My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 175: Pretend

At this time, Xia Yunxi was wearing a cool nightdress. The color of the nightdress was pale pink, which was in line with her lovely temperament——

Su Jin felt warm, this girl, why did she look at herself like this, could it be that she missed herself?

Xia Yunxi looked at Su Jin nervously, and asked tentatively, "Big Brother Su? Are you asleep?"

Su Jin deliberately did not respond and continued to maintain the previous posture.

He felt that Xia Yunxi seemed to hesitate for a while, and when he squinted into a gap again, he suddenly felt a soft red lips appear on his mouth, as if it were just lightly printed.

Is this still possible?

Then with a very small exclamation, Su Jin hugged her back and prevented her small mouth from leaving. Xia Yunxi now looked ashamed. It turned out that Su Jin didn’t fall asleep, and he just did everything by himself. His actions were all in his eyes.

She originally meant to kiss her and then go to bed, but who knew that Su Jin would treat her like this, that kind of intense nervousness appeared in a blind man's heart.

In the end Su Jin broke away from her little mouth, looked at her and said, "Yunxi, are you still sneaky to me?"

"I, I." Xia Yunxi didn't know what to say to explain, just like a little girl who was bullied, looking at him with innocent eyes, Big Brother Su is too bad, so bad that makes people speechless.

Su Jin was happy, and patted her cheek twice without any pain at all. He smiled and asked, "Do you miss Big Brother Su?"

"No." Xia Yunxi shook his head repeatedly.


"I don't know, anyway, you bully."

"It's not that I haven't been bullied." Su Jin put his hand on her lap, and a strange smile appeared on his face.

Xia Yunxi seemed to be controlled by someone, and her body turned out to be unwilling. The tension emanating from her heart made her unable to control her body, and she didn't know why it was so.

Su Jin felt hot in his heart--

Then Xia Yunxi's eyes seemed to have something extra.

Xia Yunxi's body began to tremble, and her face seemed to be like a little sheep being bullied at this time, her mouth was ruddy and lovely.

"Let Brother Su help you."



At that moment, she felt very happy.

In the end, Xia Yunxi returned to the room almost as if running away quickly. Su Jin was also deeply moved. The feeling just now was not something that can be seen as soon as he wanted to. He closed his eyes and thought about the feeling for a while, then he took it out. The phone checked the time.

Hey, it didn't take long before it was three points short of twelve.

Su Jin took a deep breath. The one who couldn't live up to her life was Xia Yunxi. How much pressure she had to withstand in exchange for the price of liking herself, but he was confident! Sooner or later he will let everyone accept her, he swears!

The wind became stronger, and a burst of raindrops slapped on the ground. The rain was heavy.

The rain came in a hurry, and it went quickly. Su Jin walked to the window and closed the window tightly. At the corner of his eye, he suddenly found a person with a snow-white mask standing under a street lamp, looking at each other in the distance.

murderous look--

After Su Jin saw each other, the figure suddenly disappeared. He opened the window without saying a word and jumped down!

The wind is still strong, but the rain has almost stopped!

None of this affects his judgment. He is very clear about the strength of this person, and he doesn't know how he can invade. Could it be that the old guy's people have retreated? How could this be?

Hey Hey--

There were bursts of weird laughter all around, neither male nor female, that's what the nondescript said.

Because it is a corner and a bit remote, a large area is in the dark, and the other party is obviously targeting the Xia family!

But this voice is a bit interesting, is he really scared? Fuck a three-year-old kid!

"You can come out." Su Jin said lightly.

"Su Jin..." There were echoes, neither big nor small, which happened to make him hear clearly, but the voices of the men and women inside were annoying.

"Pretend to be a ghost, since you can't come out, then I will grab you!" Su Jin's eyes were cold, his body flashed quickly, and finally behind a tree, an upward swing kick, forcing a black shadow to the fence.

Only then did he see clearly that this person was covered in black robe, and the mask on his face was painted with colored ink to become a very cautious face. Anyway, the first impression he gave was a monster, plus that Sound can indeed give people a special impact.

"You can tell, who are you!" Su Jin raised his head and glanced at him.

" will will die."

"Then let's see who died!"

Since the other party doesn’t say anything, Su Jin doesn’t need to be polite. In terms of strength, although he doesn’t say he is the strongest now, he is still able to deal with some dangers. Although he has no bottom in his heart, he hears the threatening voice of the other party. Knowing that the other party is not sure to kill himself!

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