red energy urged out!

The two parties meet!

I only saw the fusion of the green and red energy, forming a direct confrontation with Su Jin's black and red energy! Two half-arc energy arcs appeared!

Bang bang bang--

The bluestone slabs around were lifted by the terrorist force, and Su Jin's pressure suddenly increased! These two... are so strong!

"Huh?" Xu Feng frowned and made a surprised voice: "Tianzi Su is really well-deserved!"

"A well-deserved reputation." The youth lost his soul and said the same four words without any emotion.

Su Jin’s aura was a bit unstable. When he was fighting against the white-haired Lingyu the day before yesterday, he was forcibly promoted to the power of the Holy King, but he is not yet considered the Holy King. He has not yet survived the Holy King’s Tribulation. It's not that they will be seriously injured, but the two people can be swept away by the Heaven-defying Saint King.

Xu Feng licked the sugar man in her hand, and changed the face of a beautiful woman with tens of thousands of styles. Her voice was swaying, and her expression of ecstasy was at a glance:

"I really like a strong man like you, be careful... kill you right now~~~"

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