My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1867: Ten years

Someone wants Su Tianzi to live--

There is no handwriting on the quaint green gold scroll, but there are faint traces of Taoism in it, and the figure in it seems to be communicating with Gu Yaoyi.

"Yes, Yaoyi will go to visit your old man when he has time." Gu Yaoyi's cold expression is no longer, but he is polite and terribly different from his previous attitude.

Closing the scroll, Gu Yaoyi sighed deeply and looked at the girl in white and said, "Don't think that you can threaten me. There are seniors who want this waste to survive. My ancient family is no longer involved in this matter. Lucky for this waste!"

"Trash trash, shut up your mouth!" Su Jin opened her eyes, a little irrational. Maybe he just laughed when others called it like that, but the empress opened her mouth and shut her mouth and it was ‘trash’, extremely ear-piercing.

The girl in white clothes next to him, Su Jin had already recognized that it was Fu Qianmo when he first appeared to rescue herself.

Fu Qianmo’s Ten Thousand Beast Dao, I don’t know how many avatars were transformed into, all over the Great Avenue. Su Jin felt that she could already become an emperor, perhaps already a great emperor, but he did not expect Fu Qianmo’s tone to be so big that he threatened that the deity could destroy the ancients. A family.

Come to think of it, after Fu Qianmo succeeds in joining the Dao, he will be much stronger than Gu Yaoyi, otherwise he would not dare to speak such big words.

"Hehe, you are not happy as a trash? What kind of skill is relying on women?"

To be honest, Gu Yaoyi despised Su Jin in his heart and didn't even put him in his eyes. It felt as if a person would not care about a little ant on the ground.

Gu Yaoyi's words greatly stimulated Su Jin. He pointed to Gu Yaoyi and said, "In ten years, I will surpass you—"

"Dreaming." Gu Yaoyi said with a cold expression.

"Today, ten years later, I will personally walk into your ancient home, then I will fight you!" Su Jin's voice was chilly.

"I wait for you."

With a sarcasm, Gu Yaoyi turned around and walked towards the void, and disappeared together with the emperor.

Su Jin was silent, he knew that Gu Yaoyi would taunt, after all, he was just a holy king, but he was not an ordinary holy king!

He has a tree of enlightenment, an ancient vision, and even the origin of the great emperor, and he has a ray of ‘natural’ way of heaven.

The ten-year agreement means that Su Jin will become an emperor in these ten years. No one believes this kind of difficulty, including Fu Qianmo’s white-clothed clone. They are all surprised. The Holy King will become an emperor in ten years? Is there such a confident person in the world?

Also agreed to come to the door for a fight, what is it that you are not asking for a dead end?

"You--" Fu Qianmo in white said in a daze.

"Thank you for your help, but only this time, don't follow it next time." Su Jin's robe is now stained with blood. When Gu Yaoyi left, those imperial patterns did not occur, and his injuries were recovering quickly.

However, this setback made Su Jin understand many things.

There are countless people who can cut him with a wave of hands! The road ahead is still very difficult, and he deeply realized his lack of strength.

"Can you become an emperor in ten years?" Fu Qianmo in white blinked, "Don't brag."

"Let's wait and see! In the Five Realms, you have the Black Elephant Dao, and your deity is riding a red-crowned crane, in this Primordial Realm—" Su Jin asked in a hesitant tone.


"Can't guess."

"Let's go, it is not suitable to stay here for long."

"In addition to thanking you, I also want to thank the female empress Yaoyi just now--" Su Jin took a deep breath.

"You still thank her?"

"Yes, it wasn't her just now, how could I have an epiphany."

"Episode? Are you about to break through?"

The white-clothed Fu Qianmo was surprised. With her ability, she naturally saw that Su Jin was in the pinnacle of the Saint King. She remembered a detail. Just when she swept Su Jin away with white silk, he closed his eyes until he didn't open it. open.

Epiphany, breakthrough!

Fu Qianmo only now feels Su Jin’s self-confidence. He wants to break through to become an ancestor. He is not in the ordinary ancestral realm, but the heavenly ancestor——


"The realm is loose, I will start to break through when I recover from the injury." Su Jin took a deep breath. If he hadn't realized it at the time of life and death, how could he loosen the realm. Although he broke through to become an ancestor, he couldn't fight the great emperor, even in the ancestral realm against the sky.

But at least, there is a trace of resistance!

"I'll take you to a place to avoid the limelight first." The white-clothed Fu Qianmo stopped staying, and Bai Ling tugged, curled up with Su Shao and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Su Jin:...

There are nine thousand clones of this woman, and they will all merge together when they join the Dao. By then, they will be able to surpass the emperor. Now this clone alone can make Gu Yaoyi feel jealous, making it hard for him to imagine what it would be like after he joined the Dao. strength.

However, Su Jin still has a problem. Gu Yaoyi said that there is a ‘senior’ to live on, a person who can be respected by the emperor, and can be called a senior. Who is that person?


Su Jin no longer thought about it, and disappeared with Fu Qianmo on the southern edge of Yuanshi Great World——


On this day, the Five Regions are boiling!

I don’t know how many monks, who can’t sleep all night, the changes in the Yuanshi and Tianlong worlds, the Five Realms monks can’t think of anything. It turned out to be Su Tianzi alone. The vast land where the two worlds disappeared, the void flames are still burning. It has been burning for a long time.

It's not yet gone.

"Tianzi Su once threatened to destroy the great world of Yuanshi within three years. Now the first step is to destroy the other side's territory. The future will be full of infinite possibilities!" In the tavern, the monks were discussing passionately.

"A few days ago, Emperor Su was in the Mojia Institution City, facing the third ancestor alone! The ancestor of the Celestial Dragon Realm said that he welcomes Emperor Su to destroy the Heavenly Dragon Realm. Some monks told this as a joke.

"It's so happy! I was outside the Mohist institution at the time, and now I think it's really like a dream."

"Happy to happy, but can Su Tianzi leave the Great World of Yuanshi alive?"

I don’t know who it is, the words are stunned.

The whole audience began to be silent, yeah, having done a terrible disaster, can others easily let go of Su Tianzi? This worries many people, after all, there is a great emperor in the world, and even an invincible powerhouse above the emperor!

This scene is being staged in any town in the five domains today, and it can be said to have caused a sensation outside the domain.


Of course, Su Jin didn’t know this. He left with Fu Qianmo, and after several rounds, he arrived in a fairy mountain, which was full of immortals, including lotus ponds, exotic birds, and fairy cave houses. The scenery was beautiful. The clouds can't be seen far away.

But he didn't watch for long, but saw Fu Qianmo lead him into the cave.

There was a jade pond in the cave with glazed brilliance. Su Jin was about to meditate on the edge of the pool without recovering from his injury, but a bare hand stretched out behind him and pushed him down!

"I'll heal you—"

Fu Qianmo bit her lip with her teeth, and after speaking, what he did made Su Jin feel suffocated...

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