My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1793: Without painting wall (5/5)




Where did Xia Yuyan's face still have a wine-red color, it was now pale, and the object she accidentally kicked was a stone skeleton--

At this moment, the skeleton stone is in a sitting position, holding a crystal jade book in his hand. The thin crystal stone has turned yellow in the endless years, and the mottled writing on it is also unclear. There is a pile of black in front of the skeleton stone. Traces of fire.

Su Jin saw that there is an octagonal regular pattern on the Jingyu Book, which should correspond to the five elements and gossip. This Jingyu Book is a gate formation method, but he can easily see through where the'life gate' is. This book is of no value. High and low mid-level array method.

"Back then, when he sat cross-legged in front of the fire, his flesh was suddenly ashes as he was swept away by the wind, leaving only withered bones and still maintaining his posture." Su Jin calmly saw a scene that Xia Yuyan hadn't seen.

"It's terrible." Xia Yuyan felt vague, but she knew that she couldn't persuade Su Jin away. She knew her husband was very courageous!

"In addition to the handwriting on the four walls, there are also the'three' pattern. Obviously there was a terrifying ban formation here, but now it has completely failed."

Su Jin observed carefully, and casually told Xia Yuyan, then squeezed her little hand, her face was stern, and pulled her to walk away.

Obviously, this was once a cave mansion. As for whose cave mansion it was, he didn't know, after walking through a stone gate——

Klang Klang!

The stone gate behind it closed automatically!

"Closed!" Xia Yuyan was startled, isn't there no one here, how could Shimen automatically close? She remembered that when Su Jin came to the Huishan Gold Mine, someone heard the words ‘The Son of Heaven’ came. Su Jin came here again. Could there be a ‘living person’ here?

"Humph." Su Jin sneered.

The world that the Lord has seen is so big, can a stone gate block him? It's ridiculous!

With the closing of the stone gate, this cave is more spacious, and the bright'fluorescent beads' on the wall emit a silvery white light. Although it has been covered in dust, it still illuminates the cave!

"There are paintings on the walls--" Xia Yuyan cried.

Su Jin naturally saw what she saw, leading her to the wall.

Soon Su Jinhu’s eyes flashed, and a man was drawn on the wall, who buried an umbrella in Huishan. According to this orientation, it should be the area where he took out the "small umbrella", which is his mine in the southeast. ! This man should be the emperor!

Su Jin didn't say much, and took his wife to the other wall. On it, the emperor appeared carrying a huge golden dragon corpse, bleeding the golden dragon, and the dragon's blood surged here. Later, the emperor changed the terrain and the sky rose and the sky fell. At that time, the Golden Dragon was buried.

No, to be precise, the Golden Dragon Corpse Town is below!

On the third wall, Su Jin couldn't understand it. There was a big river painted on it, and the waves in the river were rolling. One of the green lotus and three lotus leaves appeared in the river. What does it mean?

Su Jin couldn’t figure it out, and walked towards the north wall without a word. There was nothing on it. The paintings on the other three walls were even crowded, but only the north wall was clean and clean, without any painting scratches. normal!

The painter, what do you want to tell yourself with this "no painted wall"?

Su Jin was puzzled.

The fluorescent spar lamp stretches far, where there is a stone bridge erected on a cracked cliff. The bridge is not arched, but as flat as a road.

"Fifteen, I counted fifteen skeletons." Xia Yuyan said. She hadn’t been watching the murals just now, those skeletons and bones were very special, as if they were all doing things, they were swept away without warning, very scary——

"there are more."

Su Jin ignored the skeletons and took Xia Yuyan towards the stone bridge. He already had a guess in his heart.

Under the stone bridge, there is a cracked cliff about fifty meters wide. The black is not bottomless. I don’t know how deep it is. What makes Xia Yuyan even more frightened is on the flat stone bridge, densely written with words——

"Heng Heng Heng..."

The words are all the same, every stroke seems to have exhausted endless resentment, and people will feel shocking at the first glance.

The underground is cold, Xia Yuyan’s graceful body is thin, and her clothes are tight at the moment. She shouldn’t be like this, because she practices the “Miaoxin Frost Dance”, the practice of the Ice and Snow Law, but here The cold seems to be very different, as if coming out of my heart.

"I thought that this is a cave mansion. But from this point of view, I was wrong." Su Jin turned his handsome face in front of the bridge and said, looking at Yuyan's wife.

"What is it?" Xia Yuyan had Su Jin with him, and was not very afraid in her heart. She felt a very strong sense of security in her husband.

"The underground palace!" Su Jin coldly took a step on the stone bridge.

Creak creak--

Some of the old stone railings on both sides of the stone bridge were stepped on by this step.

Xia Yuyan walked up with Su Jin in a panic, and crossed the bridge very risky.

The place is too big, the cracked cliffs do not know how far it stretches, the light from the fluorescent stone lamps is not good, and the scene is a bit dim.

"The entire underground palace has a radius of more than 10,000 square meters, and there are 1,036 skeletons." The prison eye of Su Jin Mohe Town had already informed Xia Yuyan of the result. He was thinking about things in front of the mural just now. Only have time to tell her.

"1036!" Xia Yuyan stared at her beautiful eyes and lost her voice.

"Well, it's not important, what's important is...If we don't handle it well, it will be difficult for us to go out alive." Su Jin said lightly.


Xia Yuyan wanted to ask this question very much, but she knew that what her husband said was definitely right, and she didn't have his ability!

"We shouldn't have come." Xia Yuyan glanced at the other black invisible areas, always feeling that the source of fear was hidden in the dark areas, making people uneasy.


There was a rustling vibration not far away, and dust began to fall everywhere.

Su Jin felt his wife clenched his arm tighter, and looked at the area a hundred meters away with cold eyes, and said: "Let's walk over, I want to see what the moth is doing!"

"What's there?" Xia Yuyan couldn't see, so she could only ask Su Jin. She knows that her husband can see what she can't see.

"Nothing, everything has me." Su Jin hugged her face to face, patted her back, and comforted.

"Hmm--" Xia Yuyan had the courage, would she make her husband feel bad if she was so timid?

Su Jin pulled her forward, the tremor continued, but slightly.

Two minutes passed.

Young Master Su's face was a little ugly, he stopped moving, the scene in front of him was already in sight, Xia Yuyan's eyes widened, and she was shaking all over—

That's right! What she saw made her numb and tremble!

Su Jin felt a pain, stretched out his hand to cover her eyes, and said coldly, "Don't look!"

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