My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1910: Shameless!

This cut has attracted the attention of millions of people!

Especially the Yuanshi female realm master, she was very nervous at this moment, and she was almost desperate when she watched the ghost king Su Jin wave down the "Juque Saint Soldier". Because if Great Lord Wang Jianxi dies, it will be her turn--

Suddenly a small smile appeared at the corner of Jianxi's mouth. Before the pain appeared, his body suddenly exploded!

This sword actually caused the ghost king to cut the air!

The head flew into the sky, it was not his head, it was not important because it was sewn up at the beginning.

At the moment Jian Eleven exploded, a piece of dark red cloth was shaken out by his great arm!

The dark red cloth is very special, it seems that I don't know how many years it has existed. The color on it is almost all dyed with blood.


The dark red cloth was shaken away, covering the other parts of his body!

And the magical ‘bone tower’ was radiant, turned into a white light, drilled like that **** dark red cloth——

It was too late. When these actions were done, Ghost King Su Jin just put away the giant fault, and the red cloth wrapped the other parts of Jian Eleven and disappeared.

The Chinese monks were all dumbfounded!

"What's the situation! The ghost king is so powerful, even the heaven and the earth can be turned into a compass, why did Sword Eleven escape?" A monk said in a puzzled way.

"What's going on with this great king, it's incredible. He blew himself up and wrapped himself with a red cloth, really successfully leaving!"

"The Ghost King failed to stop him from leaving!"

"Damn it, you can't die if you blew a big body, I don't know how terrifying it will be in the future, I really don't understand, did the ghost king deliberately release the water!"

"Let him leave the Great King of Yuanshi Realm. He will still be the enemy of my Five Realms in the future. I can't figure it out."


Most of the monks in the three great worlds of Huaxia, Tianlong, and Yuanshi were very puzzled.

The realm master of Jinra was taken aback--

"Do you know what that is?" Luo Lingyi still had some hope in his heart, and turned his head to look at the Realm Lord Zhenluo.

The realm master of Zhenluo looked at her sister Luo Lingyi with a serious expression, and explained: "That was his own shroud back then."


Luo Lingyi didn't react for a while in shock! To be reasonable, the strength of the ghost king Su Jin is currently far above that of Sword Eleven. Just now Sword Eleven said that the great brain and the great heart, as long as they get one, they can crush Su Jin.

Originally Luo Lingyi didn't believe it, but this dark red cloth was so fast that the Ghost King couldn't catch it. It wrapped the large corpse in other parts and disappeared on the Ghost King's compass.

"The Sword Eleven, the future is really not easy." Zhenluo Realm Master became a little worried, "I told my sister before, I have almost guessed his identity. Now it is almost certain."

"Who is he?"


At this time, the ghost king Su Jin’s face was blue. He didn’t even think that Sword Eleven still had this kind of ability. The red cloth was in his eyes just now, unlike the others, the dark red shroud contained the ultimate road, he Even if you reach out to catch it, you can't catch it.

Seeing Jianxi eleven escape, Guidi Nuyao couldn't help but knelt down in panic——

"Ah~~~" Ghost King Su Jin roared, his face revealing unwillingness.

In the spirit sea, Su Jin's deity was covered by a black umbrella. He was holding a purple gold gourd, the gourd plug was pushed aside, and the supernatural water was dumped out like money.

At the polluted place in the spirit sea, all the black fog began to dissipate at this moment, and it was not difficult to drive away!

"You are me, and I am you, but the ghost king body is indeed better than my other talent, but the natural thing is that the brain is lacking, and the self-confidence is too much, so you can kill all bets with me?"

Su Jin was a little bit grateful, because the ghost king's body became stronger and stronger, and he would never have the opportunity to resist again this time. Even if he had Taiyi Shenshui in the ancient temple pool, it would not be of much use.

The only pity is Jian eleven, this person runs away is a big trouble, as for the first dead Emperor Wu Heng, in contrast, he has no worries.

"My deity, this time I am planted, but next time, there will be no more gambling, I know your routines, and remember--" Ghost King Su Jin's five hundred million evil ghosts began to disappear.

"There will not be any next time, when I become an ancestor Buddha, I will completely suppress the ghost king body when I live and die, and there will be no ghost king."

Su Jin said lightly, as he opened his eyes, his body control was also taken! Walked gently in front of Emperor Yaoyi.

"My lord." The ghost emperor Nu Yaoyi was still crawling in the void, bowing to Su Jin, not daring to look up.

Su Jin squatted in front of her, raised her face with his fingers, and said lightly: "Ask, your female realm master, do you still recognize you as the female emperor of Yuanshi Realm."

Yuanshi female world master:...

Too ruthless!

It was originally a dilemma.

how to answer? If it is said that Yaoyi is also recognized as the female emperor of the Yuanshi world, then the status of the ghost emperor is not good! If you don't admit it, will Empress Yaoyi slap them all to death?

Except for the monks from the Chinese side, they all felt the change in Su Jin.

Although I don't understand why the ghost king body that took the upper hand is lurking, but the regaining of Su Tianzi's control of the body is actually not a good thing for the cultivators in the world.

"The female emperor Yaoyi is naturally the great emperor of our world."

When the Yuanshi female realm master saw the female emperor Yaoyi looking over, her scalp was numb, and she quickly said: "Since the female emperor has a special relationship with the ghost king, our enmity may be resolved because of this——"


Su Jin has an expression that I can't understand. Of course, it feels good to control his body!

"Not bad--" Yuanshi female realm master said bitterly.

"Well, you feel pretty good." Su Jin immediately opened up the Ancestral Realm World, and thousands of imaginary phases filled the world in an instant!

Big Ascension!

Su Jin's figure appeared in front of the Yuanshi female realm master instantly!


The old woman of the Baihua Palace and several other ancestral realms are like a great enemy at this moment, the realm master must not make mistakes here, and is about to make a move immediately-


The Yuanshi female realm master looked angry, but she also knew that Su Jin's strength was very strong now, and she was no longer an opponent, but at this time, how could she think so much! Immediately try my best, punch out~~

Whoosh whoosh~~

Su Jin repeatedly used the ‘Great Ascension Technique’ to lift Xia soaring!

The few punches made by Yuan Shi’s female leader were of no use to him!

"Tianzi Su! The female emperor of my world has become yours. No matter how big your grievances and grievances have been, you and I can be resolved. Don't be confused again!" Yuanshi female landlord's pretty face changed and said directly.

"You don't want Bilian's ability, it's so superb. When two great emperors and a great king in your world join forces to suppress me, why don't you say to resolve hatred?"

Immediately afterwards, Su Jin's faint voice spread everywhere, saying:

"Today, I will behead the Yuanshi Realm Master."

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