My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1798: Adding one piece is not enough!

An inch of soil is not allowed to get involved-

Although the voice was dull, the domineering aura revealed in the dullness was shocking. It was an arrogant temperament that none of the monks in the room had!

"Tianzi Su!" I didn't know who it was, and shouted three words excitedly.

"Doesn't anyone in my five domains dare to stand out except Su Tianzi? What about those ancestors who yelled Su Tianzi as the devil?"

Someone's words were a little bit agitated, but people in the Five Domains are not aligned. It is a well-known thing. Infighting is very serious, and it is very fatal to not be able to agree with the outside at critical moments.

"The ancestors? They live a happy life of fine clothes and jade food, and they are enshrined by descendants, and they are very chic, but don't forget, even if there are ancestors, it is impossible to get ahead."

"Yes, the Outer Desolate Peng Clan is a good example. It was almost beheaded by the people of the Niu Family in the'Tianlong Realm'. No ancestor dared to risk annihilating the clan to come forward for our waste--"


At this moment, Su Jin's young body stood in front of millions of Chinese cultivators. Several of them were his friends, and they have seen it now.

For example, Fu Qianmo, holding a sunflower in hand and riding a black elephant, was at this moment together with Miss Mo Yue, looking up at Su Tianzi. The hearts of the two women were very complicated and sad.

As a talented woman in the five domains.

The two women themselves did not reach Su Jin's height, and could not fight side by side for the time being, and could not help Su Jin. Such a sentimental and righteous man does not need to stand up for others at all, and at the moment he stands alone in front of him, his back is desolate——

"Boss--" The current emperor of the barbaric country, the young emperor who has just ascended the throne, sat on a golden dragon's robe, with a face full of shame.

The emperor outside is inferior to a dog, and the Taixu Divine Realm is not his. He is a small country monarch, and other sage kings might not even throw him away.

In another area, Mu Tianhan was carrying a bow and consciously lost his face. The cousin Rong Qingqing next to him whispered to him: "Cousin, it's Su Tianzi..."

Mu Tianhan had no face to respond to his cousin's words, because he saw his brother and couldn't help him.

There are also Li Bicheng, Kou Niang and other women who have complicated hearts, while Princess Xue bit her lip without saying a word——

She is not in a good mood, and the goddess of Yin and Yang. She is dressed in black and her face is covered with black veil. Recently, she is uneasy and hides an answer in her heart. She eagerly wants Su Jin to tell her in person, but now she can’t see it. Going out, can't help.

One person, facing the void of a dozen people!

More than a dozen holy kings from all walks of life, when seeing the Five Domains, some people dare to come forward! And he also uttered arrogant words, not to let them get involved in a single inch of soil——

"Be careful, everyone." One of the Heavenly Dragon Realm Saint King, with an extremely solemn expression on his face, continued: "He is the Son of the Five Realms Su who captured my Heavenly Dragon Realm'Shenwu City", and a strong heaven-defying Saint King!"

"Oh? Haven't heard of this person, how to win the'Shenwu City'?" Among a dozen people, one asked curiously.

The Saint King of the Heavenly Dragon Realm flushed immediately, gritted his teeth and said vaguely: "One person."

"All alone!" There was a holy king, "could it be that your Shenwu City has no strong guards and let him take advantage of it? Shouldn't it—"

"At that time, there were five holy kings, all of them were defeated by him!" The heavenly dragon realm holy king couldn't hide his embarrassment, "he killed one."

More than a dozen holy kings:...

There is no lack of air-conditioning sounds.

"Huh! I would like to ask, why are you a holy king! Even if it is against the sky, is it so sure to contend against our 15 holy kings?"

A young saint king from the'Emperor Heaven Realm', with red open-minded hair and a pair of steel fingerless gloves on his hands with alternating blue and red. When speaking, his whole body began to swim, faintly visible There were two beasts, blue and red, condensing on the surface of his skin.

"The reason is very simple." Su Jin smiled lightly and said, "Because you don't have enough to add one piece."


The crowd took a breath of air in the crowd. Nearly 40% of the monks in other big worlds couldn't believe it. What brought this Su Tianzi's confidence? Could it be bragging?

At this moment, the young sage king of the'Emperor Heaven Realm' pulled his face down, and just about to step forward, he stiffened and stiffened when a middle-aged sacred king who had not spoken for a long time spoke!

"Since Su Tianzi has spoken, my'Zhen Luo Realm' withdrew from this trip to the'Ancient Temple'." Zhen Luo Realm Saint King said with a serious face.

"Daoist Kui, you!" There was a holy king who was puzzled by the plan of the holy king of the real Luo world.

"Tianzi Su and the realm master are very friendly, and I don't want to die." Kui Daoist resolutely withdrew, did not persuade others, just said the three words'don't want to die'. As for the reason, he didn't say anything, and directly addressed Su Jin. He arched his hands and turned to leave.

Located in the southwest, the monks from all walks of life did not choose to stand with the ants of the Five Realms. Among them, the monk of the'Emperor Heaven Realm' mocked a monk of the'Jin Luo Realm' and said: "You are so bold in the real king of Zhen Luo. Is it small?"

The Zhenluo realm monk only glanced at the mocker, and responded: "Timid? If my realm holy king does not leave, 15 holy kings will go together, can you pass an ancestral realm?"

"That depends on what kind of ancestral realm!" said the mocker.

"How about my "Jinluo Realm" nineteenth king brother?"

"Maybe it can't be beaten, the ancestral world is open, it is difficult for the holy king to survive."

"Then you don't beep with Laozi! Su Tianzi used to fight the Nineteenth King's Brother as a dog. The Nineteenth King's Brother's ancestral realm cultivation base was seriously injured and he escaped with his tail pinched by him!" Zhen Luo Monk Jie raised his eyebrows and said with emotion.


The cultivators around heard this and exclaimed. I don’t know if this is a boast, if it’s true, then this Su Tianzi can fight the ancestor with the Saint King realm!

At this time, the Saint Kings of the Zhenluo Realm left, and there are still 14 remaining. The ancient temples and the nests of the sacred birds are impossible to let go, and the 14 Saints are not something Su Jin alone can stop. All the Saints secretly passed on To communicate with each other, agree that safety is better, let's play together!

Immediately, the brilliance of various colors began to emerge, and there were visions of unfolding visions, including the "Bronze Building Vision" and the Void Flowering Vision.

Among them, there is a holy king with overwhelming fighting power. The vision turned out to be a ‘virtual spirit combat body’, which can be directly integrated with his physical body. Once displayed, there are few people who can compete with the holy king!

"Fourteen Saint Kings are fighting together, so shameless!" a Chinese monk shouted.

"It's ugly to eat, how many people are watching the battle, all of them are Saint King...why should fourteen fight one?"

"It's shameless! It's not my race, there isn't a good thing—"


Before, there was a Chinese monk who kept yelling, yelling unfairly and despicably. On the other hand, the monks in other big worlds had the idea of ​​watching a good show. Almost all of them thought that Su Jin would be killed by the fourteen holy kings——

There is no possibility of being alive!

But the next moment, Su Jin directly shocked the audience! Boiling~~~

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