My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1735: First kill the white-eyed wolf

The King Kong Immortal Ancestor took away Su Tianzi with just one operation, and tried to refine him to death.

Indeed, the King Kong Immortal Ancestor is very proud now and has proud capital.

The purple-clothed woman has mixed feelings. She and Tianzi Su are acquainted with each other. After receiving the grace of his teaching the Fa, she naturally hopes that Tianzi Su will survive.

"At most, Motou Su will disperse his soul flying in the fire!"

Immortal Ancestor King Kong smiled happily. The immortal gourd that he used to form the emptiness of the ancestral realm was regarded as his strongest trick, not one of them. At this moment, in his eyes, Su Tianzi's figure was shaken in a sea of ​​fire, but he was dying to struggle. That's it!

"After he died, retrieve the fairy pond and use the tree of enlightenment. I am afraid I can find the opportunity to become an emperor." The Big Dipper Immortal Ancestor couldn't help but greedy the masterpiece and whispered to the King Kong Immortal Ancestor.

The tree of enlightenment, the only one in the past, a tree that grows, dies to the tree, it is rare to find it! This tree is not only jealous of the ancestral realm powerhouse, if it is let the emperor realm powerhouse know, it will probably be snatched frantically, regardless of all costs.

Immortal Ancestor King Kong nodded fiercely while smiling.

But soon...

The face of King Kong Xianzu changed suddenly, and he made his debut: "Impossible!"

"What?" The Big Dipper Immortal Ancestor was startled.

There was no time to explain. Above the endless fairy gourd ancestor realm, a mysterious Dao writing broke out, and the King Kong fairy ancestor repeatedly called a few hurried "Feng" characters.

But then, a crack appeared above the huge white fairy gourd, as if there was a powerful finger sword, cutting out a knife!

One rift, five rifts, ten--


The huge fairy gourd composed of the imaginary phases of the ancestor realm of the Vajra Realm was directly cut and disintegrated. The terrifying power instantly rose into the sky, and the fire filled the surroundings. This ancestral world of the imaginary fairy gourd was directly smashed!

"Tianzi Su came out!" The cultivator who had wanted to leave suddenly revealed his eyesight and shouted in shock.

"Forty-five anti-sky swordsmanship in different postures. This technique cut out forty-five gaps and completely smashed the imaginary gourd." The monk was terrified and gasped, unable to calm his heart. The shock.

"Tianzi Su hasn't been affected at all. Now this Heaven-defying Saint King is too strong, and even the most proud magical technique of Immortal Ancestor King Kong can't do anything to him! It seems that the rumors are not false. After reaching the Saint Queen, Tianzi Su really has a little bit. Capital against the sky."

"He cut and wounded this second ancestor yesterday, and defeated the white-haired Lingyu, that grandfather seems to be no worse than other strong ancestors!"

"How could it be bad! Ancestral realm, among hundreds of millions of beings, can one be born, none of them are simple, for us, it is difficult to achieve the holy realm."

"Just now, the'Yaoqin' was burned and completely angered Emperor Su. There is no answer to this hatred!"

There was a lot of discussion, everyone's mood fluctuated greatly, and they were all too shocked by the strength of the Heaven-defying Saint King, and Su Jin was so calm in the face of the two ancestors, and broke out, those forty-five ways were enough to be true. The figure still maintains a handsome sword stroke posture.

Directly conquered Bu Mai Xiu's contemptuous heart.

"I'm proud of the forbidden technique! How could you easily break it--" Immortal Ancestor King Kong doubted himself for the first time, and after being sluggish, he looked at Su Jin and asked in a hissing tone.

"Get rid of you, I will clean up every family." Su Jin held the giant sage soldier with a cigarette in his mouth, and took out a puff of smoke. Where is the performance?

"Idiot talk about dreams!"

The ancestor of the Big Dipper aroused anger that he hadn't seen for a long time. He held his hands round and a stone basin appeared in his arms. The aura of relic was revealed. This stone basin is an ancestor soldier and a natural ancestor. Bing!


The fairy ancestor of the Big Dipper burst out with a word, the fairy light of the deserted stone basin rushed into the sky, blocking the sky of the sacred place of Yaochi, surrounded by fairy mist, there were deserted ancient beasts, and began to be manifested by the ancestors.

The sky in Su Jin’s eyes seemed to be no longer the holy land of Yaochi, as if he was in an uncivilized and deserted era, with reddish-brown rocks all around, flowers and grasses, swaying with the wind, lifelike, and the deserted scene blinded. Closed everyone's eyes.

In the distance of the fairy fog, there seemed to be vaguely evil beasts fluttering their wings, appearing in groups, with weak and delicate spirit buds, entwined with green vines, crawling all over the rocks, and each bud bloomed like a canine tooth. Pulped at Su Jin, one by one, none of the current monks had seen it.


The ‘light of Buddha of life and death’ against the sky, shining all over the wasteland, the ‘Taixu Sutra of Life and Death’ Sanskrit sings all over the world, every Sanskrit gold thread travels everywhere, persuading creatures to be good, and persuasion must be satisfied.

"Su Tianzi Buddhism and Saint double cultivation, he turned out to be... a true Buddha at the level of a holy king--" the monk watching the battle, his eyes filled with brilliance.

In the naked eye, those malicious relics seem to be being transformed, the fierce beasts disappear, the evil spirits kneel down and worship Emperor Su, complaining of the injustice of the whole life, and are willing to be kind to the Buddha with one heart.

"There is life and death in the world, and an ordinary life is also wonderful. The Buddha by Su Tianzi is about the profound meaning of life and death——" There are also monks who understand the Buddhist principles a little, and hear the clues.

"Even if it can't be vigorous and vigorous, but living is wonderful. It is true if you stop greed and plain." There was a monk with tears on his face, and he was moved by the nihility of the "Buddha of Life and Death".

Many people even put their hands together, showing the impulse to take refuge in their hearts. Among these people, the ones who sincerely wanted Buddha were bathed in circles of Buddha's light. Although they were not Buddhas, the Buddha of Life and Death blessed him and so on——

"Yaochi Holy Land, I keep calling Su Tianzi as the demon, but how can the demon become the holy king and Buddha!"

At the beginning, there were monks who no longer believed in the words of the Holy Land, and there was a lot of disgust in the words.

In such a scene, the fairy ancestor of the Big Dipper did not expect that the ruined stone pots exhibited at that time were a world where hairs drink blood and eat the weak. It is normal to be full of malice, but Su Jin’s Buddha light spreads out and the ruined stone The pot is so fierce...

To no avail!

"The ruined vision, break it for me!" Su Jin fiercely pointed his finger, and the immortal bridge above was violently under the town, directly turning the vision into nothingness.


The blood of the ancestor of the Big Dipper was surging, and a thread of blood ran down from the corner of his mouth. There was an earthworm-like crack on the "relict stone basin" between his arms, which made him extremely painful. This is a complete ancestral soldier, now disabled!

"It's actually a bit difficult for both of me to deal with this." Immortal Ancestor King Kong's eyes were dignified. The Holy Land is now their root, and they can't escape.

"After cutting your second ancestor, I will go to the'yin and yang house' first to destroy the white-eyed wolf!" Su Jin knew that he could no longer delay, and directly let out the rhetoric. He carried the giant sage soldier on his back and jumped up.


King Kong and the second ancestor of the Big Dipper looked happy.

But Su Jin, who was leaping like a fish, changed his complexion drastically. Some powerful people began to intervene in this matter, and the fierceness of Taotao made him feel palpitation——

Trouble! Su Jin glared at the person who came to Void, who was an ancestor! He didn't know--

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