
Su Jin's expression changed, and he saw sharp tentacles growing out of the black seal. When these tentacles protruded out, even his own power could not be stopped!


The old corpse of the Yejia laughed wildly, his face changed quickly, and he said in a proud tone:

"Little brother, the China World is vast and vast. I'm afraid you can't find Yejia. Now I changed my mind. How about replacing your body with this ancestral body? You are not at a disadvantage— —"

too disgusting!

Xia Yuyan stepped back a few steps, the stinking ancestor of the Ye Family, his old body was so decayed that he still shamelessly said that it would be worthwhile to change his body!

"You can't succeed!"

Su Jin was full of strength, and the dark red power burst in front of him with a strong flame. He knew very well that this black seal was like a living thing. Once changed, it seemed to have unpredictable power that absorbed all his mental power. He could only do resistance--

"The ancestor's corpse demon seal, you junior still want to resist, this kind of possibility does not exist, tsk tsk... everything about you will be acquired by me, your status, your Taoist companion... all will belong to me! "

The old corpse said that the voice was going to be crisp, and the old voice was still such an old and disrespectful, it was really strange.

Hearing this, Xia Yuyan directly paled, and looked at Young Master Su anxiously.

Now Su Jin held up a two-meter circle of flames with both hands. Among them, the corpse demon seal became more vigorous, and the pressure increased with the burning of his flames. This evil ancestor treasure is too strange!

"Husband..." Xia Yuyan felt anxious and couldn't say anything. She knew that the old corpse was terrifying, but the more she did this, the more she was afraid he could not resist it.

"My ancestor, I was miserable by the emperor, and I was a slave to him for countless years. The writing on the bridge and on the wall is one year. I waited so hard! But the sky does not kill me, and the beautiful new life is here. Wait for me!" The old corpse paced joyfully several times, and muttered to himself constantly.

"When I break free from this seal, you will be cut off—"

Su Jin chose to sit down with his hands up in the sky, slowly drawing two arcs with both hands, and the entire circular unicorn shield enveloped him, but the corpse seal continued to wriggle, trying to get into him. Of the spirit sea.

"The body of the emperor, the body of the saint king. The ancient pupil technique is all mine!" The old corpse became more excited as he thought about it, but soon he was astonished.

what happened?

The corpse demon seal hasn't done anything yet--

Not only did he fail to make merit, but he was pushed farther away by this son. Is this the power that a holy king possesses?

The old corpse's expression began to be solemn, and he ignored the Taoist companion Xia Yuyan who was not far behind Su Jin. This beauty was too weak and he didn't take it seriously, and it was the business to seize the body first!

Immediately the old corpse tray sat down, the vigorous black and blue corpse energy gushed out, and the power of the ancestral realm burst out and injected into the ancestral treasure corpse demon seal!

Several times!

Su Jin’s pressure suddenly increased several times. Layers of unicorn shields shattered in an instant. What is hateful is that the opponent used the power of the ancestral treasure. If it were not for this treasure, it would not be possible for him to be dangerous to this with the ancestral body. Kind of!

"Child, give up resistance, death is your home--" a sullen guiding voice came, as if it could confuse people.

"A pair of stinky skin, even this kind of pediatric phantom sound was made."

Su Jin's heart began to be filled with stone color, transformed into a stone heart with a heart of stone!

"You, you said that my ancestral body was a smelly, smelly skin! After I took your body, I will imprison you here, and taste the taste of having a smelly skin for countless years!" The old corpse's voice trembled.

Expose people but not short, Su Jin's words really made Ye family ancestors feel pain, heartache!

"You will continue to guard these nine altars with the body of a stinky skin." Su Jin felt that the confrontation was very difficult, but his tone was not in the slightest.

"Very well, you are very strong and satisfy me. The stronger you are, the better your qualifications. In the future, I will be born in your body and will be invincible to China——"

The old corpse calmed down and cultivated to his level. If he was affected by words again, it would be useless. On the contrary, Su Jin was able to fight him for so long, which really made him surprised and happy.

The two sitting cross-legged and fighting, the dark blue corpse energy and Su Jin's dark red power were in a two-pole confrontation. The corpse demon seal in the middle was pressed against the dark red power, and its tentacles stretched out, trying to touch Su Shao's eyebrows— —

Su Jin found that his strength was rapidly consuming, and during this period of time, he had spent 40% of it. If this goes on, he must be consumed by life and death!

"Ancestor Yejia! I will make you perfect!" Su Jin suddenly yelled.

"Oh? You kid knows you!" The old corpse said in ecstasy, but soon he said angrily: "You..."

I saw Su Jin secretly grabbed a purple gold gourd, directly controlled the floating outside the field, and aimed at the ancestor of the night family——

Fate gourd!

A whirlpool of sucking appeared around the old corpse, but Su Jin was shocked that the other party was not charged! There are three possibilities!

The first is that one's realm is lower than the other's, just a holy king!

The second possibility is that the strength of this old corpse is too terrifying!

The third possibility is the Fate Calabash, unable to collect the strong ancestors!

But what made Su Jin feel a little relieved was that Fate Gourd obviously had a serious impact on the old corpse. Although it has not been collected for the time being, it finally involves most of the other party's energy. This is a good thing for the severely depleted self.

"You cunning little beast, this treasure won't be able to accept me for the time being! Let's end it, this is not a level competition, but I occupy your body behind, and I will thwart you!"

The ancestors of the Ye family separated a lot of corpse qi, suppressed his ancestral body, he was in a vortex, obviously not calm!

But he didn't want to think about it either! Who is cunning!

His dignified ancestor, a strong ancestor! First, he was kind, and under the guise of sending the corpse demon seal back to his hometown clan, he was overshadowed by Su Tianzi. Now Su Jin uses the way of the other, how cunning is there? This ancestor is simply shameless to the extreme-

"Not good!" After Su Jin listened to this ancestor's words, the other side's remains shriveled inch by inch, and in the end only a human skin was left on the bone!

The endless dark blue corpse energy directly skyrocketed more than ten times, piercing all the ‘unicorn shield’ that Su Jin had opened!

In a blink of an eye, the ‘corpse demon seal’ with its tentacles was rushed!

The tentacles derived from the corpse demon seal are so flexible that they will directly touch Su Jin's eyebrows...

Su Jin was very powerless at this moment. He was countless, and never wanted to be planted here——

Xia Yuyan's face was pale, and she couldn't get close to the area where the two had struggled, but she made the worst decision after seeing this...

The snow-white little hand stretched out, the Miaoxinshuang dance technique was performed, and the pieces of snow quickly condensed into a small ice skate which she grasped!

The sharp ice blade touched the jade neck!

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