My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1766: Ghost ship

Su Jin didn't care much.

The huge corpse of the beast, after absorbing hundreds of millions of true spirits, was covered by the billowing black mist, and then a scene that surprised Su Jin appeared.

When the black mist dissipated, the ancestor of the corpse **** turned into a human deity, and turned out to be a middle-aged man with long white hair and wearing a thick black cloth robe.

The other party opened his eyes, a ray of glow came out, and then the edge of the cloth robe all over his body seemed to be inlaid with a ring of gold.

Su Jin took a deep breath. This is a manifestation of Shenrong Dao. This ancestor of the corpse vulva, with a terrifying cultivation base, is many times stronger than the elder of the corpse **** he killed before!

The ancestor of the dead yin door stared at Su Jin, with hatred in his tone, and said coldly:

"Later, you will regret what you just did. I will take your true spirit out, imprisoned, and wrap it around the wick of the ghost lamp and burn it for eternity. I want you to live forever and reflect on my corpse today. What the **** has done!"

"I've heard a lot of these things, and I'll hear them again here with you." Su Jin said lightly.

Su Jin is very calm. If he is still afraid of such remarks when he is in his status, then it is impossible for him to go so far!

"It's okay! Today I want you to appreciate the power of my'most holy ghost's yin art'——" The ancestor's robe of the corpse yin door was drifting in the wind, and the ghosts of the ghosts were scraped from his body, the number is countless , These ghosts and ghosts traveled in the sky, as if turning into black clouds, filling the entire sky.

The wind is roaring, the ghost is howling!

If you are a patient with intensive phobia, if you look up, you will definitely find that dense, scarlet face with fangs——

"The ancestor of the corpse yin door is really powerful, quickly retreat!" The cultivator who was on the sidelines became frightened. When the ghosts hissed, they were extremely ear-piercing, and it was very uncomfortable to hear the heart as if torn apart by two claws.

"Devil Su destroyed my corpse vulva. The ancestor killed him ten or a hundred, which is not enough to make up for the loss. This person will be beheaded here today by the ancestor, and he will never live beyond life!" There is a corpse **** disciple. It's more moisturizing, but now everything is gone.

"It's not just about beheading him to death, but also bashing him into ashes." There is also a corpse in charge, said bitterly.

"The most sacred ghost's Yin Gong, the legendary magical technique, this technique is very evil... Now we have at least tens of thousands of ghosts on top of our heads. It is rumored that once we are besieged by these ghosts, there will be no bones left in the body, and they will be eaten completely. No wonder this ancestor has caused Mo Zu to suffer."

There are monks who clearly know the situation, but the more they know, the more scared they are. If the ancestor of the corpse **** attacked them, there would be no chance to speak.


Su Jin put his hands together, the Buddha's light of life and death illuminates the earth.


Su Jin's face was obviously shocked.

Since Su Jin became a living and dead Buddha, there are rare ghosts and ghosts that cannot be transformed. At this moment, the Brahma sings continuously, and the universal Buddha light only transforms the upper layer of the ghosts. Those ghosts are as thick as a crucian carp, and the Buddha light cannot penetrate much. deep.

"Tianzi Su has cultivated several skills, and his Dharma has reached the realm of a holy king. He is unique. He is talking about the happiness of life and death. He is a Buddha of life and death... But at this moment, facing the ancestor of the corpse yin door, it has no effect!" Someone was shocked! .

"Of course! He is just a holy king, and the ancestor of the corpse Yinmen is in the ancestral realm, how can he be able to defeat the ancestral realm!" someone responded.

"No! The billions of ghosts seem to be moving!" Someone stared, not even daring to blink their eyes, seeing the subtle situation.

Sure enough, the billions of ghosts thick and thick above the sky gradually pressed down, slowly condensing a circle, turning the void into a confinement magic technique.

At this moment, Su Jin’s Buddha light lingers, endless ghosts, under the suppression of the ‘Most Holy Ghost’s Yin Gong’, turned into a ‘ghost ship’, cruising in the depths of the void——

"This ancestor is indeed powerful."

Su Jin dealt with it indifferently, he had to admit that the other party had one.

If it were to be replaced by other powerful ancestors, in the ‘ghost ship’, I’m afraid that even the ‘ancestral world’ would not be able to be used, just like the real ghost power, it would block everything around and the avenue would not be allowed to exist.

The light of Buddha spreading on his body is getting dim, the Buddha's path is prosperous, and Su Jin is imprisoned in the center of the "ghost ship", and gradually can no longer use the Dharma to communicate with the road.

"I thought you Su Tianzi was so powerful! It turned out to be nothing more than that. Next, I will use Yin Fire to refine your body and restrain your true spirit--"

The ancestor of the dead yin door felt a bad breath, but Su Jin was not dead yet, and he couldn't let go of not seeing him dead.

A layer of white flames began to spread, but after touching the faint Buddha light around Su Jin's body, it was difficult to burn him close.

"You can try." In Su Jin's calm eyes, there is no happiness or anger, and the tone is very calm.

"I see how long you can keep your mouth so hard!" The ancestor of the corpse Yin door was angry again. He originally thought that Su Jin was asking for forgiveness, and begged him to let him go, but he was able to speak so calmly. .

The ‘ghost boat’ turned into hundreds of millions of ghosts screamed, and the surrounding monks began to cover their ears, regardless of their level of cultivation. What’s more, the eardrums were ruptured, and red blood flowed out.

The originally flat layer of Xubaiyinhuo suddenly became like a wave of anger. It lifted ten thousand feet high, and swept over to Emperor Chaosu——

After the Buddha's light disappeared, Su Jin raised his head.

Sleepy, the confusion and difficulty that I have never had before appeared in my heart. He has the'Great Ascension Technique', which could have broken out of this confinement, but any Tao here no longer exists and can no longer be used. If he is in the ancestral realm, it is impossible for the opponent to suppress him!

The crisis this time is no less than the last time in the'Dayan Imperial City'. In the face of the white-haired spiritual rain, the opponent's realm and aura completely suppressed Su Jin. This is due to the short years of practice——

The scorching and unspeakable Xubai Yinhuo swept over.

"The Son of Su is going to fall!" There are many male and female nuns here, who have heard of Su Jin's deeds, and they were very admired at first, but when they saw the ancestral realm sweeping away, they all became worried.

"The blame is too arrogant, not everyone can provoke the ancestor of the dead vagina." Someone sighed.

"It's a worthwhile trip to witness the fall of Emperor Su! It's a pity that there is not a great genius in the world--"

"Tianzi Su went all the way well..."


The Xu Bai Yinhuo was completely covered, and the figure of Su Tianzi was no longer in it. Many people watched intently, but they all shook their heads. The corpse's **** will burn Su Jin's body and detain the true spirit, I am afraid that in the future, his reincarnation will become impossible.

At the moment, the ancestor of the corpse Yinmen looked a little proud, but when he turned around and looked at the razed "corpse Yinmen" station, he suddenly felt painful. In the morning and evening, the martial art was wiped out, like a broom sweeping away a pile of dead leaves. It will take years to rebuild the glory of the corpse's vulva.

And soon, the body of the ancestor of the dead yin door was shaken——

Turning quickly to look at the ghost ship transformed into billions of ghosts, a scene that even his ancestral realm powerhouse could not believe was happening!

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