My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1924: Tai Brahman

The swan fairy is breathing fast!

The fairy mother hurriedly looked at the scene of manifestation, and she was stunned--

The entire Qingzhou city was filled with the air-conditioned voices of the monks. No one could have imagined that Su Jin would have a means to reach the fifth heaven!

This method is familiar to the fairy mother, including the power of the swan fairy, which is also of the same origin!

Xianli! !

Behind Su Jin, the fairy power trickled in circles, and it turned out a fairy source well, in which there was a faint imaginary spirit flying, it was a six-winged fairy dragon!

The majestic celestial power, combined with the blessing of ‘good fortune and longevity’, gave Su Jin a powerful force, and this fifth heaven’s 333 steps, he has the confidence to finish!

"I should have thought of it long ago!" The swan fairy blinked.

When Su Jin grabbed her before, he used a trickle of pure fairy power to tie her up. At that time, she was still a little strange, and now it has confirmed a terrible fact!

"Holy, Buddha and Immortal, all coexist! Who is he!" No one in Qingzhou could believe this fact.

"I didn't plan to come to Qingzhou on this trip, but I didn't expect to encounter such an invaluable genius, it was a worthwhile trip!" Outside the Qingtian Pavilion, a monk stared fiercely.

"I just want to know his identity and where he comes from. The others are not important anymore." Someone murmured.

"I believe he can finish the first six heavens and complete the potential test of the'world state'!"


Even in the Qingzhou City Lord’s Mansion, the Star Emperor and the City Lord changed their colors for a while--

The city lord glanced at the star emperor, and said with a smile: "The star emperor seems to have missed his eyes. The talent of this child is definitely higher than that of the little girl."

"Perhaps." The star emperor's face flushed, but he was cleverly tilted his head to cover up the past.

On the eighty-ninth step of the Blue Sky Ladder, the fifth heaven, Su Jin revealed two Xianyuan Wells behind him, and in the crystal clear snow white fairy glory, there was a virtual **** with a sword back!


Su Jin's speed did not decrease, turning into a streamer, and the speed was much faster than before!

One hundred and one ladder.

Three hundred and thirtieth stairs-

The first step of the sixth heaven!

Su Jin is like a world-famous immortal, with four immortal wells behind him, immortal dazzling!

One mouth is'Six Wing Immortal Dragon', the second mouth is'Back Sword Immortal Venerable', one of the three mouths is'Kunpeng' imaginary **** screaming, and in the fourth fairy source well, there is a faint shadow, which makes people invisible How weird is Qing.

Four fairy source wells, bright and square, swept away the power from all directions, blessed Su Jin's body, for his use!


On the sixth heaven, there were three hundred and thirty-three steps. When Su Jin walked to only ten steps, Xianhui dimmed and was suppressed by the traces of the Qingtian Ladder's ‘Heaven’s Dao Law’ and was wiped out--

The last ray of fairy power disappeared, and Su Jin was like a leaf of duckweed, swaying and swaying on it, and he might be rushed out at any time!


Su Jin spit out blood.

The hair was scattered, and there were some fine lines on the limbs and limbs all over the body. Just as the elder Qingtian Pavilion said, he rushed forward. Unless he gave up, he would eventually be shattered!

But Su Jin cannot refund!

The last ten steps!

Hope is so great, but it's too far away--

The swan fairy was holding her small mouth at the moment Su Jin was spraying blood, and she couldn't bear to see Su Jin's miserable state.

Just now my mother said that this Mu Ziye should have come with a request. I don't know what kind of desire it is that can make him come this far regardless of the danger to his life!

Outside the Qingtian Pavilion.

"Persist, it's still ten steps, ten steps!" Someone gritted his teeth secretly, cheering for Su Jin.

Failure in one step is failure. They want to meet with their own eyes a strong man who has completed the world test!

"He can't do it anymore. If he pushes on, he will be shaken to death by the Blue Sky Ladder." Someone said.

"It's a legend to be a Buddha, a sage, and an immortal, but it's a pity that you can only go this far."

"I feel that he can no longer do it. It is not an exception for him to die on the Blue Sky Ladder. Dozens of people die every year, all of which are caused by too much confidence."

"Is it really endless?" Some female sisters who couldn't bear to look down, covered their eyes—

"He raised his fist, what is he going to do?"

Someone exclaimed, countless eyes were staring at--

Su Jin's face was violent, raised his fist, and blasted the ten steps above!

This is an unyielding punch!

This is an unwilling punch!

This is... a fearless punch!


Ten steps ahead of the stairs were blasted away by this'Great Collapsing Divine Fist' with a punch, and the Happy Streaming Light technique was unfolded by Su Jin in an instant, so that he proudly stepped on the 330th of the Sixth Heaven. Three steps up the ladder!

For the most part of the ‘Tai Brahma’, the glazed glazed glow fell like rain, to congratulate Su Jin for completing the Sixth Heaven test!

Six heavens!

World level potential! Su Jin did it!

In the distant sky, hundreds of ‘Great Emperors’ appeared in the four directions. These are all the great emperors in the ‘Brahma’, and they are real!

It's not an exaggeration to describe Su Jin as "try to become famous"!

Su Jin's brain was in chaos, and his body was in very bad condition. Dense skin cracks appeared, and the power seemed to stop flowing on him, but he still gritted his teeth and stood.

The elder of Qingtian Pavilion did not appear!

Someone else appeared!

Thousands of fairies lined up in two rows and emerged from the void. When the first person walked, they turned out to be a powerful middle-aged man. On his noble robe, there was a word ‘Sanskrit’ written on him.

The person here is Tai Brahma!

"See the Emperor of Heaven -" Qingzhou City, except for the "Great Emperor" such as the Star Emperor who did not kneel down, other people including the swan fairy worshipped. This is the lord of ‘Brahma’.

The Supreme Brahma Emperor looked at Su Jin with some approving eyes, and asked: "Pavilion Master Qingtian told me some news about you. Now you have also completed the'Sixth Heaven' test, what do you want?"

"Let my mother go." Su Jin looked at the Supreme Brahma Emperor with firm gaze. He was very smart. He only said this request. If he said to go to the'Mogu God Prison', there must be many difficulties behind it. It is better to make a request now. In terms of.

"Where is your mother?" Tai Brahman asked curiously.

"Mogu God Prison!" Su Jin said bluntly.

The Emperor Tai Brahma changed his face and said, "Send a drop of your blood--"

Su Jin flicked his fingers, and a ray of blood floated away.

With a wave of the luxurious robe sleeves, Emperor Brahma waved the blood into a circular array, and when he used Su Jin's blood to deduct it, a scene suddenly appeared in his mind.

is her!

Tai Brahman's face was quite ugly, his attitude changed drastically, and he said to Su Jin: "Where are you from, go back to wherever you are!"

"Don't let go of people--" Su Jin's expression was gloomy, like an angry lion, staring at the Supreme Brahma Emperor.

"Only you?" Tai Brahman said with disdain.

Su Jin was stunned.

It turns out that the self who has completed the sixth heaven is not enough to be seen by others!


With a touch of fatigue on Su Jin's face, he laughed in a hoarse voice, and said, "It turns out that my mother is locked in this'Brahma'. You must know the whole situation."

"Yes, I know." Tai Brahman said with a sneer.

"Mother is locked in the Mogu God Prison, and she must be against you, so I will naturally be exposed, but what about the exposure? You look down on the potential of my world, so I will go to the Nine Heavens!" Su Jin insisted.

"You can't finish--" Tai Fantian emperor Yinsi said.

"Nine Heavens, the potential of the'Three Steps of Heaven', if I complete it, I don't ask any of you to turn around and leave."

Su Jin was furious, clenched his fists and said, "You can try, can you stop me from leaving this "Tai Brahma", but as long as a glimmer of hope is let me go out, I will definitely come and kill after I reach the path of heaven three steps later. You are too emperor Brahma!"

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