My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1742: Those who block me die!

Su Jin naturally saw Mo Yue and Fu Qianmo appear on the beacon tower.

He also wanted to ask Mo Yue whether he was near the'Black Dragon Corpse Boat' that day. Because at that time Mo Yue walked on her Nine Elephant Flying Boat alone and stood with herself.

However, at that time, Shaomanhuang and others did not find her existence.

Even Su Jin himself did not see the problem.

But now it's obvious and it doesn't matter. Like the "Yin Yang Family", it is not Mo Yue who wants to be an enemy of herself, but the decision made by the ancestors behind the entire Mo Family!

"Brother Su——"

On the Mo Family's beacon stage, Mo Yue's beautiful eyes looked around, and she was lost in her eyes when she saw the gold-patterned robe monk with a tiger body proudly.

"Ah!" Fu Qianmo followed Mo Yue's gaze.

Naturally, it was certain that the monk in the gold-patterned robe was Su Jin. It was a woman's intuition. Although he had hidden his face and changed his clothes, Su Tianzi's domineering temperament could not be concealed!

Su Jin couldn't keep it secret.

The original appearance is directly restored, and the feet are slightly shaken. The ancient vision of the first city of the "Three Cities", the "Stone City of Ten Thousand Miles" is filled with the flashing stone color, turning the surrounding thousands of miles into a stone-colored area!

"Tianzi Su has arrived at the Mo Family Institution City!"

There are recent and far-reaching cultivators. When they saw the gray surroundings, they naturally understood that Su Jin had already come to the Mo family, and they all began to shout in excitement.

"Tianzi Su is going to heaven! I dare to go anywhere. It is rumored that the Mo Family has long been the number one in the "Hundred Scholars", but it is just that the Mo Family is unwilling. The comprehensive strength secretly has long surpassed the Xuanyuan Family!"

"That's right! The Mo Family can create endless sacred treasures, this kind of advantage is not comparable to other sects!"

"Not only the sacred treasure, the top ‘organ ancestor treasure’ in the rumor can be made." Someone continued.

"Those institutional beasts or institutional soldiers have no feelings and no pain. They are simply a killing machine. Wouldn't Su Tianzi be too reckless?"

"Thinking about it makes you scared. Fighting with a bunch of cold'artificial mechanical beasts' is too bad!"

"Maybe Su Tianzi has a hold, otherwise how can he come with confidence?"

Some people expected Su Tianzi's patience, but there were also different voices, and they were not optimistic that Su Tianzi came to this Mo family to do something.

Sure enough, after Su Jin revealed his true face and made a sound, a huge snake rose up in the gray distance!

The big snake has green and red markings. It is as high as a hundred meters high. Its body is as broad as a building. It winds upright. It is made of unknown materials. You can vaguely see the smooth lines and the beauty of machinery.

At this time, the big snake was spitting out the cyan "letter child", the snake eyes were red, and he stared at the square, Jin Pao Su Jin——

The Holy King’s “Organization Snake”!

Su Jin was slightly startled. He didn't expect the Mo Family Organ City to take the brunt of the housekeeping skills. It was the Holy King Mechanical Snake to shoot. This kind of thing is not clear, and it must be a little trickier.

Take a closer look!

At the neck of the organ snake, there is a thin boy who is driving this holy king-level mechanical beast snake!

Boom boom boom -

The organ snake is obviously not the only one.

A few miles away, a burst of hustle and bustle of smoke came, and a black mechanical war wolf was rushing! There is a driving **** it, only fifteen or sixteen years old, with a childish expression on her face.


The void was shattered by a loud noise, and a one-eyed giant smashed the void. The faint blue one-eyed eye took up half the size of the face, and the terrifying light seemed as terrible as it could kill the world!

Mechanical Unicorn——

Humanoid mechanical war soldiers! And all that appeared were the Saint King level!

Interesting, interesting!

"Big Brother Su, go!" Mo Yue yelled from the beacon tower.

Su Jin felt warm when he heard that there were still good people in the Mo family. The little girl he paid attention to when he feasted in the Yaochi did not disappoint him. After all, she did better than the goddess of Yin and Yang~~~

"Organization beast! Release all the species!" Su Jin knows that there must be more than that, but he doesn't care about the organs, is there still the human city government deep in heart?

"Tianzi Su! Your mistake is that you shouldn't come to my Mo Family!" On the black war wolf that was as big as a treasure building, the girl in Tsing Yi was driving the mechanical war wolf and shouted at Su Jinjiao.

"There is no place in the world where I dare not go!"

Su Jin was polite, he was afraid that he would open his mouth and curse the little girl.

"In that case, I will frustrate your spirit when I wait for the disciples of the Mo family!" On the organ snake, the thin young man was obviously extremely excited. If it is normal, they will not have this opportunity.

"Kill the emperor Su to raise my Mo family's fighting might!"

The Cyclops opened his mouth, and in those faint blue eyes, there seemed to be a girl in it, and this Saint King was also manipulated.

Powerful fluctuations, coming from all directions——

Between the sacred king's'mechanism beasts' and Su Jin, the tension of the sword is spreading throughout the city.

"Those who block me die!"

In the ancient vision, the land was transformed into the first city of the three cities. The "Ten Thousand Miles Stone City" pulled out a part of the underground aura and poured it into Su Jin's body. Suddenly, the tiger's body was fierce and powerful, just like the living **** of war.

Shocked these monks.

It turns out that this is Su Tianzi, the sighing Su Tianzi! Many monks who had never seen Su Jinzhengong thought to himself.

Su Jin walked slowly into the void, seemingly slow, but in fact one step is a hundred meters, and directly greeted the holy king mechanical black wolf——

There are no fancy tricks, when he gets closer, Su Jin directly raised his hand and blasted out a punch!


A muffled sound appeared.

Su Jin was shocked. When he changed to an ordinary saint king, his fist would definitely shatter the opponent's true body, absolutely impossible to survive, but the organ black wolf just shook his huge body——

I don't know what kind of material it was made of, but Su Jin went on this punch, and nothing happened!

"Thank you!"

The girl driving the mechanical black wolf gave a sweet cry, and the black wolf's claws lightly scratched Su Jin.

The scarlet claws grabbed the void into several bloodstains!

Su Jin frowned. He didn't smash the Saint King-level mechanism black wolf with a single blow, and it did make his fists hurt, as if he was hitting directly on the mountain.

"Woo woo woo~~" The fishy wind spread from behind Su Jin, who was dodged. The organ snake opened its big mouth, the green poisonous mist flooded in, and the void crackled with melting.


Su Jin felt that he could no longer look at the "Mo Family" with ordinary eyes. He dodged the idle time, after careful consideration, he immediately understood the flaw.

The mechanism has no soul, but it is just a puppet. The problem lies with the manipulator——

Thinking of this, Su Jin raised his head and looked at the **** the back of the black wolf, with a cruel touch on the corner of his mouth.

Since I am an enemy, I will be killed, no matter who it is!


Even if the flowers are destroyed by hand!

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