My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1937: Domination

"Star Emperor——"

Ying Ruxue was very surprised. She knew beforehand that the Star Emperor was standing on the side of the Brahma Emperor, and the Swan Fairy was also worried that her father would conflict with Su Jin, but the Star Emperor left midway.

What have you done?

No one knows.

The scene is shocking. The Star Emperor is different from the ordinary emperor. His wife is the Taifan Immortal Mother. In the entire "Tai Brahma", among more than 400 emperors, the strength ranks in the top ten.

But now, the noble star emperor actually kneels in front of the 300-li divine coffin! All faces are pious!

The mysterious nine-hundred coffin of gods floats up and down in the dark clouds.

Seeing this, Su Jin was secretly vigilant, and was prepared in his heart. If the overlord of the Brahma Emperor had arrived, he would certainly not have the slightest power to resist in the world.


Thousands of monks in Qingzhou, their hair fluttering in the wind, looked up at the shocking scene in the dark sky.

"Where did the nine hundred clay coffins come from?"

"It seems that not long after it was dug out, the Star Emperor, regardless of his noble status, actually knelt down to the biggest divine coffin. Who was buried in the coffin?"

"Could it be the ancestor of the Star Emperor?"

"It definitely won't be a powerful'world realm' dominating the sky. He has a long life and is in his prime of life. It is impossible to buy life materials for himself——"


The discussion came to an abrupt end with the loud shock.

There were more than a hundred emperors at the scene, and suddenly 83 emperors knelt directly to the Shen-Floating Coffin Group.

Such a scene has lifted the consternation of these three days to the extreme!

Su Jin gasped, and couldn't believe what he saw in front of him. The coffin body of the other party had attracted more than 80 powerful emperors to bow down. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would definitely not believe it!

"Student, see the teacher--" The emperor did not dare to put up the score any more, and shouted in unison.


The Emperor Tai Brahma had a dark face and a black face. The other great emperors who had not bowed down also bowed, raised their fists, and bowed.

The mood of the star emperor at this moment was extremely complicated.

It seems that in that year, he measured the potential of the ‘ancestor’ realm on the Qingtian Ladder. At that time, by chance, he met the teacher and learned his identity and wanted to preach in Qingzhou.

The star emperor stayed with the teacher for three years, and many world-class experts wanted to put under the teacher's door, and they were not allowed to enter. The only one who got the love and was directed for three years.

Three years later, when he stepped into the emperor realm, the teacher drove him away. He has never seen it again, but this great grace is unforgettable!


In the three hundred li divine coffin, a feeble and old voice uttered, "You can be patient, why bother to bow down to me as a dead man——"



The nine hundred gods, and the old man talking, directly scared many people.

"Teacher, don't say that--" Xingdi looked ashamed, but he was full of questions in his heart. I don't know why the teacher appeared.

"On this trip, I brought the family coffin 932 and visited my descendants. He did not let us down. He stepped on the blue sky ladder and killed the five emperors with the ancestor..." In the three hundred li divine coffin, trembling was heard. The old sound.

The old voice, there is no lack of proud tone!

Star Emperor stunned.

The hearts of more than a hundred emperors trembled in fright.

The swan fairy and cherry blossoms are like snow, with blank brains.

The divine coffin where the star emperor kneels down, more than eighty great emperors kneel down and salute, and the person who shouts the teacher is actually Su Jin's clan ancestor!

Su Jin's resolute face softened a bit, but he didn't want to believe it without real evidence—

"Taoist Jiuli, do you want to use a large number of people to suppress me?"

The Emperor Brahma sullied his face and asked angrily: "Do you think I would be afraid of you like this? If you are not dead, maybe it's okay. Now you are just a ray of dead soul in the'Jiu Li Divine Coffin'."

Jiuli God's Coffin! The most marvelous existence in the world can escape the detention of the heavens, body and spirit can exist in it, the only one in the world.

"Dead, are there many people?"

Three hundred li divine coffin, an old voice came out, "My clan is declining, and there are ninety-three people living and unable to cultivate. It can be said that my clan is almost killed by you. What do you want?"



The Qingzhou monks whispered and talked.

"Emperor Brahma, universally loves the world, the rumors are not like what is said in this divine coffin--" a monk said in surprise.

"Who is this Taoist, is it too long, or what is the situation, he even took out the family coffin."

"Nothing, what's the use of carrying a coffin, it will only make people feel desolate."

"The key point is that Su Jin, the enchanting giant, turned out to be his offspring. No wonder Su Jin said that he came to find his mother. The Emperor made things difficult for him. He was originally an enemy. How could it be as he wished!"

"Oh! I didn't expect that the Emperor of Heaven would destroy the whole family?"

"If this matter is true, the'Taijingtian' big world, I don't know how to laugh at my world again!"


Obviously, the nine hundred divine coffins are not simple. Among them, people can be worshiped by so many great emperors on the scene. Obviously, the status of the emperor was unimaginable back then, but the emperor almost killed his entire clan, which was terrifying.

"Shut up!"

The Supreme Brahma Emperor yelled below, "What do you all know? What do you all know? This emperor is right or wrong, why don't you wait to judge!"

"The Emperor of Heaven, what the teacher said is naturally true, you can give me an explanation!" The Star Emperor stood up and asked the Supreme Brahma Emperor in a questioning tone.

"Why do you need to explain to you!" The Emperor Tai Brahma gritted his teeth and saw the Star Emperor turning back, his anger exploded.

"You--" Xingdiqi's face was ugly.

That is to say, one of the participating emperors next to the Supreme Brahman Tian said: "Let me talk about it, destroying your entire clan is not a grudge, but because this son is a ghost king!"

Ghost king body!

In the restaurant, the swan fairy and Ying Ruxue exclaimed when they heard these three words.

Did not see it!

After all, Su Jin's ghost king body has not relapsed. Now he is only an ancestral realm strong. If the ghost king body is induced, how strong is it? The two women really dare not think about it!

"No matter what physique he is, he is a descendant of my clan! My clan is powerless, so I can only take the coffin to fight--" In the three hundred li divine coffin, the old voice appeared again.

Desolate and helpless.

Back then, countless great emperors listened to the sermons and were enshrined as teachers' peerless power. It was so miserable that none of the clansmen could fight for their lives, they could only take the coffin of the gods to meet the enemy!

At this moment, Su Jin didn't mean to offend. It was a serious matter, and he couldn't help but shout: "You said it was my ancestor, but you have proof—"

"Certificate... of course." When the old voice said again, a small boat in the distance was called.

Su Jinhu's body was shocked.

With tears in his eyes, he immediately knelt down and bowed. That ship is the ghost ship that he took on this ‘Brahma’!

"What are you talking nonsense with the dead? I can kill you now."

In the void, a figure with a thirty-year-old face walked up, surrounded by a black meniscus with two palms wide, and when he spoke indifferently, the endless pressure on his body suppressed the world.

Powerful in the world——



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