My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1758: Big Ascension

This person is so powerful that it blows the sky.

Name taboo: Feisheng Taoist.

Su Jin was even more pleasantly surprised when he obtained the Bronze Inscription inheritance fonts of the **** bones. It turned out that the inheritance that the other party said was really just a magic method. This magic method is different from many mysterious methods in the world. The way is extremely overbearing.

In the gold-patterned font, it is written in a subject called: ‘Great Ascension’!

This technique was created by him when he became an emperor. It broke through the world, stepped through the heavens by one step, two steps, and reached the three-step peak of the heavens, because it was too high, just like Su Jin, someone would not let him live.

It is truly a monk against the sky.

Su Jin was so excited, but immediately disappointed, he couldn't succeed against the sky without being so powerful. Can he succeed?

After being well-informed, Su Jin began to wonder whether the road against the sky was right, because no one has succeeded so far, and in the end it is the end of death. Like this ascending Taoist, he is more powerful than the strong he knew. But still died miserably.

"Anyway, I want to go on!" After Su Jin thought a little, his eyes were firm, and he began to sit cross-legged on the stone platform, closing his eyes, and practicing.

The Great Ascension technique is not too jerky. There are traces of the Ascension Dao’s completion before his life. This person is simply a super genius. He fully utilizes the acupuncture points, meridians, and meridians of his whole body, and has taken advantage of the laws of the Dao. Practicing to perfection can ascend and travel.


One day passed.

Two days passed.

Su Jin was on the stone platform, his whole body began to tremble slightly, the pores all over his body began to relax, and ten thousand powers burst out from the pores. In the thousands of acupuncture points in the human body, apart from the Buddha's shadow and the golden dragon's phantom, under every Buddha's shadow , Under Long Ying, still sitting cross-legged with a white-clothed imaginary self.

A thousand illusions themselves!

If it is seen by the strong ancestors from the outside world, I am afraid that it will be frightened to break the eyeball!

Because the virtual phase is the method that can be condensed in the ancestral realm, and Su Jin is still caused by a magic method.

A thousand imaginary forms, originally closed their eyes under the Buddha shadow and the dragon shadow, but when Su Jin opened his eyes, they all opened their eyes——


Su Jin disappeared from the stone platform and moved to the black void!

A thousand imaginary aspects began to move uniformly. As Su Jin's movements were practiced, the power deep in the void was madly plundered to every imaginary aspect. The majestic and unparalleled power, blessing the deity, Su Jin was full of power Tao, couldn't help but let him roar and roar!

Roar to the sky!

Roar cracked the void!

Su Jin was completely affected by the ‘Great Ascension Technique’, and he made the last ascension mudra with him...

Going to leave!

Su Jin felt that the white copper giant coffin could no longer confine him. Although his'Great Ascension Technique' had just entered the room in the past two days, it seemed that he was no longer in this world and could directly borrow the'Great Ascension Technique' to move it away!


I saw a thousand and one figures in the black void, which directly turned into a white light beam, instantly disappearing like a flying fairy.

And over the large lake with the clear reflection of the blue sky, a thousand and one figures appeared, Su Jin grasped the ‘Giant Que Sword Spirit’ in his hand, and slapped it gently into the southern void!


Cut away the void for thousands of miles!

The void can't be healed for a long time, and I don't know where the final sword light disappeared, the power of the Great Ascension Technique is fully demonstrated!

After a while, the realm master of Zhenluo and Luo Lingyi, hearing the huge movement, nervously returned from the white copper giant coffin under the funeral road.

Luo Lingyi's face was pale, and when he came out with his younger brother, he happened to see Su Jin's a thousand imaginary appearances in white clothes, resembling a feathered flying fairy, returning to Su Jin's deity, his handsome posture made people unable to help but look sideways. She hasn't figured it out yet.

How did Su Jin come out?

"Brother-in-law seems to have gained a great benefit." The realm master of Zhenlu took a breath and glanced at the unhealed void, knowing that although he said this, he was already shocked in his heart. He felt that brother-in-law was stronger! It seems to be a qualitative transformation.

"Benefits?" Luo Lingyi was startled.

"It's just chance." The realm master of Zhenluo sighed. For them, these two days must be very short-lived. I couldn't wait to ask Grandpa Grandpa to come and see what happened, but Luo Lingyi always has hope. Su Jin will show up, and it is not appropriate to leave her sister alone in that gloomy place, so she will stay for another day.

He never thought that Su Jin moved out of the giant white copper coffin without being aware of it. This was something he never expected. Moreover, it seems that he is pregnant with an incredible magic.

Su Jin smiled and nodded: "I got a chance, I will talk later, I have something to do--"


Haven't done it yet?

In Luo Ling's incomprehensible gaze, Su Jin flicked his hands towards the lake surface. After a while, Su Tianzi's eyes lit up, and between his hands, there were two emperor lamps that were as high as a two-story wooden building. It was filmed!


The realm master of Zhenluo's face changed, and he backtracked again and again.

"Can I take this light away from the'Taxu Divine Realm'?" Su Jin asked the realm master of Zhen Luo.

"Yes! But I need to send someone to move this light to your five realms, and then you can get it." Zhenluo Realm Master said anxiously.

Su Jin nodded. After all, it was Yuan Ling who entered this place. I don't know how far it is from the Five Realms. He continued, "Yes, you can send these two emperor lamps to the Nine Heavens Palace."

"This thing is unknown, brother-in-law is sure to take it away?" Zhenra Realm Master said with shame.

"I want to be of great use." Su Jin's face was straight, without explanation.

"No problem." The realm master of Zhen Luo directly set up a package ticket and wanted to send it to Su Jin.

"That white copper giant coffin is also an incredible fetish. It belongs to you." Su Jin took a deep breath. As expected, the'Great Ascension Technique' still has some drawbacks. Now that the sequelae appear, I have tried my best and my mind is a little dizzy. Then he said: "Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, I will come to Taixu Divine Realm again, and wait for me..."

The latter sentence was said by Su Jin and Luo Lingyi.

After seeing Luo Lingyi nodding his head, Su Jin began to virtualize the Yuan Ling. He communicated to the ‘fantasy’ stone sign far away in the Barbarian Palace, and the Yuan Ling was about to return to his body——

Two days, two whole days passed.

Su Jin was in the Barbarian Palace. When he opened his eyes, the red candlelight flickered, and Ge Xueyan was still sitting next to the stone table. It should have been waiting for him for two days in Huaxia City, Yuan Ling had not yet returned.

Xia Yisu wrapped her exquisite and beautiful figure, her long legs stretched under the table, her snow-white complexion dazzled, and Su Jin looked at it silently.

Suddenly, the corners of Su Jin's mouth were upturned, and there was a hot glow in the depths of his pupils, and his exhaustion seemed to be swept away.

I saw that Su Tianzi stood up gently and hugged Ge Xueyan's body directly from the table.

Walked towards the ‘golden silk quilt’ bed——

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