My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1877: Miss sister, let's go

Obviously, Miss Chang Jia had been scared by Su Jin's terrifying talent.

The so-called short-mouthed cannibals and short-handed manpower, Su Tianzi must not let the little sister be frightened now, and then said: "I come from China Great World, my name is Su Jin, and I am known as Su Tianzi. What else does Young Lady want to ask? "

"Good Fortune Longevity Kungfu, have you practiced before?" Liu Changjia didn't believe it when he was killed. Apart from "Good Fortune Immortal King", who else was faster than her.

"I have never practiced, why did my little sister say this?" Su Jin was surprised.

"Don't you want to lie to me, have you never practiced to open up three fairy sources in such a short time?" Liu Changjia seemed to want to see some clues on Su Jin's face.

"Since Miss Sister thinks so, then I would like to ask, how long did it take for Miss Sister to practice this skill and open up three fairy sources?" Su Jin wanted to know.

"I--" Liu Changjia was on the picture, his lips hesitated to speak, and finally he could only say: "Three thousand five hundred years."

Su Jin was silent.

"Miss Sister, your talent is very poor—" Su Jin said for a long time.

"Poor? You, don't bully people. Back then, I was the one with the best talent in the line of the Immortal King of Good Fortune." Liu Changjia almost died of anger, and the true spirit fluctuated in the painting.

"Since Miss Sister doesn't believe me, I will spend more time. You said that I have practiced the'Good Fortune Longevity Kung', but I can never practice the'Da Beng Bad Fist' again, right? You now pass this fist to me." Su Jin said immediately.

"Good." Liu Changjia nodded immediately in the picture.

Then Su Jin heard a piece of tactics read by Liu Changjia, and told Su Shao what he needed to pay attention to.

Su Jin thought it was very simple, but he didn't expect the difficulty level to be no less than that of a self-cultivation technique. This fist technique is extremely complicated. He received a piece of Liu Changjia's mental power in his mind. There are more than a thousand sets of actions!

Standing quietly on the deck.

Stand silently for a clock.

Liu Changjia couldn't help saying in the picture: "You practice, this set of martial arts is much easier to get started than the "good fortune longevity kung".

"Who said I want to get started?" Su Jin glanced at her and asked.

"How do you practice without getting started!" Liu Changjia was really going to be mad.

"This punch, I want to make a big step in one step." Su Jin said, he turned around and walked from the mast to the bow.

"Fart, no..." Liu Changjia was dumbfounded in the picture before she said the word'neng', dumbfounded.

Su Jin's eyes and aura are different, all the acupuncture orifices in his body are connected together, and the whole person exudes a domineering glow. Where he is standing, the void within ten meters in diameter is shaken to fragments, and his hair is flying!

Immediately, Su Jin stepped through the void, condensing a void above the ship, the void forming a half-bow uppercut gesture.

The second step is to walk out, in the void, leaving behind an action of turning sideways and closing the fist and hitting directly.

The third step, the tenth step, the hundredth step, the thousandth step!

The sky is full of footwork and boxing movements. For more than a thousand steps, he only took a few breaths. In the end, all the movements were unified and surrounded his domineering deity. He soared into the sky. The whole person seemed to be a king's arm. !

"Ah!" Then Su Jin roared, and his unparalleled domineering spread, he stretched out his ancestral realm big hand and slammed it into the distant void--

Great collapse!


A thousand li in the void, I directly saw that a scarlet arm fist made a circular ripple, and the thousand li void was all shattered by this fist!

Liu Changjia in the painting is shocked.


The blood was boiling, and Su Jin felt that his whole body was in a state of invigoration. When he faced the Great Emperor Wu Heng before, if he could use the'good fortune longevity' and the'big collapse magic fist', he might not have the power of a battle. 'Flexible, the key cost is very little.

It's a pity that he didn't know how before, otherwise he would dare to fight the emperor with his ancestors!

"The female realm master of Yuanshi, the female emperor Yaoyi! Emperor Wuheng! You, wait for me!"

Su Jin hated words again and again. Although he left the Yuanshi Great World safely, he was aggrieved and unwilling to leave! Those masters, the powerhouses who control hundreds of millions of creatures, are arrogant, despise the monks of his small domain, and frame them in every possible way. This hatred is not shared!

It can be said that Su Jin has achieved success at this point in his cultivation, but he will never be like those strong people. Even if ordinary people talk to him, he will not be ignored. He only targets those who look down on him. His people!

Soon, Su Jin's expression calmed down.

He has an idea.

Because of the existence of the ‘good fortune longevity kung’ and the ‘da collapse fist’, he might be able to return in another way. After all, he has practiced ‘good fortune and longevity,’ he clearly knows that he can cover up all his good fortunes, and if he returns, no one will know it is him.

After all, many people who know Su Jin may think he is dead!

With this thought, Su Jin walked to the mast.

"It turns out that your talent is so terrible." Liu Changjia sighed, completely eliminating doubt.

"Miss sister, let's go." Su Jin took down the goddess holding lotus map and put it in the bone ring.

"Ah, there is a little sister in there, it seems to be someone else's body." Liu Changjia spoke from the bone ring.

"She... is she awake." Su Jin slowly closed her eyes. As the Taoist body of the'Moxian King', Fu Qianmo in the white skirt was a pitiful person.

"It feels fast." Liu Changjia was not sure.

"Well, your warship is very large, and it will be difficult to move a foot in ten thousand years. I suffered a catastrophe here that year. I feel that there should be a void nearby, and there should be a void passage to human civilization."

However, there will be traces of all passages. In addition, Su Jin is now in the realm of the first ancestor, and can open the void passage. If it can open, there is a great opportunity.

Then Su Jin returned to the cabin and took away Liu Changjia's stone body, turning it into a stream of light, walking in the void.

Su Jin didn't know whether he could return after self-exiled, perhaps he would always fall into a state of drifting in the void until he died.

But he will not give up.

Half a day passed by in a flash.

There are drifting garbage, broken stone statues, dilapidated wasteland, and some weird colored cyclones everywhere in the void. In the vast void, Su Jin is like a luminous dust, constantly trying to open the nearby void passages, but none Not a failure.

Sometimes, try once, ten times, and maybe have confidence.

In the process of drifting in loneliness, repeating hundreds of times, thousands of times of pushing away, is simply extraordinary torture.

This is how confidence is eroded.

Just imagine, it's been only half a day, and I tried to open the traces of the void with my hands time and time again, but never succeeded. If it is ten years, a hundred years, a thousand years, or even ten thousand years!

That is desperate!

Su Jin failed again and remained silent for a while in the void.

Can he leave the void of self-exile?

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