My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1809: Yan Feiyang

Reach out to the bedside light switch——

The sound in the bedroom dimmed.

Yao Qiaoyu is still just a high school girl, and Su Jin cannot take advantage of the danger and do what is waiting for him. And he has important things to do now. He was about to enter the ‘Taixu God Realm’, and he saw that the ancestor's corpse was still around after seeing the ancient temple.

Covering the thin quilt for sister Qiaoyuan, Su Jin decisively left her residence and walked into the ‘East Three House’ villa prepared by Yao Jiuye for him.

Randomly found a room.

Su Jin locked the bedroom door, sat cross-legged on the bed, took out the "phantom" stone tablet, and began to communicate with the "Tai Xu Divine Realm".

The dark "Looking at the Ancient Sea", the seamounts are even more eerie and terrifying in the middle of the night. There was no light in the ancient temple. Twenty-five ancestors remained untouched, still guarding their place.

The sea breeze is blowing--

Su Jin appeared in the mountains and forests, where he left in the morning with the Fate Gourd in his hand.

"Call~~~" Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief.

The ancestor's corpse was not there, and when I looked towards the'Xiaohuachi', I didn't see her corpse. In any case, I didn't follow him inexplicably. Su Jin felt that it was the most relaxed result. He slightly changed his appearance and looked towards Haishan. Walk forward.

The monks were in groups, but there were a lot fewer people than the scene I saw in the morning. There are at most five to six thousand monks present. Perhaps after seeing the 25 ancestral corpses, those who left the monks had no idea. Compared with Qi Zhongbao, life was the most important.

"After the outbreak of the'Ancient God Forbidden', there were many people on the surrounding seabed, looking for the treasures of the ancient temple. Thousands of people have been swallowed by the terrifying behemoth. No one can see what the sea beast looks like-- "

When Su Jin gathered in the crowd, he distinguished some valuable information, such as what the old man said, which is very important.

"Oh! I have heard it too. Because the senior brother said that I would meet here, I have waited for a long time and haven't seen anyone. Maybe I have encountered an accident on the seabed. Someone privately called the sea beast that devoured the monk. It's the'Wang Gu Giant Beast'."

There were also monks who kept groaning and sighing. He waited for the brother, but did not wait.

"If we persist, maybe we can find some leftovers in the temple after the mighty people go away. They eat meat, why don't we drink soup?"

"We still have to plan for the worst and startled the'Wang Gu Giant Beast.' I'm afraid we people, I'm afraid it won't be enough to devour it."

"Yes, tell each other, don't go into the sea for now~~~"

"Yes, if you encounter that ‘Wang Gu Giant Beast’ in the sea, I’m afraid I won’t even have a chance to escape."

"There is no way to go to the sky, and it is impossible to go to the sea. I am afraid that I will have a chance to get involved with the heavy treasure of the'Ancient Temple'. I heard that Mozu and Xuanyue have already arrived, and I don't know why they haven't taken any action." Another monk shook his head.

"The female ancestor Xuanyue made a move, and her sleeves had the universe technique in it, and she could not take away the four-legged'Sheep Sovereign Ding'.

"Oh? When did it happen?"


Su Jin frowned slightly when she heard that the daughter of Xuanyue from the'Xuanyuan Family' arrived, enough to see how serious the situation was. From his point of view, Ancestor Mo and Daughter Ancestor of Xuanyue were waiting for someone, and they might have come to Taixu from the five realms. The power of the ancestral realm of the'God Realm' cannot shake the'Ancient Temple' here.

They want to use the power of outside ancestors! Thinking of this, Su Jin's face showed a hint of coldness——

When will China Great World not rely on external forces to prevent those strong from outside the world from being overbearing in our world!

Su Jin did not appear, hidden among the surrounding cultivators. At this moment, he seemed to be nothing more than an ordinary little cultivator, without being noticed by anyone.


In the far depths of the void, there is a zone called "Aya God Mountain". This is the edge of the land divided by the Yuanshi Realm in the "Taixu God Realm", separated by mountains.

On the peak of Aya Shenshan, the cold wind was piercing, and Yuanshi female world master stroked two strands of blue silk with her fingers. There was not a trace of the eyes that a woman should have in her eyes. The cold eyes were much colder than this snow-colored mountain!

"Yan Feiyang, show up--" Yuanshi's female realm master stood upright and said without any emotion.

"Lord Yuanshi, dignified daughter, what's the point of coming to me admiringly?"

The void above the Mount Aya was shattered by a flick of a finger, and a strong young man walked out from the middle. This young man was dressed in a'cloak' and was about 1.85 meters tall. He looked handsome and had a snake-shaped'monster' on his back. Sword, was actually a strong young ancestor-

"I need you to join forces with me to behead a person." Yuanshi female realm master said lightly.


Yan Feiyang condensed his face, "Who can look at you, but you are not sure to deal with it? Are you still cooperating with me? Could it be that the other party is a great emperor? Forget the great emperor, don't hurt me—"

Yuanshi female world master:...

I don’t know whether to say something, especially at this time, the atmosphere is particularly embarrassing, but the Yuanshi female realm master still said: "A holy king of the five regions."

A cold wind whirled, blowing past Yan Feiyang~~~

The atmosphere is very quiet!

"You... seem to be making me laugh? This joke is really not funny." Yan Fei raised his eyebrows into a Chuanzi shape, and several black lines appeared on his forehead.

"He is not a simple saint king, the nineteenth king of Zhenluo realm. After he became an ancestor, he was severely injured and ran away in embarrassment. Moreover, he had great grievances with me and needs to be eliminated as soon as possible." Yuanshi said.

"Holy King Bozu? Be good, it's interesting." Yan Feiyang's eyes lit up suddenly, and then said: "The price--"

"Three inches of crystals." The female world master had already thought about it.

"Deal!" Yan Feiyang patted his hand, and then asked, "How to find him?"

"He is at the ancient temple of the Five Regions' Wangguhai. I was invited to go to catch the ancestor's corpse and take the heavy treasure. So by the way, I will share with you—" Yuanshijie said.

"Strange, such a genius is sure to be famous after all. Doesn't he protect the Five Realms? Besides, why do you still have to ask if you have enemies with him?" Yan Feiyang asked.

"Because there are people in the Five Realms who don't want him to live." Yuanshi Realm Master sneered.

"In this way, it is necessary to capture the corpse, and to take the treasure, our two ancestral realms, who will kill him?" Yan Feiyang thought carefully.

"As long as you are a person, you must have weaknesses, and I know all his weaknesses, then you will be like this—"

The Yuanshi Realm Master and Yan Feiyang communicated with each other. In the process, Yanzu seemed quite unwilling. Later, the Yuanshi Realm Master promised a heavy reward, and he could not resist it and nodded in agreement.

After the two discussed, the Yuanshi Realm Master said with a chill on his face in his heart:

"The son of Su, the son of Su! Are you threatening to destroy my'primary realm' within three years? It may be possible for you to live until then, but I will not give you another chance. Today the son of heaven will fall! Next year's Today is your sacrifice day!"

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