My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1863: Umbrella, let's start!

Su Jin who asked this question was stunned.

Somewhat complicated.

At the time, the goddess Lavier Yini was a dead enemy with him, and she should have never died, but she has grown up now and is no longer the same herself as before, and for some reason, I heard that Jialuoye and her were getting married. At that moment, I felt very uncomfortable.

Three days ago, in front of the city of Agrada, if Lavril still chooses to be his enemy and hates him, perhaps Su Jin can turn a deaf ear to her ears, but she is not like that—

"You were my woman." Su Jin looked at her back and said something calmly.

"Is it just because of that night?" Luo Weier would never forget what this guy had done to her that night by taking her sacred scroll and kidnapping her.

"Huh? You reminded me that it was dark at the time, and there was no one here, so please let me see..." Su Jin walked to Lavril Yini and blurted out.

Suddenly, Lavril's expression was very strange, her figure gradually faded, and Su Shao was rushed into the air.

After communicating with the original spirit body, Luo Weier left a sentence: "I will rush to the Five Regions Purple Phoenix Boat from the Holy Realm, you have to go back alive to see me——"

Su Jin secretly called it a pity.

Who knows if I can return, just let me have a look, but I haven't seen it before, anyhow I risked her fall and snatched her out.

Su Jin in the same place looked around, and quickly communicated with the "phantom" sign, the soul body gradually faded, and he returned to the cave where the deity's body was.


Putting the Buddha lotus back away, Su Jin opened the door blocking the cave, and the sun suddenly became a little dazzling——

"It's getting harder and harder."

Su Jin is a little worried. The news that he is in the Great World of Yuanshi has been spread. It can be said that if there is any change, it will definitely be attacked by the strong. If it is the ordinary ancestral realm, if it is the great emperor of Yuanshi realm. Concerned, he cannot escape death.

He said before that he didn’t know if he could go back alive, but there was no lie. There are strong emperors in this realm and in the Heavenly Dragon Realm. I am afraid there are those who transcend the emperor realm. There was no probability of survival, but it was a pity that his identity was exposed in the Yuanshi Realm.

If it is not exposed, it may be feasible to turn back and leave after a ‘Umbrella Opens and Destroys the World’.

Su Jin walked to the cave, and there was a green pine on the cliff wall. It was growing sickly not far from the side wall. The surrounding scenery was excellent, but it was difficult to calm down and appreciate it.

"If you regret it, you can remedy it now, just leave here--" Xiao Umbrella's voice appeared in his mind and couldn't help saying.

"No retreat." Su Jin resolutely said two words.

"You haven't met a strong person who makes you feel weak, and that kind of strong person can no longer be called a human! They can control all living beings. After encountering them, they may make you not even have the idea of ​​resisting." Xiao Umbrella Said with a sigh.

"I'll meet you, I've never been afraid! I dare to go against the sky, let alone being a strong man? In that case, I don't deserve to be called a monk against the sky!" Su Jin said coldly.

"Good point!" Xiao Umbrella said in approval.

"Where is the border between Tianlong and Yuanshi you mentioned?" Su Jin asked.

"We are currently in the southern part of Yuanshi Great World. If you look for the teleportation array, there will be a map displayed on the gate. I will tell you the location of the teleportation when it is down.

Seeing that Su Jin had decided, Xiao Umbrella was not good to persuade her, and her voice fell silent.

Su Jin took a deep breath, and after a change on his face, he turned into a noble brother, opened the prison eye of Maha Town, and began to look for the nearby city.


After a small distance teleportation formation, Su Jin stayed for a while in a "Spring Capital City". This Yuanshijie city is very large, at least much more magnificent than any city he has seen, and there are as many monks as there. Crucian carp crossing the river.

Many monks were in front of the city wall, watching a scene of portraits.

The portrait is exactly the face of Su Jin, with the eyes open, and even the appearance of the giant sage soldier was drawn. After seeing it, Su Jin felt that the reaction of the Yuanshi Realm Master was really stupid. This is really a very old-fashioned method. It is impossible to show people in their true colors if they are caught.

"Huh? We came from the ancestral land. There are even portraits of this man in the ancestral city. Who is he?" A sister cultivator who did not understand asked several young men and women from the side.

"do not know--"

"I want to be a wicked villain, he doesn't look handsome, so let's not make any comments." said a little sister who went with her.

"Keep your voice down, now there are tycoons in many big cities trying to arrest this person. This person is in the limelight recently. He is known as the son of emperor Su, the king can fight the ancestor, and he is very powerful." Some people passed by and saw a few people say this. Reminded.


Several people choked.

They had heard of Su Tianzi of the Taixu God Realm, but they had never seen a real person, so the sister of the monk immediately asked: "Isn't Su Tianzi the saint king of Xiaoyu? How can the portrait be posted in our Yuanshi Great World? "

"In our world! Otherwise, why is it so nervous? It has been confirmed that this matter is true." A monk continued to remind.

"If there is a chance, I really want to see what he can do..." The sister of the monk pouted.

"The news just came that a nobleman from the holy realm got married in the Taixu God Realm. The city named'Phoenix' has been destroyed by Emperor Su. There are dozens of ancestral realms present, and I watched him lift up the sky. Leave, who of you dare to imagine the scene at that time."

There was a passing male monk who saw that the young lady looked pretty, so he couldn't help but tell new news.

"Huh?" The sister cultivator was shocked to her heart and exclaimed.


The corner of Su Jin's mouth was unobservable, and he didn't stay here any more. The "Spring Capital City" has a long-distance teleportation gate, and you can go directly to the border between the two worlds. Whether this trip can be successful, it is this one!

do my best!

Before long, Su Jin disappeared in the unfamiliar'Spring Capital City' and stepped into the space passage in the portal. Guided by the small umbrella, he was going to the extreme south of the Yuanshi Realm. If he appeared there, the two worlds It’s easy to see the borders!

Su Jin didn’t know, and didn’t even notice the slightest bit of it. After he stepped into the space channel, at the time of the tea room, the very beautiful'Yunmengshan' girl in a white dress also quietly went to the gate. The spirit crystal was thrown into...

The route chosen was exactly the same as Su Jin!


Yuanshijie far south!

There are weeds and grasses here, the plain can be seen with the naked eye, and you can't even see the side at a glance. You can't even see the personal shadows. You can only see some earth beasts raising their heads from time to time and looking at Su Jin.

The teleportation array that Su Jin appeared was left for a long time. Behind the array gate was a dumped giant Buddha's head. The other glorious halls of the past have been completely destroyed, and the ruined walls are still vivid.

Take a deep breath--

Su Jinhu's eyes were cold, he scanned the surroundings, and said to himself: "Little umbrella, let's start..."

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