My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1806: Catch alive


Yao Qiaoyu was stunned, suddenly her face rose with two groups of peach pink color, her arms covered her front, and said: "You are necrotic! Where are your eyes looking..."

As we all know, there are two career lines on the human body, one is the hand, the other...

"It's funny, but it's true that you are in good health. Don't worry too much. You are still growing up." Su Jin saw Yao Qiaoyu's embarrassed face, and it was over after two moderate jokes. , Can not leave a bad impression in the heart of the old girl.

"Bad guy--" Yao Qiaoyuan herself held her cheek with her small hand, her cheek being very hot.

Su Jin looked at the time and saw that a maidservant kept carrying vegetables and walked into a big house in front of the garden. It could be seen that if the food and wine were all set, they would definitely come to shout for dinner.

Sure enough, it didn't take long.

Yao Jiuye strode blushing.

"Master Su, I've been waiting for a long time, please come soon..." Yao Jiuye still treasures that pair of calligraphy, "Swallowing Mountains and Rivers". This is an old hobby of his old friends. Very willing to show how much I cherish.

Su Jin looked at the sky, nodded, got up and walked into the room, and said at the same time: "Jiu Ye, Miss Tao Ji sent more people to watch. She was hit by the'head drop', although it has been resolved by me. , But if the opponent starts the altar again and casts spells on Miss Tao Ji, she will still react."

"Come down!" Yao Jiuye's old face became ugly. His Yao family was well-known in Qincheng. He was not easy to cause trouble, but he was not afraid of anything. Who would dare to harm his Yao family!

"Well, Jiuye is at ease. The reason why I stay at night is naturally to catch this person. He had better not open the altar to cast spells, otherwise--" Su Jin's eyes flashed sharply.

In Qincheng, Su Jin had already let out his words, Tao Ji was covered by him, which was equivalent to covering the entire Yao family. The other party dared to make such a move. Obviously, he had regarded his words as deaf ears and could not be merciless.

"Good, good! There is Master Lao Su! Please!" Yao Jiuye relaxed now.

"Jiuye don't have to be polite."

Subsequently, Su Jin was placed in the most respected position of the guests, a table full of wine and dishes, the aroma was overflowing, and the nose snorted, Zhou Tianhu and Yao Qiaoyu were also seated.

Yao Jiuye picked up the wine, and after toasting Su Jin, he hesitated: "Since there is a lower head teacher in Luoxia Town, should I send someone to search it?"

"You don't need to be stunned, Brother Tiger and I are enough." Su Jin shook his head.

"It's hard work!" Yao Jiuye was full of admiration, and Zhou Tianhu also toasted a glass of wine.

Brother Hu was flattered by this treatment. You must know that Jiuye is a very famous old man in Qincheng, and being toasted by him is simply unimaginable for ordinary people.

And what caused this to happen was just a word from Su Jin! Because of the words of the young master, he brought his name!

The little princess of the Yao family looked at a few people, ate silently, looked at Su Jin and asked: "Master Su, if you finish catching people later, it must be late. Will you go back to the city at night?"

Suddenly, Jiu Ye didn't wait for Su Jin to answer, he patted his hand, and called the maid and said, "Go and clean up the'East Three House'.

Su Jin:...

Before he refused to refuse, he arranged it directly, but his hospitality was difficult. He could only wait for the lower head teacher to open the altar and cast the spell. I am afraid it will be very late.

"Don't bother, our boss just stays. After catching the people later, I have to go back and check the messenger behind this group." Zhou Tianhu said.

"Thank you!" Yao Jiuye said two words to Brother Tiger.


Three rounds of wine.

I haven't used up the dinner at the dinner table, but Su Jin is already full of food and drink, so he is just chatting with Yao Jiuye and it is not easy to leave.

At this moment, a sound of rapid pace came from outside the door.

"That's not right, Miss Tao Ji's face is pale, it seems that her condition is recurring!" A maid hurried in to report.

Yao Jiuye's face was stunned, and he immediately understood that the secret ‘head descending master’ was opening the altar again to cast spells. He couldn’t help but look at Master Su and exhorted: "Two be careful."

Su Jin looked calmly and stood up and said, "Brother Tiger, follow me to arrest people."

"Yes." Zhou Tianhu quickly got up from his seat.

The two went out together.

Outside the Summer Resort Manor, Su Jin’s eyebrows were opened, and the entire ‘Luoxia Town’ appeared in his eyes——

Su Jin perceives it slightly, since it is casting a spell, there must be power fluctuations, except for himself, almost no one has a cultivation base!

Sure enough, after perceiving it, Maha Town Prison looked at another place, which was the only ‘underground parking lot’ in Luoxia Town! It’s only 400 meters away from Yao’s Summer Resort——

What a courage! The sight that emerged from the prison eye of Maha Town was horrifying. I saw a scarecrow standing on a desk in the dark room. It was dressed in the clothes of'Taoji'. At this time, there were a few steel needles. Being stuck on the scarecrow.

On the table, there are all incense and sacrifices. There is also a "head-down master" wearing a Taoist robe!

"Follow me." Su Jin put away the eyes of Mohe Town Prison, and said to Zhou Tianhu behind him.

"Have you found the young master?" Zhou Tianhu said, cried out magic in his heart.

"I found it, I'll let him know later, what is the realization of pain." Su Jin smiled coldly and walked quickly towards the underground parking lot.

Zhou Tianhu was shocked in his heart, the young master was the young master, and he directly found the location of the ‘head-down master’! The so-called intention of harming others is not allowed. Since you want to choose such insidious means to harm others, you must bear the anger of everyone.

In a few minutes, the underground parking lot of Luoxia Town.

There are many vehicles parked here, and the place is not too dark. Along the way, more than 50 famous cars have appeared in the eyes of the two.

In a very inconspicuous corner, there is an iron gate that is blocked, but from a distance, you can see the fire from the crack of the door. This is the place where the ‘shangtou master’ opened the altar--

Su Jin stepped forward, without even looking, he lifted his leg and kicked on the iron gate!


The iron gate was kicked, and the curse of its practice stopped abruptly! A middle-aged man wearing a black Taoist robe was holding the only remaining steel needles and was going to continue sticking on the scarecrow, but the sudden change made him shudder and almost collapsed on the ground.

As the door was kicked off, there was a small house inside, two girls screamed.

Is there a woman in there? Su Jin didn't expect--

"Who are you!" The middle-aged head-down master shouted sharply, looking at Su Jin and Zhou Tianhu who walked in.

Su Jin put his hand behind his back, and without a word, he kicked the head of the head teacher's abdomen, and fell him to the ground, bending his body like a cooked prawn.

"Who are we? Anyway, you don't want to know, because once you know, Yao Jiuye might let someone kill you alive." Zhou Tianhu kicked him angrily. The atmosphere in this room is very abnormal and weird. It smelled of evil.

"You are Yao family..."

The color of the snow on the face of the middle-aged head descendant disappeared for a moment. Gabai Gabai, he certainly knew what he had done. This method harmed Tao Ji. Today was the last step. The time to send her back to heaven was in the early morning, but he Why was it discovered?

Zhou Tianhu glared at the head descendant, did not answer, but began to look around and found a handful of twine. After taking it, he tied him into a zongzi!

Seeing this, Su Jin walked to a dark hut inside and unscrewed the door——

It was pitch black inside, and Su Jin turned on the light, and faintly saw a small bed with a human being wrapped in the quilt...

Su Jin didn't even hesitate and came to the bed.

Take off the quilt directly!

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