My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1856: I want to talk to you about life

Sure enough, it was the Buddha Lotus Terrace that caused the trouble.

In the dark, Su Jin calculated the time taken by the other party and felt that she had reached the bed. Although the murderous intent was well hidden by this woman, she underestimated who she was about to face!

The sharpness lingers on the short knife, this killer is not weak, but it is only a female saint king, you must know that Su Tianzi can crush ordinary ancestors now, let alone a saint king-level female killer?


The short knife pierced Su Jin's throat, but just when the tip of the knife was about to touch the skin on the throat, Su Jin indifferently opened the "Mahe Prison Eye"!

The female saint king was shocked, and the red light bursting in Su Jin's eyes made her go backwards, turning around and fleeing, but it was too late—

"My room, why don't you come and leave if you want?"

Su Jin's "Maha Town Prison Eye" can break through the avenue of the female saint king, and directly make her appear in figure. At the same time, he disappears from the bed, directly blocking the path of the female assassin, looking at it with a smile other side.

This woman is nice, graceful, very tall, about 1.75 meters tall, her eyes are ethereal, she wears a gold-green robe, her waist is slender, and her face is covered with an ice-white mask. It doesn't matter what looks like, but a woman with such beautiful eyes always looks good!

"Buddha is in your hands."

The female saint king’s tone was cold, but her voice was very pleasant, like a Cuiming Oriole!

"Why do you only think of Buddhism, my face is so inaccessible to you?" Su Jin was helpless, he also deliberately changed into an invincible handsome handsome man, never thought that the other party just wanted to kill people and make things worse, and he didn't take this at all Zhang Shuai looked in his eyes.

"Yan Yan?" The female saint king was stunned, and a forcing chill radiated from her, "District Saint King, persuade you to hand over the Buddha treasure, I may spare you your life!"

The'Maha Prison Eye' on Su Jin's eyebrows did scare this woman, but when she perceives it carefully, Su Jin has no ancestral aura, so she should be at the same level as herself. She has the confidence to strike Su Jin head-on. kill.

"It's not always true who forgive me, but I believe it will be me who will win in the end. Then you will be on my bed and I will take off your ice mask by myself--" Su Jin was in a good mood and didn't take it at all. Women are on the same level as themselves.

"court death!"

As if touching Ni Lin, the female saint king was murderous, and said coldly: "Remember, on the way to the Yin Temple, it was Duanmu Ji who killed you—"

When the words fell, the short knife shot all over, Duan Muquan stepped forward, bullied him directly, leaned slightly, and directly waved the short knife in his hand.


After a miss, Su Jin was slightly shocked after the opponent's attack was raining.

It is said that a woman is careful, and it seems to be manifested in Duanmujia. During the period when Su Jin played with her, every time he stepped forward, the subtle movements were felt by this woman. A set of close combat was played by Duanmujia. Slippery, the movement is perfectly connected.

It's useless!

Su Jin deliberately sold a flaw, his left foot was about to move, the other side's body trembled, and the short knife in his hand was dazzling. He actually wanted to use this action to cut Young Master Su's neck. This kind of woman is cruel and wants to cut someone. The throat came, but this flaw naturally made her fooled!


Duanmuqi's wrists were deadlocked, and the cold brilliance of that short knife was still circulating, but Duanmuqi was in this kind of crisis, and he didn't stop, calm and terrible!

She seemed to have practiced Jiu-Jitsu. When the wrist was caught, her feet were like snakes, wrapped around Su Jin's arms, and she wanted to kick Su Jin's face with her right foot with Qiao Jin!

The gap is too big!

Su Jin gently slapped her left shoulder with the other hand, and immediately heard a painful groan, and then the foot kicking her face was grabbed by Master Su, and at the same time she loosened her wrist, showing a show The leg was hugged by Su Shao, and he threw it into the bed.

"Ah~~~" Duanmu Ji was in pain, feeling like her back fell apart. Because it was not in winter, the texture of the bed was still hard. This fall made her fall uncomfortable.

"The mere female saint king, how can you have the capital to fight this king."

Su Jin smiled and said, immediately his face changed slightly, and he appeared on the bed in the next second. When Duanmu Ji wanted to resist, the ‘Liying’ dagger had already been pressed against her throat.

"Just now, the girl from Duanmu hurriedly left, apparently heading in this direction, everyone hurry up and write, our fiancée, Ma Gongzi, can't make a mistake."

"Girl Duanmu is a female saint king, so she won't run away because she is not satisfied with her marriage, right?"

"She is obviously not happy these past two days, but as Wangye Ma's future daughter-in-law, she has to obey. She just left, presumably not daring to go against the wishes of the family, and think she is looking for the person who has the Buddha's treasure."

"Look, look again—"

The voice drifted away, Su Jin looked at Duanmu Jia with a playful smile in the room, and said with a smile: "Other people's fiancee?"

"Who are you!" Duan Mujie didn't dare to move. He originally thought that the opponent's Saint King was weaker than him, but who would have thought that he would be captured so quickly. As a local monk, she had never seen this person before, and she had never heard of it. Have amazing strength.

"It doesn't matter who I am, it's you, I'm very interested. An ice mask covers my face, and he's a good killer. Could it be that you dare not meet people with their true colors?" Su Jin stared at the ice white mask, tut. Make fun of it.

"What do you want to do?" Duan Mujia was surprised.

"I want to talk to you about life, Han Ye is lonely, don't you say--" Su Jin's other hand, from her shoulder, followed the snow-white arm.

Duanmu Ji was panicked, Su Shao's tone was not good to her, men are not good things! It is impossible for her to let this person touch herself. She is the daughter-in-law of the future Prince Ma. If she can't keep her body complete, she will be put to death if she goes to Ma's house.

"Don't touch me~~~" Duan Mujia was very nervous, his tone a little pity.

"Where did the brutal force before? Do you feel that you are very cheap? You killed me to win the treasure to no avail, do I have to let you go and send you away in a good voice?" Su Jin asked back.


"You kill me, it's better than touching me!" Duanmujia is already heartbroken. Duanmu's family is not big and can't compete with Prince Ma. Now no matter what, it's a death anyway, it's better to have an innocent body.


Su Jin's face turned cold, and immediately raised his hand and stretched his fingers to her face——

The ice-white mask was slightly cold when it touched the fingers, and it was full of vitality. It was obviously a very rare holy treasure. Su Jin was looking forward to the face under the ice mask.

"Don't!!!" Duan Mu Peng was terrified, but she had no choice but to watch the other party stretch out her finger.

Su Jin slowly uncovered the ice white mask.

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