My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 187: Cold big sister

"Wife, do you want to fall back on the bill? Your family won't be paid anymore? What's this? Look, I have been out for so long and haven't even given me a penny of pocket money. Are you embarrassed?" Money is still too stingy!

"You didn't want it again, I thought you were not short of money." Xia Yuyan immediately defended.

"Well, you can give me a few hundred million first, and I will try the water." Su Jin said with a dry cough.

"How many... hundreds of millions?" Xia Yuyan was dumbfounded.

"Yes, if we have money, we have to be so headstrong, right?"

Su Jin’s words are not unreasonable. He doesn’t know how much the Xia family’s assets are. At least, as the number one consortium in Qincheng, it’s not worth hundreds of billions. Although in the end, the giant figure grabbed the position of the boss and lost Some, but there are still tens of billions. He did not expect that this girl would not even give hundreds of millions! It's not as generous as Shen Jiayi, who took millions to spend for himself.

He feels he has to earn money now, he has to work hard, what is it to spend a woman's money? In addition, his blood prison also needs money to develop, so he must go in business and expand his influence, otherwise he will be restricted everywhere in the future due to his current financial constraints.

Xia Yuyan looked at Su Jin for a long time before shook his head: "There is no more than a few hundred million, but a few million can be used for you. But..."

"But what?"

"However, if you make money, you have to pay it back! If you don't make money, forget it." Xia Yuyan felt that Su Jin would never make investment except for fighting, because you can't expect a rash man or a martial artist to spend carefully. I spend a lot of time embroidering with embroidery needles, and business matters are not as simple as he thought, and involve a lot of knowledge.

Su Jin touched his chin, frowned secretly, looked at Xia Yuyan and said, "Is it 10 million?"

"What are you doing, so much money."

"How? You don't give me too much."

"Okay! Ten million is ten million. If you lose money to me, I will ask you to settle the account again!" Xia Yuyan hummed.

Su Jin shrugged, how could he lose money for such a talented person? He can't do it, can't he spend money to hire him, the product quality is excellent, how can he make money!

"By the way, the factory area east of our group can free one for me?" Su Jin asked.

"You... are too much." Xia Yuyan stared at him and said.

"Forget it, if you don't want me to come back every day, then I will go out and find a place to start a company." Su Jin said it didn't matter.

"Hey, I will tell others to do it." Xia Yuyan nodded.

"Hey, I'm leaving first, come, kiss..." Su Jin wanted to step forward, but Xia Yuyan covered her mouth first, and failed!

There was a knowing smile at the corner of Su Jin's mouth. He already had a very good idea, and this idea can definitely be done. The key point lies with Sister Qin!

So he drove the car and walked towards Gu Shuzhai.

Gu Shuzhai.

At this moment, it was quiet here. After Su Jin came in, he felt that Zhou Tianhu was in contact with the old guy a little bit. He didn't know where the old guy was now. He took his own woman away and didn't contact him once. Of course, Mo Yulin is still not her own woman, but both of them have agreed that she will return in a year. This is so special, and it is certain that her heart is not balanced.

After walking in, Su Jin found a Wang Mei Niu eating an apple, looking more like a goalkeeper.

"Brother Su Jin." Wang Mei Niu swallowed, and excitedly put down the half-eaten apple in her hand, and rushed up.

"Where are Zhou Tianhu and others?"

"Hey, they are too busy. If you come to them at this point, you can hardly find it." Wang Mei Niu nodded seriously, "As for me, I am the most useless because I am short by nature!"

Su Jin touched her head and said with a smile: "How can you be useless? To my brother, you are very useful."

After speaking, he glanced at the Bobo group in front of her, which was obviously incompatible with her apparent age.

"Brother Su are bullying me like this, people don't follow it." Wang Mei Niu squeezed.

"Hey, when did you become so subtle?" Su Jin seemed to have discovered the New World.

In the past, Wang Mei Niu enthusiastically asked herself when to do something, the sooner the better, and the later it would change. Now this change made him a little confused.

"I got advice from an expert, she said that girls are not frizzy, so you will like them if you are more reserved." Wang Mei Niu said with a flushed face.

Who...who is crueling the originally cute little beauty Wang?

Su Jin feels that this is not good, Wang Mei Niu originally felt very good for him, if he deliberately changes it, I am afraid it will outweigh the gain.

"You are alone in the room?" Su Jin felt like he was going to wait.

"No, and that cold big sister."

"An Qianyi?"

"Well, do you want me to call for you?" Wang Mei Niu asked with her big eyes flashing.

"Go call." Su Jin nodded.

Wang Mei Niu took only two steps, then turned around and said, "Forget it, I don't want to call, I'm afraid of her."

It seems that An Qianyi's cold personality is still not gregarious, Su Jin is extremely ashamed, when he was going to look for her, only to find her figure has appeared on the stairs.

Thinking about it, it might be that An Qianyi realized her existence when she first came here.

For this iceberg goddess, Su Jin feels very warm at the moment. After all, if she is alone with her, the whole person can instantly change for the better. In this world, she alone can give him this Unique and fresh feeling.

Wang Mei Niu pouted her small mouth and made a face at Su Jin. With the appearance of An Qianyi, the atmosphere became quite cold.

"Qianyi, sit down." Su Jin motioned to her and said.

An Qianyi nodded. Her personality has always been like this, so people who don’t know will think she is good at pretending. After all, her expression is not rich, and the whole person can only look far away and not close. .

But Su Jin thinks this is good, really, he likes to be with her very much, even if it is not doing anything, it is an indescribable enjoyment.

Today, An Qianyi rarely wore clothes other than white. The clothes on her body were pink long skirts, which were more retro. Besides, she was a girl and had soft black long hair. Naturally cold and moving, so Su Jin kept his eyes on her when she walked downstairs step by step.

"Brother Su Jin, when will you take me out to play?" Wang Mei Niu asked.

"Kids' family, what are you playing?" Su Jin glanced at her and said helplessly.

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