My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1859: Yunmeng Mountain Girl

No one knows how shocking the three words Su Tianzi are for Duanmu Ji at this moment.

In the Taixu Divine Realm, he won the Heavenly Dragon Realm'Shenwu City', and fought the five holy kings alone. Later, he changed his body and became the brother-in-law of the real Luo Realm master, defeating the 19th king and brother of the real Luo Realm's newly established ancestor with the realm of the real king! Famous for a while-

And just before, it was reported that Ye Wenya, a strong ancestor in the Heavenly Dragon Realm who guarded the "Shenwu City", was decapitated and hugged his head. It can be said that this young man has a decisive position among young girls. Fanmei crowd is all the rage until now.

"How could it be him--" Duanmu Ji felt weak, and her hatred quietly faded a lot. Although she was framed by Su Jin, her body was not taken away by Su Tianzi, but the Ma family must have difficulty letting her go. Wandering outside--

"Is it really Su Tianzi? I seem to have heard this name somewhere." A monk looked around and asked in surprise.

"That thousand-phase lift-up Xia soaring technique just now is indeed unique to Emperor Su. I went to the Heavenly Dragon Realm Shenwu City not long ago and saw his technique, which is very remarkable." There are also monks who remembered it all. The'Great Ascension Technique' that Su Jin once again performed was in harmony.

Naturally confirmed the identity.

"But what did he come to our Yuanshi Great World for?" Someone became nervous after speaking.

"It is rumored that my world lord has grievances with him, and he threatened to destroy my Yuanshi Great World within three years--"


There was silence at the scene. Although most of the people present had not heard of Su Tianzi's name, after all, this Limeng Mountain City was only a small remote place in the Great World of Yuanshi, and Shao Su was not a member of the Great World of Yuanshi.

But it's different now!

Su Jin killed the son of Lord Ma. It was a holy king, Tianjiao, and the hope of the Ma family. But just now, Lord Ma tried his best to let Su Jin leave easily and comfortably, which immediately made many people boil.

"Wherever you go, you will always be chased by my horse master! Remember, forever!" Ma Wangye is now a grumpy horse. How can you let go of the pain of losing your son! And his son's true spirit was still cruelly wrapped around the wick, I don't know how long it will be roasted.

The surrounding "Dharamon" vision disappeared, the green hill was still the green hill, and the head of the **** no longer existed.

Wangye Ma walked in the direction Su Jin had left, and he started to deduct it without walking a certain distance, but it was unsuccessful. He knew that the opponent had a treasure that covered the way of deduction, and ordinary techniques were difficult to work.

Duanmujie was happy. The moment the'Dharamon' vision was put away by Lord Ma, she knew that the strong man who was going to be her father-in-law in the future had lost her reason and did not care about her existence. , Which also allowed her to escape here quietly.

Tonight, Limeng Mountain City is destined to not be peaceful, Su Jin’s legend was known to the entire city in one night——

Of course Su Jin ignored these.

It didn’t take long for him to stay away from Limeng Mountain City, and his heart was under great pressure. If he hadn’t had a great ascension technique, he would never have a chance to get out of Lord Ma’s'Dharamon' vision. After all, this person is a powerful person in the Ancestral Realm. , It’s hard to contend.

The night is sinking like water, and a little bit of starlight sheds stars. When Su Jin left, he figured out the way to the'Buddha Terrace' underneath him. He could actually diffuse the Buddha's light. Without the eye-catching Buddha's light, I wanted to come to the Lord Ma. It will be more difficult to chase.

Falling into a wild mountain range--

It was not too difficult to find. Su Jin found the entrance of a two-person high mountain cave. The spirit beast in the cave had long been abandoned. The depth of it almost penetrated the entire mountain peak, and the space was as huge as a square. Immediately, he took out the giant sage soldier with satisfaction, cut the wall of the cave into a door, and blocked the opening of the cave.

"The Lord Ma is really amazing." Su Jin sighed. Others are strong in the world, but there are reasons to be overbearing. It's just a mountain city. The ancestral realm he feels is at least ten people. This is simply in the five domains. It is unimaginable.


There are already so many powerful people in the small place in the corner of Pian An, how many ancestral realms should the entire Yuanshi Great World have? How many emperors?

Su Jin did not intend to give up the plan to destroy the great world of Yuanshi, but after seeing the real situation, if he acted recklessly, he might not be able to make contributions, and there would still be the possibility of falling here.

"In three days, I want to reach the Holy King Consummation, and I will surely improve by 50%--"

Su Jin started to take it seriously! He sat cross-legged in the dry cave, closing his eyes slightly, the vision of the'Ancient Heavenly Court' was fleeting, and in a flash a tree of enlightenment appeared, covering the place where he was sitting cross-legged!

And the fairy pond billowing next to it, the snow-white color and the red bird's nest on the "Enlightenment Tree" are very strange. Xiao Yan'er noticed Su Jin's existence, and woke up from her closed eyes. Seeing Su Jin sitting on the Buddha's lotus platform, she said with excitement: "Master, me, my Xiao Yan'er!"

When Su Jin broke out in the Ghost King's body last time, Xiao Yan'er and Xiao Sakura were so worried, as if they didn't know him anymore, that's why they said this sentence.

"Nine bans, how many bans did you break?" Su Jin asked with a smile, touching her head.

"It's so fast...Four parts have been banned, but the more difficult it becomes as you get to the back, I don't know when I can help the master--" Xiao Yan'er was a little worried.

"It's already very powerful." Su Jin was a little surprised. The nine bans have a total of nine levels, and four levels have been broken in such a short time. It is definitely a talented existence.

But most of it is the merit of the "Enlightenment Tree", sitting cross-legged under the Enlightenment Tree for a day of comprehension is worth ten years of achievements of an ordinary monk! And this is also one of Su Jin's reliance. He intends to sit cross-legged for three days to complete his Saint King realm.

Without telling Xiao Yan'er much, Su Jin took a deep breath, sat cross-legged on the Buddha's lotus platform, and began to comprehend——

Time passed slowly.

That night, when the ancestor Yunmengshan learned that King Ma had failed to leave Su Jin, he fell into deep thoughts and understood that Su Tianzi was about to be a disaster in the Yuanshi Realm.

In the “Yunmeng Mountain” of Limeng Mountain City, there is a row of green bamboos in front of Xiaoxuan’s window. The red wax torch keeps shed wax tears in the middle of the night. There is a girl dressed in white, looking outside, very quiet, outside the door There was a knock on the door in due course.

"Sister, I haven't slept so late~~~" A girl's voice came in outside the door.

The white-clothed girl gently turned sideways, stroking the two bunches of fresh green silk in front of her body, got up and went to open the door. Seeing the girl who called the door nodded, she seemed to have made a decision and said, "I need to go out. Ask, you said I went to Zudi Mountain Villa."

"Senior Sister, what's the matter with you today, I don't believe you will go to the ruined place of ‘Ancestral Land’!" The girl obviously didn’t believe it.

The white-clothed girl was silent, and slowly shook her head, seemingly reluctant to speak any more, but she turned around, turned her back to the little junior girl, looked at the bamboo forest, and thought to herself: "Tianzi Su, you shouldn't come to Yuan Shi Da world--"

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