My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1861: Kneel down and apologize!


"I ask you questions in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Please answer me truthfully."

In front of the auditorium in the palace, the priest was a gray-bearded old man, holding a volume of scripture in his hand, looking at Galois solemnly, and said very seriously:

"Mr. Galloye, would you like to marry Miss Lauvier as your wife? Respect her, love her, and protect her forever. Even if she is old and young, you can still stay with her for life, Don’t you leave when you are old?"

Wearing a gorgeous aristocratic knight gown, Galloye placed his right hand on his left chest. Under the witness of tens of thousands of people, he couldn't hide his excitement, and said loudly: "I'm willing to—"

Immediately, the old priest looked at Lovril Yini again, and began to repeat the two words just said to Galore~~~

Outside the palace passage, Su Jin looked at the people who blocked him and said, "Are the Garoy family members so rude?"

It's really rude, I stopped me and asked if you have an invitation letter? It shouldn’t be said Dear Sir, please show your invitation letter?

This is a wedding that has attracted worldwide attention. Has the Galloya family been so arrogant?

Obviously, the man who stopped Su Jin saw that Su Shao did not have an invitation letter and his face was sinking, but he hadn't had an attack yet.

Seeing Su Jin touching the bone ring on his right finger, I didn't dare to think that there must be none, but then, after seeing what Su Jin was holding, a small group of people suddenly changed their expressions——

Su Jin squeezed out the ‘Juque Saint Soldier’ at the extreme speed, and in the blink of an eye he gave the young man who stopped him a chill~~~

Poker face!

"Who are you! You dare to commit murder on the day of Master Jialuoye's wedding!" After thousands of masters heard the exclamation, they immediately started to move and showed their weapons.

Then Su Jin acted very handsomely, filled the sword with air, and swept forward fiercely——

In front of the palace hall, the priest repeated the question twice, asking Lavril whether he agreed to be Galloye's wife.

Rovere Yini's lips moved: "I..."


There was a loud noise, and Luo Weier's heart burst, she turned sideways in a panic, and looked outside the auditorium!

"What happened!" Galois was anxious, but this time it was his wedding, he could not make any mistakes, almost without thinking, he rushed out of the auditorium. The distinguished guests of at least a hundred races, including dozens of ancestors, witnessed the **** scene with their own eyes!

Outside the palace passage, thousands of masters were beheaded and blood flowed into rivers! And the other side only made one sword, one sword!

Su Jin was wearing a golden robe with a lot of blood stained on it. Just now, the "Juque Saint Soldier" was cut out by him for dozens of miles of Jianhui. Thousands of Jialuoye masters who wanted to use force against him were hit by him. Beheaded! The scene was shocking!

"Invitation letter? I travel all over the world, who dares to ask me for an invitation letter?"

Su Jin immediately put away the giant sage soldiers and walked into the palace passage indifferently.

At this time, the distinguished guests from the other world of the hundreds of tribes who participated in the Galoye family's wedding were silent, and they couldn't help but wonder, what hatred or grudge the Galoye family had with this person, so many masters were cut off.

"Emperor Su!" Jialuo Ye rushed out, saw the corpse all over the floor, gritted his teeth and roared.

"Oh, Brother Galloye, I'm sorry~~~ You have a good wedding, but I made it a funeral. Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you surprised..." Su Jin said with a smile.


Galloye's face turned into an iron black color, and roared: "You can't get out of Phoenix City today!"

"Devil Su carries the body of a ghost king, and is intolerant to the world. You are willing to join me in the Yuanshi Realm and the Heavenly Dragon Realm... defending the way and eliminating demons!" There was an old man stroking his beard. But the realm master ordered that it was important to get rid of Su Tianzi.

Since the emperor Su had spoken earlier, and Jialuoye had informed several big worlds, the original female realm master had already ordered five ancestors, and there were also five from the Heavenly Dragon Realm!

And the Jialuoye family is no less than ten ancestors, even if Su Jin Ghost King's body broke out today, they could no longer leave the city.

It will fall!

Other big worlds and Su Jin have no old grudges. At this moment, after hearing about the ghost king body, some unknown ancestors are naturally shocked, but it is not a good thing to be a strong person in the ancestral realm, and there are many thoughts. Is it so easy to be incited? Of course, there are ancestors in the world who are eager to try.

No matter to whom, there are so many ancestors here, Su Jin must die. If he helps others and kills them in concert, it is a great favor, and it is not unattractive.

"Su Jin--" Lavril wore a snow-white wedding dress, and after she uttered her name in amazement, she inevitably became anxious. Why is he so stupid? He really came!

"My Cangyu is willing to help you all, cut off the ghost king body." Finally, there was a powerful person in the square world, and said.

"Cut the ghost king to death, and benefit the common people of all worlds. My spirit fairy world is willing to contribute."

"I, Guilinghai, would like to help, cut off the ghost king——"


There are constant ancestors' voices, and the world-renowned wedding has slowly become a venue that unanimously targets Su Jin, but some people say so much, just like farting, they haven't done anything yet.

Su Jin dug his ears and looked at the ten ancestors of the "Yuanshi Great World" and the "Tianlong Great World" who took the lead. He grinned and said, "You ten old miscellaneous hairs, do you know where I am now?"

"Hmph, in my Yuanshi Great World, you see it, we don't know how many times better our Great World is than your Huaxia, but you can't envy it." An ancestor of Yuanshi Great World, Hefa Tongyan, sneered. Tao.

Su Jin appeared in the Great World of Yuanshi.

The female realm master was worried about this and ordered a thorough investigation, but the Yuanshi realm was so huge that it was impossible to investigate it, and no trace of Su Tianzi was found for three consecutive days.

"You people, do you really want to fight against this king?"

Su Jin said to the distinguished guests of the world: "I once destroyed a world with a saint body, and now I appear in the great world of Yuanshi, just to destroy it! Who are you waiting for who just uttered a voice to kill me? I knelt down and apologized!"

Kneel down and apologize!

Still the same Su Jin, still the same crazy! Luo Wei'er listened to her ears, and her heart twisted nervously. She knew that Emperor Su was here for her, but is it really good to be so rampant? There are at least 70 or 80 ancestors present!

He also made people apologize~~~

Arrogant, arrogant, arrogant to the extreme!

Jialuoye was secretly anxious, afraid of being bewitched by Su Jin, and said: "Don't listen to him nonsense, the'Boundless Sword Mountain' he destroyed is just a small world. When I wait for it to work together, he will definitely be in disaster--"

I just started to help some of Su Jin’s VIPs from other worlds. When I heard even the groom Galoya say this, his face turned green~~~

Is the "small world" not the world?

Some of the world they are in is not much larger than the Immeasurable Sword Mountain!

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