My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1963: Seize the coffin

Killed at Mei's house in Longwujie!

Void and wind are cold, but Su Tianzi's voice is even colder!

Su Jin believes he is not a good person. Now that the Qingshuang coffin is robbed, the emperor who has been glorious for an era and then has been silent for countless years in the ground, is it still insulting?

If they were to take away the emperor's coffin, the towering China, where is the dignity!

If they were to take away the Emperor Coffin, the Chinese Clan, how to raise their heads!

"His speed can actually follow the Heavenly Dao Ship!"

Mei Yinglan looked surprised. After hearing Su Jin threatening her, she hesitated a little—

"It's okay, he spoke like this because he couldn't keep up. I just don't care about it." The middle-aged emperor of Longwu Realm immediately sneered.

"Yes, anyway, the Qingshuang coffin has been handed over, no matter how badly he is, he can't take it away from me!"

A smile appeared on Mei Yinglan's face, the enchanting fox face, blinking her eyes, and smiling at Su Jin behind: "My little brother, if you can, rushed to my Mei's house as a guest. Waiting for the big driver--"

Su Jin's eyes were cold and radiant.

The other party obviously despised himself for not being able to catch up with the boat that day, is that really the case?

It's nothing more than an extra effort!

Also, maybe it can be like that--

In the vast void of clouds, Mei Yinglan in front of the heavenly ship, gently placed her slender fingers on her lips, and blew a farewell kiss to Su Jin~~~

Soon, the four heavenly ships disappeared in the blink of an eye——

"This kid is really amazing, but it's a pity that the Sifang Mountain couldn't be pulled away." The middle-aged emperor frowned slightly and sighed.

"It's pretty good, better than taking nothing back." Mei Yinglan smiled and shook her head.

"What about the three heavenly ships?"

"Find a chance and throw it away!" Mei Yinglan said with a smile.

Originally, Mei Yinglan's plan was for Su Jin to follow up. With the help of the emperors on the other heavenly ships, he could delay Su Jin a little bit. Now that things are done, how could it be shared with other great world benefits!

"There is only one way to get rid of them." The middle-aged emperor said: "After ten breaths, you will pass through a void in the void, but you need to pass through a chaotic void--"

"You are crazy!" Mei Yinglan was stunned, but after she finished she felt that this was indeed the best way at present.

"Our Heavenly Dao Ship can hold it, but they won't be able to get rid of them." The middle-aged emperor knew this well and said proudly.

Ten short breaths passed.

The middle-aged emperor yelled, and immediately drove the Heavenly Dao Ship to disappear into a ‘Void Rift.’ The other three Heavenly Dao Ships cursed on it, completely out of ideas.

The chaotic void area, the environment is so bad that even the emperor's color changes, a cyan chaotic scene, various violent forces wandering.

There are even a lot of trash floating in the void, most of the trash is some mainland debris, Qionglou Yuyu in ancient times, if you can think of it, you may be able to find it here.

When the Dragon Wujie Heavenly Dao Ship swam into the chaotic void, its speed slowed down, and the entire ship was precarious in it.

The chaotic void two hundred miles away--

A faintly yellow Buddha light appeared. If you look closely, it is actually emitted from a yellow golden body. The golden body sits on the stone lotus platform, sitting firmly in the chaotic void.

The golden body was displayed by Su Jin!

Earlier, Su Jin couldn't catch up, and those Heavenly Dao ships didn't know how they were built. The speed was amazing. He saw the other side's four Heavenly Dao ships and thought it was inevitable that there would be uneven distribution of the spoils and scramble.

Therefore, Su Jin made a major decision to awaken the Sakura in the fairy dragon's mouth, and let her break the good fortune, thus knowing that the other party will enter the chaotic void.

Su Jin opened the Void Channel at that time. There are various turbulences in the Void Channel, making it easier to find the direction and take the lead!

Wait for the rabbit!

But when he came to the chaotic void, Rao was a small person in Su Jin's divine body, but he still couldn't stand the tearing. Various forces wanted to tear him apart. This situation was far more dangerous than the original void of the abyss!

So Su Jin decisively turned into a golden body!

"When will we open the coffin?" Mei Yinglan asked, looking at the gray fairy coffin on the deck.

The tone of speech was actually a bit hesitant.

The Cyan Frost Coffin is a bit special. From the moment it left the cemetery, it has been emitting a heartbeat, but the sound is much lower, and the entire fairy coffin seems to breathe.

"Can't drive, I'll talk about it for now, I guessed something." The middle-aged emperor shook his head.

"That way, the Immortal Wheel Immortal Gong..." Mei Yinglan was still in high spirits. After saying this, she suddenly became a little worried. After all, she also desperately needs the Immortal Wheel Immortal Gong.

"Emperor Yinglan can rest assured. After I bring this coffin back, Jing Dao Zun will open it. Then I will ask him for a copy of the Immortal Wheel Immortal Gong, and give it to the Mei family."

"That's all right—" Mei Yinglan, even though she dispelled her doubts, smiled back on her face.

In the chaotic void, the speed of the heavenly ship is very slow.

Mei Yinglan wanted to return to the cabin to rest, but the sacred Buddha light in front of her attracted her attention!

At this look, I was stunned!

"What!!" The middle-aged emperor had an unbelievable expression, and he naturally saw the same scene.

"How did it—" Mei Yinglan flushed, and woke up from a sluggish state. Her heart was beating wildly. She thought she had thrown off Su Jin, but she never thought that she was waiting early. they!

"Hateful kid, always chasing others!" It was one of the two dragon princesses who spoke, the one who was extremely beautiful, and the two little horns on his head were also delicate and lovely.

"I'll wait for the dragon to stop him!" Another Zulong said.

"You are not allowed to do it! Out of the ship, the power of the chaos and void will tear you all to pieces in an instant!" Mei Yinglan shook her head quickly.

"What to do then!"


On the Dragon Wujie Heavenly Dao Ship, anxious, Su Jin waited in front, but they had nothing to do. Even if they turned around and sailed away, it is estimated that in this chaotic void, the opponent could easily catch up.

With dignity, Su Jinbao sat cross-legged on Shilian Terrace, and when he saw the heavenly ship approaching, he immediately raised his hand!

The bronze-colored giant Buddha's hand directly protruded ten miles away and grabbed it on the boat that day——

"He wants to seize the coffin!" Mei Yinglan was anxious.

The middle-aged emperor couldn't help it. Just after Mei Yinglan's words, the magnificent bergamot had fallen, and the magnificent scene was unimaginable, and Su Jin's goal was naturally Cyan Frost Coffin first!

Mei Yinglan's scalp was numb, and she hid at the other end of Qingshuang's coffin, clutching a corner of the fairy coffin, and refused to let go!

After all, this coffin is about whether she can live for a long time in the future!

"Give up, we have to go!" The middle-aged emperor's face was gloomy, looking at Mei Yinglan and shouted.

"No--" Mei Yinglan bit her silver teeth and shook her head.

The Cyan Frost Coffin was easily grabbed by the giant Buddha's hand, together with Mei Yinglan, out of the reach of the Heavenly Dao Ship!

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