My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1897: return!

The Old City Lord was panicked.

The Great Emperor Zhenyuan presented thirty-six emperors to Su Jin. The old city owner thought it was normal, but now the concubine crusades are getting more and more out of control. God knows how these thirty-six beauties would react after he told the real situation--

"All empresses, the emperor summoned the old man before he left, he confessed..." The Old City Lord paused.

Some are difficult to explain.

All the emperors scolded one after another.

"You old thing, did you learn from this little thief? Come on, what did the emperor explain before he left."

"Don't tell me? Don't tell me that my concubine sent you to the border and let you cultivate that wasteland—"

"Sisters, have you seen that, this little thief is too rude, and he won't kneel when he sees our concubines."


There were endless scolding voices, and Su Jin could think of the pain of being surrounded by these imperial concubines every day in the imperial palace, but he believed that these thirty-six imperial concubines should not dare to scold soon!

The old city master arched his hands and said in a deep voice: "The Great Emperor Zhenyuan has removed the identities of the empresses and gifted the empresses to the Ye Emperor. From then on, the Zhenyuan Emperor Palace belongs to the Ye Emperor——"

The thirty-six concubines were stunned, and the Jiao body was shocked and did not move again, even if it was a moment!

Feng Lao's mouth was even more shocked.

These imperial concubines are still imperial concubines.

Su Jin is the "Emperor of the Night", there is no difference in the title, except that they belong to the Emperor of the Night.

The corner of his mouth was picked up slightly, Su Jin's face was extremely calm, reasonable, these beauties should thank him, think about what kind of person Zhenyuan Great Emperor is?

When in Zhenyuan Imperial Palace, those imperial concubines who disappeared were all dead, so Su Jin wouldn't treat them harshly anyway?

Thinking about it from another angle, Emperor Zhenyuan may never come back again. This means that the thirty-six concubines will never be favored. They were selected into the imperial palace by Lord Huo Xiao. They only met Emperor Zhenyuan today, and even both I couldn't say even a word.

Su Jin felt that he was really a good person.

I saved the married life that the imperial concubines yearn for--

"Kneel down." Su Jin smiled and looked at the thirty-six emperors with a cold face.

In the Zhenyuan Imperial Palace, these beautiful imperial concubines were left unattended, relied on the prestige of the Zhenyuan Great Emperor, and acted as a blessing. If they were not suppressed, would they not be able to go to heaven in the future?

Thirty-six imperial concubines had different degrees of fear on their faces.

Thousands of calculations!

I didn't count that Emperor Zhenyuan actually gave them to Su Jin--

All kinds of beautiful faces are not uncomplicated.

Feng Lao next to Su Jin has long been uncomfortable. Now that Yelang has become famous in the first battle, he has such a spectacular feat. I am really proud of him!

There was an emperor who couldn't wipe her face, closed her eyes and knelt down.

No one dared to doubt what the old city lord of Yunling City said. In the great world under the rule of the emperor, as the hired city lord, he absolutely dare not lie or make a mistake.

If there is one person, there will be a second person and a third person!

Finally the thirty-six emperors bowed their heads and knelt down. Who would dare to disobey the order? Too long?

"Ye, Ye Di spare your life..."

"Ye Di, it's because my sisters are not sensible, we don't dare anymore!"

"From now on, the emperor will let the servants go east, and the servants will never dare to go west, and everything will follow the instructions of the emperor."



Su Jin couldn't close his mouth. If he didn't know what their virtues were, he would definitely have sympathy. The tears could not stop flowing down. It was a beautiful scene, but Su Tianzi did not have the slightest pity. !

"I ask you, where do you know the long-distance teleportation array in the imperial palace?"

After killing Firelord last night, Su Jin didn't pay attention to this matter, and now he remembered to ask, if the teleportation array in Zhenyuan Great World, the farthest teleportation, it must be the ‘Emperor Rank’ array.

Feng Lao's heart burst.

A little loneliness appeared on his face.

"I know, we will take you there after the imperial palace." There is the imperial concubine.

"Oh, it shouldn't be too late, let's leave--" Su Jin thought left and right, staying in Zhenyuan Great World is not a long-term solution, his home is far away in China, and he has been out for a long time.

"Brother Ye is leaving?" Feng Lao asked, staring at Su Jin's face.

"I will come back from time to time. When you communicate with you in a virtual state, let me know if you have a situation." Su Jin touched Feng Lao's soft skin on the back of his hands, white and smooth, which made him love it.

A smile suddenly appeared on Feng Lao's face, but she had forgotten that no matter where Su Jin was, it was easy to see through the Taixu Divine Realm, and the only trace of reluctance left in her heart disappeared.

"From now on, these girls will be disciplined by you, and they will live in the imperial palace." Su Jin confessed to Feng Lao in front of the thirty-six emperors.

"Okay." Feng Lao knew that this was trust, of course it was a great honor.

Immediately, Su Jin got up, and then the old city lord bowed down and kept him. He declined. The old city lord had no choice but to send thousands of elite guards to send Su Jin and the imperial concubines away with the highest specifications.

in the afternoon.

Zhenyuan Emperor Palace.

Headed by Feng Lao, thirty-six imperial concubines were behind her, kneeling together.

Under the bright clear sky, Su Jin stood in front of an imperial stone with his hand holding his hand. It was a rock that looked like a rockery, about half a meter high. On the ground in front of the imperial stone, there were circles of mysterious lines——

Emperor level teleportation array!

When he came to Zhenyuan Great World, Su Jin had prepared for the worst.

If he can't find his way back, he can only venture into the'Void Abyss' again and find the way back. Of course, after doing this, he is very likely to be sitting alone on a stone grave like the old man in the Void Abyss. Before, drifting and disappearing.

But he couldn't let it go.

Can't let go of my sweetheart.

When he put his hand on the imperial stone, the dense and dense lines appeared on it, and his mind seemed to be filled with a star field, with strange names appearing.

After a few breaths, he smiled with tears in his eyes, and there was a prominent name in the array in his mind, Jiuyou Jedi!

The Great Emperor Zhenyuan once visited the "Jiuyou Jedi", and the place where it was set up seemed to be very deep and deep.

Su Jin once said that if he had a choice, he would no longer want to go to the "Forbidden Immortal Feudal Land", but the marked location seemed to be in the extreme depths of the Jiuyou Jedi. It might be extremely dangerous there, but at least Su Shao was exiled after himself. .

Can go home

"Next time I return to the imperial palace, if I hear Feng Lao say that someone is behaving badly, the emperor will kill someone directly." Su Jin turned his head to look at the worshiping girls and said lightly.

"Gong Ye Di." The women looked at each other, and immediately shouted in unison.

Su Jin looked at Feng Lao for a while.

I still chose the marked location in the depths of the Jiuyou Jedi, and immediately the emperor patterns under my feet lit up, and a real dazzling brilliance rose up, and Su Jin disappeared in it with a flash of white light.


Emperor-level teleportation array is fast, **** violent, and awesome!

I don't know how many big worlds have been shuttled through, the glazed glazed passage, rustling and falling, more than a hundred breaths passed——


Su Jin finally stepped on the ground, shocking waves of dust.

When he saw the surrounding situation clearly, he was immediately surprised and instinctively cursed:


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