My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1811: Rush to the crown

Heartbreak for the second time!

Guilt for the second time!

Guilt is nothing more than that she paid too much to you, but she paid too little to her.

For the first Jade Lake feast, Su Jin tried his best to make up for Fairy Bicheng. At that time, he understood many things. After the goddess of Yin and Yang left her tears in the morning, he was not moved. He even saw the girls in Kou Niang eagerly waiting with his own eyes, and did not do anything close.

Today, Long Yingru was beheaded to prevent him from kneeling and humiliation. This woman who paid too much for him, because she died! Why is Su Jin not angry! Hong Yan may be disappointed, but only because her man is not strong enough! Yes, not strong enough!

Lifting his head, scarlet eyes, Su Jin stepped on the void, and the whole person was so close that he could not even see the phantom, he directly grabbed the ‘Juque Saint Soldier’ and went shopping!

Xuanyue grandfather is about to leave--

A figure of Yuanshi world master appeared in the void, and he said: "Whoever helps Su Tianzi is an enemy of my Yuanshi world!"

Xuanyue’s female ancestor was angry, humiliated, suffocated, and burst into her heart at this moment. Not to mention the Xuanyuan clan, even the entire Five Domains, the entire Huaxia Great World, and the Yuanshi Realm. There is no chance of winning. , This Yuanshi Realm Master is so cruel!

"Mo Zu." Xuan Yue's female ancestor whispered.

The Mohist ancestor gave a chuckle, shook his head, showing a helpless expression.

How could he help Su Jin? This **** threatened to explode his entire "Mo Family Institution City" not long ago. This is not the Mo Family. He didn't act against Su Tianzi.

Seeing that Mo Zu didn’t open Jin’s mouth, the daughter-in-law Xuanyue could only sigh, her lips tightened, and she squeezed Xiu Quan.

At this time, Su Jin and Yan Feiyang have been close to each other!

Yan Feiyang became a little interested, and pulled out the snake-shaped demon soldier behind him, facing the menacing Su Tianzi, he did not retreat but instead advanced...


At the time of lightning fire, the giant sage soldier and the snake-shaped demon soldier collided directly, and the powerful force of the two poles broke out at this moment!

"Not bad, not bad." Yan Feiyang ignored Su Jin's **** eyes. He used 50% of his power in this blow, but the emperor Su did not even start to fly by himself.

Qiang Qiang!

The sound of collisions of weapons sounded several times in a short period of time, and the two also fought against each other several times! This Yan Feiyang was so powerful that, even under Su Jin's madness, he was able to do so, leaving the cultivators in the lower worlds dumbfounded.

Su Jin panted. The other party didn't know how many years he had cultivated, and he was able to reach the ancestral realm. This is much more powerful than the female ancestor Xuanyue!

How to fight?

This is an unfair battle! No matter how defying the sky, he is only in the Holy King Realm. He can only wield the power of the ordinary ancestral realm. He defeated the 19th king brother before, because the other party has just passed the ancestral disaster!


Su Jin was shocked, Yan Feiyang was a little bit jealous, and finally shook Su Tianzi with all his strength, which made him a little dissatisfied, and said: "The Holy King will not die under my full blow, you are the first!"


Su Jin couldn't hold the blood in his throat at all, and he spewed it out in one mouthful. He wiped it with his sleeve and shouted sharply, "I'm killing you today--"

"Cut me? You have no chance to kill me at all, and there is no point in speaking harshly. You have to come up with the ability to match my strength!" Yan Feiyang was not irritated by Su Jin at all. The weak monk speaks harshly, how could he be affected emotionally.

Su Jin's feet shook, and the vision of the first city in the "Three Cities", the "Wanli Stone City" was just about to unfold, and he was immediately slapped by a palm behind him~~~

Like a kite with a broken line, Tianzi Su was knocked into the air again! After sprinkling a few bites of blood in the void, he staggered to stabilize his body.

The sneak attacker is the original female realm master!

"Too shameless, the two Ancestral Realms besieged Su Tianzi, what should he do?" There was a Chinese monk, whispering.

"I can't see how Su Tianzi survived." Someone shook his head and sighed.

"We are too weak, and the hearts of the people are uneven. If we change into another big world, there are strong people like Su Tianzi, who will definitely be recruited by the master of the world, and even protected. We are not united enough."

"Did you not see? Yuanshi female realm leader just said, if anyone helps Su Tianzi is an enemy of Yuanshi realm, Mozu would not even dare to let go of a fart when he heard it!" Someone said angrily.

"Tianzi Su has helped our five domains to hold up a lot of face. Since the recapture of Shenwu City, no one in the Heavenly Dragon Realm has dared to ask for it, but Tianzi Su has helped us in this way, and we have—"

"We are weak, we must endure, we will be bullied, and we must be beaten when we are behind!"

"We can't help him..."

The monks from China at the scene looked gloomy.

Tianzi Su was desperately working on it and was seriously injured. Although they knew the shamelessness of the two ancestral realms, they could only watch. On the other hand, the monks in other worlds laughed constantly, and the ridicule voices were deliberately amplified, making the people of the five realms feel very Piercing.

Now Su Jin knew in his heart how much injury he had suffered! But he still has spare capacity--

Big Ascension!

A thousand pieces of white clothes Su Jin's virtual appearance manifested out of thin air, and the surroundings were so coolly manifested. The force field presented from this, as if lifting him directly away, blocked the fatal blow of the Yuanshi female realm master!

At the same time, Su Jin gritted his teeth and, with the help of the mystery of the'Great Ascension Technique,' he arrived in front of the ancient temple in a flash, almost to the point where the corpse of the twenty-five taste ancestors did not react! Taking a big risk, he instantly hugged the four-legged ‘Sheep Sovereign Tripod’!

The Great Ascension Technique moved him away again-

After forcibly using the'Great Ascension Technique' twice, Su Jin was exhausted. The four-legged'Sheep Sovereign Cauldron' was not light, but it was still within an acceptable range. Now he can only give it a shot!


Su Jin took control of the'Sheep Sovereign Cauldron' and slammed a fist on the cauldron. Suddenly four phantom beasts with'Sheep's Head, Lion's Body and Oxtail' shook out from all sides of the cauldron!

In front of the ancient temple, two ancestral corpses guarding the tripod were screaming crazy, they were about to plunder the void, trying to break the corpse of the stinky boy who had seized the tripod! But a female ancestor's corpse appeared behind them, pressing on the shoulders of the two ancestors' corpses, and also screamed.

If Su Jin noticed this female ancestor corpse, I am afraid that the female corpse on the boulder of Xiaohuachi——

How could Su Jin pay attention to the ancient temple? He is so crazy now that he is desperate, four sheep-headed, lion-body and ox-tailed phantom beasts, dazzling golden light radiates from the four-headed beast, and finally a golden ball appeared in the golden light. The divine beasts combined their forces and came out——

"Not good!" The Yuanshi female realm master immediately flew into the avenue, feeling a strong danger.

But the thing that made her scalp numb soon appeared, and the golden ball of light as big as a grinding disc burst directly near her!

Even if she was on the avenue, the Yuanshi female realm master also squirted blood!

On the other hand, Yan Feiyang appeared in one step above Su Jin, holding the snake-shaped monster soldier, and severely chopped off his head!

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