My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1769: Su Jin under my knee

She dared to shout at this king!

She dared to shout at this king!

She dared to shout at this king!

I have to say the important situation three times, with eyes facing each other, Su Jin looked at this very familiar beauty, and wanted to say something fiercely: "Why?"

Su Jin didn't say anything. The big beauty in front of her called her'husband'. She must be his wife before. She was standing in front of her, wearing a yellow small sleeve cage two-piece skirt, so fresh that she seemed to blend in. The same in nature.

I really don't know how I thought of this violent and mad woman before! Su Jin looked up slightly and saw Xia Yuyan walking into the living room. He hesitated a little and followed in.

As soon as he arrived in the living room, Xia Yuyan opened the bedroom door, stood by the door, turned sideways, looked at Su Jin and said, "Come in."

Just come in!

Su Jin strode in, he was a little unnatural, and he didn't sit down. He watched Xia Yuyan ruining the cabinet, took out a delicate keyboard, and placed it on the floor in front of the bed.

"Pinch your ears with both hands, come over and kneel for me." Xia Yuyan sighed like a blue, and Queen Fan fully showed it. She sat on the edge of the bed, folded her hands on the waist of the thin willow held by Yingying, and folded her Snow-colored long legs.

Su Jin was once again in a state of confusion----

She dared to make this king kneel to her!

She dared to make this king kneel to her!

She dared to make this king kneel to her!

The important situation, I have to say it three times again. When Young Master Su saw her, he was called in in a daze like a sheep, and he said it was a good deal? Young Master Su suddenly remembered that he didn't intend to retrieve his previous memories, he had come to cut love, and if he cut love successfully, all the previous things would no longer be related to him!

But when I arrived at Zhanqing, I just came here and took a hit, very embarrassed~~~

"Do you know who I am." Su Jin slumped, and some unkind eyes were released, staring at Xia Yuyan.

"Don't pretend, Miyoshi's husband, Guangwei is a model citizen, and the extraterritorial Su Tianzi, isn't it you." Xia Yuyan said with a curled mouth.

Su Jin pointed to Xia Yuyan, shaking hands, nodding his head and said: "The answer is correct."

These words are all very familiar. Su Jin secretly said that this is no good, he has to make a decision quickly, why he has been in this place as if he has changed himself. In his dark and dusty memory, he has had a relationship with this woman. How much in the past.

"Kneel and don't kneel." Xia Yuyan was obviously a little angry.

"The man has gold under his knees, don't kneel!" Su Jin faced Xia Yuyan, and could no longer say the kind of "you don't kneel or die", but you pay for it. Now it's his turn.

"Golden? I also said...I have Su Jin under my knees." Xia Yuyan stared.

"You--" Su Jin turned sideways and scratched his hands with his fingers in the hair. He had planned to see her before he started, but he was extremely happy inexplicably, which obviously affected his performance!

But when the interruption continues, it is chaotic! Gentle Township, Hero Tomb! Determined to be as early as possible-

Su Jin immediately turned around again, put his hands on his earlobes, and came to Xia Yuyan.

It turned out that his decision turned out to be this...

She still couldn’t kneel, because Xia Yuyan raised her heart when she saw this, and Yu Xin couldn’t bear it. Yingkou said, “Forget it, I’ve been outside for so long, I thought you didn’t care about me anymore. , Why don't you change your clothes."

Xia Yuyan stood up from the bed and took off Su Jin's gold-patterned robe with both hands. His movements were not hurried. Young Master Su was bathed in the fragrant wind and couldn't help but sniff a few more.

Immediately, Yuyan’s wife walked to the closet and began to help him get the clothes he wanted to change. The newly purchased batch of new clothes arrived a few days ago. There were dozens of sets and many styles. Xia Yuyan brought one from time to time. Came to Su Jin and made comparisons--

It took a long time for Xia Yuyan to choose, let Young Master Su take a bath and put on the chosen clothes——

"A confidant is a disaster, and a confidant is a disaster."

Su Jin lay in the bathtub, repeating a sentence from time to time, obviously there is no chance now, after dark, hehe!

After taking a shower and changing into a casual outfit, Su Jin looked at himself in the mirror and was silent for a while.

The sky outside the window is already dusk, and the night is spreading out.

Have a good dinner.

At the dining table, Xia Yunxi watched Su Jin walk into the bedroom in a low voice, and said in a low voice: "Brother-in-law seems weird, sister... don't you feel it?"

"What are you thinking about?" Xia Yuyan instinctively looked at the closed bedroom door, and was a little more confused in her heart. Her husband was different from usual. Originally, his previous performance, he still thought it was a joke, who knew that something was wrong.

But when Xia Yuyan had just eaten, it was impossible for Xia Yuyan to speak out, and she couldn't scare her sister now.

"Where has my brother-in-law been recently? It's not that I'm mentally ill..." While Su Jin was away, Xia Yunxi pointed to the food on the table. There might be more than five people. It was completely wiped out, because the sisters didn't eat much.

There is no more soup left!

"Don't think too much, it's okay." Xia Yuyan sighed.

"If something happens, you must see a doctor as soon as possible. I have a friend who is a psychiatric expert in a tertiary hospital. If you feel something is wrong, take your brother-in-law to see tomorrow—"

Xia Yuyan was speechless:...

In the bedroom, the night outside had already been opened, Su Jin opened the window, instinctively took a pack of cigarettes and placed it on the window, and lit one.

The feasting Huaxia Qin City, with neon flashes and dense buildings, seems to live in an ordinary city, and it is not bad to lead an ordinary life.

When the thought appeared, Su Jin immediately made up his mind. How could this king have this kind of thought! He wants to cut love, cut love! I'll do it later-

So in order to prove the firmness of Taoism, another dagger was added next to the cigarette case, "Liying"...

Looking at Qin Cheng in the smoke, Su Jin's expression became more and more indifferent, and when he was so cold that he could see it, he seemed to have a chill in his heart.

Before long, the bedroom door opened and was gently closed.

Xia Yuyan looked at the figure in front of Su Jin's window, her lips moved, and she tried to speak, but stopped, found clean clothes, and walked into the bathroom. Soon, the ink hair scattered on the back like a waterfall, and the pattering voice was clearly heard by Su Tianzi.

"Woo-" a whispered whisper appeared beside the bed. The snow-white little unicorn, covered in fluorescence, was roaring at Su Jin.

Su Jin tilted his head, turned around, covered it with a slap, and received it directly into the bone ring. Suddenly, the whole world seemed to be quiet, and only the patter of falling rain in the bathroom.

curious coincidence.

Su Jin was cold, walking silently, walked to the bathroom, and put his hand on the door handle of the bathroom...

Unscrew gently.

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