My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1755: Funeral road


Under Luo Lingyi's strange gaze, he found that Su Jin did not look at himself at this time, but looked towards the southwest of the lake, seemingly aware. The "Mohe Town Prison Eye" between his eyebrows suddenly opened, and a bunch of red lights hit the lake——

Anti-virtual, anti-virtual!

"What's wrong--" Although Luo Lingyi's face was cold, when approaching Su Jin, he still hugged him gently.

"Well, I found something interesting." Su Jin didn't hide it. Just now, he was lucky to look away from Luo Lingyi's back, otherwise he might miss this discovery.

"Interesting things? There is nothing in the lake—" Luo Lingyi followed Su Jin's gaze suspiciously, using his own strength to feel it carefully, but found nothing.

"Not in the lake, but underground." Su Jin hesitated.

"There is nothing underground." Luo Lingyi shook his head.

Su Jin was silent.

There was something he shouldn’t say, he didn’t know whether he should say it, the place was beautiful and beautiful, and he couldn’t see what it looked like back then, but in his rebellious state, he saw that the lake was still a poisonous swamp long ago. It is shrouded in poisonous mist all day long, poisonous insects and black birds are all over the swamp.

Of course, this is not the most important thing. The important thing is that there is a "white copper giant coffin" under the lake, which is as large as a palace, and through the anti-virtuality, the "white copper giant coffin" was actually a passage from a distant space, and was Pushed by Wang——

In other words, this lake is unknown! There used to be a ‘Mortal Road’ incident here--

The coffin was sunk into the lake, but in a long time, under the sediment of the lake, it was buried underground.

"On the road to the funeral of the Million Saint King, is there an invincible strongman in the coffin." Su Jin slowly said.

Although the scene was slightly blurred, there were indeed millions of holy kings escorted here. He didn't know where those holy kings came from and why the number was so huge. After all, he is now in the Saint King Realm, and he can feel the power of those Saint Kings.

"The funeral road? Or will it be escorted by the Million Saint King! Who is the Million Saint King sent away?"

Luo Lingyi's pretty face changed continuously. He originally thought it was a beautiful stone bridge date, but he never wanted to be seen as weird by Su Jin. Her brother Zhenluo Master chose here as the location of "Tai Xu Divine Realm" , Could not see the problem.

"I don't know, I have to ask about the white copper giant coffin." Su Jin raised his head, his eyebrows "Moha Town Prison Eye" shot the sight that he saw into the void, so that Luo Lingyi could see it.

The simple ‘white giant coffin’ with black rust stains on it——

It's as big as a palace, I don't know how heavy it is. The pattern on it is reckless, the lines are simple, and there are faintly engraved strange birds and beasts, which Feiluo Lingyi can recognize.

"In front of the buried coffin, there are two dead oil lamps that are still on!" Luo Lingyi exclaimed, let go of Su Jin's arm, and lay in front of him on the stone bridge railing, clinging to one piece, a little irrational. Performance.

"The two'corpse oil lamps' are Emperor Treasures...but this'Emperor Treasure' can be used by extraordinary people. It must not be taken away. If it is contaminated, it will be very unknown." Su Jin solemnly said, he himself has an emperor. Soldier, so I feel very real.

"Yeah! The white copper giant coffin that can only be carried by a million holy kings, what is its identity? "Emperor Realm"? "World Realm"? Or... the power of the Three Steps of Heaven?" Luo Lingyi had fear in his eyes. .

Can't help but fear. The ‘coffin lamps’ that are even dotted are all Emperor treasures. The buried person is too strong to imagine, because Luo Lingyi is in the'Zhenluo Great World', and there are strong people in the'world realm' beyond the emperor realm. However, the specification of the million holy kings to carry the coffin is impossible to achieve. .

Luo Lingyi's words made Su Jin startled.

The Emperor Realm is his dream, but obviously there are legends of the World Realm and the Three Steps of Heaven behind him. He also heard that there are people beyond the Emperor Realm in the Zhenlu Great World, but he only heard about it, and has never seen it.

"You tell the realm master of Zhenluo, I will go and explore the surroundings first." Su Jin said after thinking about it.

"No! In case there is danger..." Luo Lingyi stopped.

"No, just find a way first."


Luo Lingyi raised her hand anxiously, and found that Su Jin's figure had disappeared from the stone bridge. She had no choice but to transmit the sound to her younger brother Zhenluo Realm Master, and immediately wanted to follow, but there was no Young Master Su. There is no way to chase it!

This lake is so big. After Su Jin left the stone bridge, he slapped directly to the edge, opening a passage to the bottom of the earth.


From a distance, there are only two faintly lit coffin lamps still shining. Su Jin was a little nervous in his heart. It was not that he was xenophobic. This was the realm of Zhenluo Great World. If it had amazing benefits, he, the chief discoverer, could not go back empty-handed.

And no matter how Luo Lingyi is his woman, but in the final analysis, she is still a monk in the real world.

Approach carefully, then approach again.

The two emperor coffin lamps seemed to be close at hand, but they seemed to be far away, so Su Jin had to be careful.

Soon, Su Jin felt a barrier, he touched a black net to imprison the curtain, and people were sucked in!

After being unable to see things for a while, Su Jin also panicked instinctively——

But Young Master Su soon recovered his eyesight and calmed down. Why is he panicking? It's ridiculous, the big deal is to disperse the soul, fight back to the body of the barbarian palace, and not die! But he didn't expect the consequences. If the spirit power of the soul is really dissipated, his physical body will probably become a fool!

At this point, Su Jin looked around.

A kilometer away from others, the white copper giant coffin is located in pitch black. The stone figures thrown down during the funeral are faintly visible. Among the figures, most of the maids look crooked or standing, with a simple style. , Su Jin felt a little cautious.

In this kind of place, the courage is a little bit less...It is estimated that the legs have long been like sifting chaff, especially in front of the kilometer in front, in front of the white copper giant coffin, there are two dead oil lamps emitting a faint light!

"Even if you are an invincible powerhouse, why would you die again? Could it be that the longevity is exhausted?" Su Jin looked towards the white copper giant coffin and thought for a while.

do not care!

With a normal pace, Su Jin stepped on a stone figurine and quietly began to approach——


A piece of withered stone was crushed by Su Jin and made a noise in the gloomy burial site.

A yin wind blowing on the face seemed to be felt by Su Jin's face after the sound appeared, the yin wind was slightly cold~~~

For some reason, the ominousness in Su Jin's heart became more and more intense, and there seemed to be a voice that made him retreat at work!

Su Jin prevented accidents, his ‘Mahe Town Prison Eye’ kept open. If he did nothing here, there was a danger of falling, he might choose to retreat.

Just as the yin wind blew his face, Su Jin shook his body in the same place, and a terrifying sight appeared in the "Eye of Mohe Town Prison".

Behind him--

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