My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1853: Peach Blossom Shadow in Peach Blossom Forest


It turned out that Su Jin came to the Mo Family Institution City, and the ultimate goal turned out to be this. Because of Mo Zu's carelessness, he almost killed Princess Dragon and himself. He didn't care, and the unfair treaty of nine thousand miles was shattered by him.

Mo Zu's face is quite ugly--

But it's ugly. Mo Zu can't say anything. It's almost what people want now. Because Su Tianzi has fallen into the Mo family's organ city, even if they fight against the Mo family's organ city, their Mo family and Su Jin will be against each other, I am afraid that nothing can be restored.

Su Jin left, the goal has been achieved, but the monks who were watching were unwilling to leave for a long time. The torn of the treaty today is an unparalleled event and an existence that can be recorded in history, but more people are analyzing Su Few trends.

"Thing to destroy the two worlds, will Su Tianzi leave next?"

"I don't think so, if Tianlong and Yuanshi Great World no longer trouble him, they can reappear after they have succeeded in the world--"

"No wonder Su Tianzi cares so much. He is already the hottest figure in the Five Realms. In the near future, he is very likely to transform his ancestor into an emperor. For him, he will be spent nine thousand miles in the'Tai Xu Divine Realm'. Soil, it's a shame."

"God bless my Huaxia Great World, I really hope that one day, I can reproduce the glory of the Great Emperor's era——"


When many monks were unwilling to leave, the Sect Master Furong quietly disappeared from the scene.

Soon, on the clear water river bank in front of Furong Town, the lush green trees shaded the sun, and Su Jin stood with his hands on the stone bridge paved with bluestone.

Furong sect master Yang Liu's waist, graceful, looked at Su Jin silently from behind, and asked: "Are you leaving?"

"It's over, pass your Furong Town's practice, let the disciples practice as soon as possible, and don't let go." Su Jin tilted his head slightly and said calmly.

"Understood." Sect Master Furong nodded gently.

"By the time of goodbye, I hope you have become an ancestor--" Su Jin turned around and smiled slightly.

"It will definitely succeed. After teaching the Fa, I will retreat. It will take half a month or a few days to make a breakthrough." Sect Master Furong is also very much looking forward to it.


Su Jin only stayed in Furong Town for a while. After explaining the Furong Sect Master, he borrowed the teleportation gate in Furong Town and returned to the Eastern Region Purple County.


Time Zhengyang——

Su Jin went straight to the'Jiujiang Water Mansion', and while looting the void, a'big river' managed by the Jiujiang Water Mansion appeared in my eyes. The waves were surging, about thousands of miles wide, and the ships in it were endless. This waterway alone was just for Zile County brought prosperity.

But not much time, Su Jin appeared in the Jiujiang Shuifu.

"Zhengzheng Zheng~~" The sound of the piano is melodious, and it is the Bicheng Fairy who has such a piano skill, but without the'Yaoqin', Su Jin feels a little less flavored. Maybe the Yaoqin and the Bicheng Fairy are He is branded in his heart.

Peach blossom waves in the peach blossom forest, Li Bicheng Suxue’s clothes, sitting at the low piano table, the immortal body of her, the moving expression from her eyes is more obvious, in fact, Su Jin does not want to see her, there is always something Guilt can be said clearly.

"Sister Bicheng, the talk was great—" Nie Qianfei sat aside, holding her face in her hands, and when the song ended, she quickly applauded and praised.

After listening to the song, Su Jin stopped for a long time, closed his eyes and listened. Then he slowly opened his eyes and looked at the moving and dreamy figure.

Fairy Bicheng just about to speak, suddenly seemed to feel something, turned his head and looked at Su Jin coming, couldn't help but smiled.

"Big Brother Su!" Nie Qianfei spent a lot of time in Jiujiang Shuifu. She had all walked away from Zijie County. At this moment, after seeing Su Jin, she was a little homesick, but she was reluctant to be here.

Su Jin nodded to Nie Qianfei and looked at Li Bicheng: "This piano you use to play is not as good as a yaoqin. I came across a'Jinse' with a lot of strings. I wonder if you can play it. ——"

Immediately Su Jin took out the ancestral artifact "Jinse" from the bone ring and hugged it in his arms.

Li Bicheng's beautiful eyes were full of joy, but for some reason, the entire peach blossom forest was a little more sad.

"Wow, this piano is so difficult." Nie Qianfei was startled. She was dizzy when she looked at the quaint pattern with dozens of strings densely packed.

"Will it..." Su Jin pushed Jinse towards Li Bicheng from his arms. This girl is good at piano art, so it's not difficult for her to come.

"Ancestral soldiers."

Li Bicheng hugged'Jinse' and was shocked, his eyes were misted with mist. The thin and lovely lips trembled a few times, not because the piano was so good, but Su Jin shouldn't be so persistent to compensate for himself.

Su Jin smiled, sitting cross-legged in the peach blossom forest, and then Li Bicheng put the ancestor'Jinse' on the piano table, his little white hand stroked the piano lightly, his fingertips touched each string, connecting with the rustling sound , Fascinating——

Then Fairy Bicheng's hands lightly flicked on Jinse, and the entire peach blossom forest seemed to become a sea of ​​music!

Not only that, over the entire peach blossom forest, the sound waves turned into all kinds of birds under the condensed rotation, and when the sound wave was fiercely played, a phoenix bird in the form of a "cross" appeared. Come out, the power is surging.

Drops of clear tears fell, and as the sound waves bounced and splashed, Nie Qianfei's hearing nerves tightened, and a kind of sentiment came from her heart.

At the end of the song, Su Jin said: "Do you like this jewel?"

Fairy Bicheng nodded, and said softly, "I don't know how much better than Yaoqin--"

"Better than Yaoqin, but never as good as Yaoqin." Su Jin will never see that hair tied with Yaoqin. The unparalleled Bicheng is truly a real body. It is not regrettable, even though Li Bicheng is even more famous now. Fall, but that feeling is difficult to reappear.

"What are you talking about?" Nie Qianfei wanted to cry when she saw it, her voice was crying, and the sound of the piano just lingering was emotional, which made her heart sad.

"Nothing, do you want to be home?" Su Jin asked Nie Qianfei.

"Yes, but I want to stay a few more days, please." Nie Qianfei hurriedly folded her hands in front of her, begging Su Jin with a full face.

"Up to three days." Su Jin said.

"Okay!" Nie Qianfei was beaming, and there are three days to play. She thought Su Jin would take her back immediately.

Su Jin looked at Fairy Bicheng’s face for a while. He didn’t know if three days were enough, he didn’t even know if he could come back. He set off tonight to the intersection of'Tianlong Great World' and'Yuanshi Great World' He wants to set off a firework there!

No one can think of the consequences. Both worlds have invincible powers, and there are even those who surpass the emperor realm. He can't guarantee that he will survive.

However, he has the determination to break his arm!

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