My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1745: Enthroned Ceremony

How can Su Jin not hate--

If this Mo family ancestor is not there, he and this female ancestor can still fight, but now only the Mo family ancestor can kill him with a single blow, let alone add this woman!

The shiny ancestral hand, slender and slender, gently pressed.

The Mo Family's ancestor's complexion changed wildly, and his figure disappeared. He raised his hand in the middle and shattered the grandfather's hand. He couldn't let the Mo family's foundations be destroyed in his own hands!

"Mo!" The grandfather's voice was indignant, and she appeared and walked not far away.

It’s not who the Yuanshi world master is!

The Yuanshi Realm Master is now desperate to kill Su Jin, and even reached the point of anxiety. It has only been how long since the feast of the Jade Lake, Su Jin’s cultivation base has broken through to the Holy King, and it is rumored that he has the ability to slash the ancestors. Go down.

The consequences could be disastrous!

Originally, at the Yaochi feast, Su Jin stated that he would destroy the ‘Earth Beginning Realm’ within three years. Many people were still a joke, but now who dares to laugh at Su Tianzi! Who dare!

"The world lord calms down! My Mo family is no longer involved in the dispute between you and Su Tianzi. If you fight, you can go farther and you can't catch up with my Mo family!" Mo Zu took a deep breath.

Mo Zu felt that Su Jin was not like an ordinary young man. This sub-city was terrifying. If Yuanshi Realm really destroyed Su Jin, the Mo Family would definitely accompany him to finish the game. Now any point could threaten the Mo clan. He would not risk the survival of his life and he would definitely stop it.

"You are always confused!"

The female realm master was about to jump angrily, and said indignantly: "Our two dignified ancestors are threatened by a holy king by him? Do you still want to have an old face!"

"Then our two dignified ancestors, do you want to shamelessly deal with a young saint king?" Mo Zu was also angry at Yuanshi female realm master, and asked rhetorically.

Yuanshi Realm Master:...

She was speechless by what Mo Zu said.

"It turns out that Mo Zu still cares about me as an outsider."

It took a long time for the Yuanshi Realm Master to hate and hate Dao, she understood it, no matter what, she could no longer kill Su Tianzi in these five realms, just like this Mozu, after all, Su Tianzi and Mo family still have a chance to make peace. Then he is an outsider, and Su Jin is the ultimate genius of the Five Regions.

"The Taixu Divine Realm has been established, and the Yuanshi Realm Master can return to the realm. My Five Realms should be resolved by my Five Realms." Mo Zu waved his sleeves.

"Good, good! You Mozu drove me away, don't regret it then!"

The Yuanshi Realm Master had a pretty face with a cold face, opened a void passage with his hand, walked in, turned his head to look at Su Jin, and said: "You little beast, if you dare to come to the Supreme Void God Realm, my Yuanshi Realm monk will teach me well. Teach you how to be a human—"

"Fuck you!"

Su Jin raised his hand, directed at the passage where the female realm master walked away, and pressed hard, and the emptiness was turned into nothing!

It seems that I heard a hum

Mo Zu secretly took a sigh of relief in his heart. With his patience, he could naturally hear that the Yuanshi Realm Master seemed to have suffered a little injury under the blow of Su Jin's anger. This was something he could not imagine.

"Little friend Su, my Mo family and you have no hatred. Everything is a misunderstanding. This is the'Illusory Void Stone Order' that enters the'Tai Xu Divine Realm'. It has the rarest'Heaven Rank' identity. Through it, you can communicate. Taixu Divine Realm', there will be people from other big worlds!"

There was an extra palm-sized ‘fantasy’ stone tablet in Mozu’s hand, which he sent to Su Jin’s body.

Su Jin hesitated a little.

But after reaching out and holding it, after feeling that Mo Zu was not malicious, Su Jin accepted the other party's favor and said lightly: "Since Mo Zu said it was a misunderstanding, then I don't want anyone in the Mo family to be an enemy to me in the future, otherwise all consequences conceited!"

"Naturally not." The old Mo Zu's face relaxed a little, and seeing the aroused spiritual energy pillar disappear, he knew that the Mo family's crisis had been resolved.


Su Jin knew that he hadn't gotten the head, and the Mo Zu all pulled down to show his good intentions. He didn't need to embarrass him, plus he promised that he would never fight against himself after coming to the Mo family.

At the moment Su Shao turned around, an excited voice appeared on the Mo Family's beacon tower, and he almost fell in shock!

"Brother Su, I love you!" Mo Yue's voice.

"I love you too, little sister Mo Yue--" Su Jin didn't look back, and his figure disappeared in a flash.

"I will marry me in the future." Mo Yue snorted her small mouth, her face was disappointed, her voice was too soft, only Fu Qianmo could hear it.

"It's too numb, can you mature a little bit~~~" Fu Qianmo stared.

"Where--" Mo Yue said with a smile.


Su Jin did not hear the conversation between Miss Mo Jia and Fu Qianmo. He then ran away from the void, looking at the "Illusory Void Stone Order" in his hand, thinking that this thing should be driven by spiritual power, as for that too. 'Virtual God Realm' can look forward to it.

After all, many people in the big world can be seen through the Supreme Void God Realm!

Just when Su Jin had an idea, he suddenly turned around and stopped his figure, watching an inky blue brilliance follow, but the opponent's realm was lower than him, and he was a strong holy realm.

"Tianzi Su, please wait a minute!"

The dark blue brilliance of tea arrived not far in front of Su Jin, and he knelt down in a hurry and said, "See Emperor Su!"

"you are--"

Su Jin's eyes were a little suspicious, a middle-aged man appeared in front of him, but he didn't know where he came from, and he didn't know what happened after he came.

"I am a barbarian general, and I am here specially for my emperor, and I invite Emperor Su to participate in my emperor's ascension ceremony." said the middle-aged man.

Su Jin suddenly, with a smile on his face.

The barbaric country was renamed from the'Chilan Kingdom'. As for what the middle-aged people called the'I Emperor Enthroned Ceremony', I think it was the Emperor Shaoman who began to ascend the emperor's throne. If there are other things, Su Jin may be able to push it away. , But his brother Shaomanhuang did not want to refuse.

"When and what date?" Su Jin asked.

"Calculate the time, it should be three hours later." The middle-aged man was a little anxious.

"Well, you go back first, I will definitely participate." Su Jin waved his hand.

"Yes—" The middle-aged man was happy when he heard that Su Jin responded. If he can't invite Su Tianzi back, my emperor will blame him. He definitely can't eat and walk around. Now he can easily go back and ask for help.

Seeing the middle-aged man leaving, Su Jin touched a cigarette and took two puffs. He wanted to return to Jiujiang Water House and pick up Concubine Nie Qian. Now the brother’s enthronement ceremony is not good, so he can only Let the matter of Concubine Nie Qian first let go.

Go to the barbarian country first!


Two hours later, Su Jin's figure appeared near the original'Chilan Palace', and the battles not far away were huge and overwhelming. It seemed that the emperor's enthronement was not small in the barbarian country.

Su Jin saw the Emperor Shaoman at a glance, that is, the other party looked serious, sitting on a golden dragon's nest, really had a powerful emperor spirit.

"Boss." The Emperor Shaoman saw Su Jin in the gold-patterned robe, turning into a stream of light, and quickly raised his hand to indicate.

A scene that surprised Su Jin appeared-

Hundreds of thousands of subjects began to bow down to themselves, shouting deafeningly:

"Long live my emperor, long live long live, long live Su Tianzi long live long live long live long live!"

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