My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1933: Fight for life (3/4)

Must die

The swan fairy was startled.

The cherry blossoms covered her body in a fairy skirt, and her hair was silver like snow. When she slowly shook her head, her pupils seemed to have some weird meaning, and she said, "Actually, I didn't calculate his life or death."

"What do you see?"

The swan fairy relaxed a little. It turned out that Ying Ruxue shook her head, but she didn't count it.

"Blood." Ying Ruxue said.


I don't understand, the swan fairy knows that Ying Ruxue has the'Taiyan Tianshu'. Her father and the Star Emperor had asked her to deduce it before, and she knew how powerful it was.

"If Su Jin does not die, it will definitely be a catastrophe for me too Brahma." Ying Ruxue's eyes flickered, seeming to figure out the various scenes that cannot be deduced.

The swan fairy saw Ying Ruxue deduced in the clouds and mist, she couldn't help but turned her head, she felt that she should pay close attention to the battlefield.

just now!

Thirty-five emperors walked out, and Su Jin was already on the verge of death at any time.

Even if Su Jin can kill one emperor in seconds, when he makes a move, the rest of the emperors will definitely attack him, beheading him in this Brahma.

The scene is difficult to control. The Emperor Tai Brahma used the "world realm" to lure even the fallen "Jade Real Taoist" family to the eternal blessing and obtain several divine medicine fields.

There is no emperor who is not moved!

"Su Jin, your little ancestor outside the borders, dare to come to my'Tai Brahma' to offend the lord of my world! I am the Great Emperor of the Azure Immortal Gate, and I will kill you today--" Among the thirty-five great emperors, there is a middle-aged emperor. , Opened the conversation.

"Not only challenged my reputation in the world, but also killed a great emperor who was too Brahma!"

"You little boy, the ancestor realm already has such capabilities. If you become an emperor, I'm too Brahman, I'm afraid I will be robbed because of you!" Among them, another great emperor surreptitiously said.

"You are a wicked obstacle, you dare to slay the Yuzhen Taoist to death. You know, he occupies a pivotal position in my "Tai Fan Taoist", and you are already an enemy of our entire world!"



The entire Qingzhou more than tens of millions of repairers all booed. They have seen shameless people, and have never seen shameless people like this. The family's words have risen to the point of representing the whole world.

Facing babbles.

Su Jin made only one action, grabbing the giant sage soldier, pointing at more than a hundred emperors!


"Forbid his ancestor!" Among the thirty-five emperors, suddenly someone trembled slightly!

A huge, hideous face suddenly appeared in the sky!

Strands of emperor patterns spread all over the world, wrapped around the world, and the emperor has already begun to perform ‘Emperor Spell’!

Su Jin is like a flat boat in the boundless sea, the pressure is so steep!

"Drink!" Su Jin spread out his majestic power to counteract Emperor Wei's suppression.

"Cut you, the sword **** Ye Cangqiang." There was a great emperor who seemed to be in his thirties, floating out, with a stroke of two fingers, the five emperor swords were unsheathed behind him!

"You deserve it too?"

Su Jin raised his sword eyebrows, and the Juque Saint Soldier was stabbed to the ground by him, and it rose directly into the wind!

Then Su Jin photographed the cloak of the "Hidden Dragon Robe", which was directly draped by him so handsomely——

Shaking gently, Su Jin disappeared out of thin air!

Originally, this move hadn't alarmed Qingzhou's tens of millions of cultivators, but with the thirty-five emperors hurriedly in the deduction, the whole Qingzhou seemed to be opened!

It's boiling!

Su Jin actually possesses a treasure that the Emperor Realm can't detect!

In total, more than 130 emperors are all confused now. What is the situation?

"This--" Ying Ruxue choked.

The swan fairy suddenly blushed. Before the lake, Su Jin lurked unpredictably and almost watched her fairy body. If it hadn't been for the "Lake God" to evolve from nature, he learned that a strange aura had broken in.

Otherwise, the swan fairy can only be seen for nothing--

"It seems to be the legendary'hidden road clothing'." The swan fairy concealed her face, she didn't know what she was thinking, and said to Ying Ruxue.

"No, we have a few pieces of ‘Hidden Dao clothing’ and we’re too Brahma, and we can't do it to the point where the emperor can't detect it." Ying Ruxue shook her head and said.

"what do you mean?"

"It should be the'Hidden Dragon Robe', a higher-level body protection **** treasure." Ying Ruxue said.

The swan fairy was dumbfounded and muttered: "No wonder, he almost saw her."

"What did he see?" Ying Ruxue stared in surprise, her expression very strange.

"Nothing--" The swan fairy blushed and shook her head again and again, for fear that Ying Ruxue would see something.

At this moment, the thirty-five emperors were all dumbfounded and at a loss. The "Lingyin Great Emperor" who used the emperor's face, opened his eyes and couldn't find out where Su Jin was!

The weird atmosphere is spreading~~~

Five breaths.

Ten breaths.


There was an explosion in the void, and the great emperor who had just been called Su Jin's "little boy" was directly hit in his face, and half of his face was deformed! The bones were pulled open, his mouth was full of blood, and he flew out.

The red light vibrated greatly, and the Ape Strike Technique rose from Su Jin. At this moment, the "Ape Strike Technique" was different!

The blood-red violent ape instantly manifested, jumping in the void, and in the blink of an eye, he stepped heavily on the face of the emperor's face!


A powerful blow, in the void, directly smashed his spine!

Dying! I have to say that the emperor is very strong, so he has not been able to beat this person to death!

Su Jin wanted to kill the emperor again, it would be more difficult. The moment he started, the other emperors had already reacted and locked his breath tightly--

"Haha!" Su Jin used the ancestral realm world to lift up directly, ignoring that those emperor skills had already come.

With all his strength, he appeared beside the dying emperor and punched!

Boom! !

Blood splashed, and the opponent's entire emperor body was blasted, and it was directly turned into a trace of minced flesh, and it was scattered in the void, and even the emperor spirit had no time to get out of the body!

The second emperor has fallen!

Su Jin's staggered, powerful Xiaocheng Divine Body could not survive the bombardment of more than 30 emperors. Although the gray will was lingering and a lot of power was removed, he still suffered a heavy injury!

Spitting blood on the sky-

"Put him to death!" There is a hate of the emperor.

"Don't give him a chance to breathe!" And the emperor said with a panic.

"Too ruthless, fighting for life, we must replace a great emperor, this son can't stay!"

"What a shameless kid, let's do everything, but he still killed the second emperor in a sneak attack!"

Many monks in Qingzhou lowered their heads, feeling deeply ashamed. Who is shameless? Thirty-odd emperors besieged an ancestral realm, and after being killed by a great emperor, they said that they had attacked——

Shame is too Brahman!

Su Jin exudes a strong death spirit. He has already killed two great emperors in this "Brahma" and has already earned it!

Those imperial arts, there is no lack of magic techniques that plunder vitality, and Su Jin true spirit has suffered unimaginable damage.

"you guys……"

Su Jin clutched the bleeding wound, stood up again from the posture of bending over, closed his eyes lightly, and his weak voice spread throughout Qingzhou:

"You...who wants to die the third!"

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