My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 197: Best man

Qiao Yu noticed Su Jin's gaze, and couldn't help but blush. Although Su Jin is no longer a minister, this man always gives people an unspeakable sense of oppression, and that feeling will not let people. It's uncomfortable, but it will give people a surrender temperament, even though the two of them are not very familiar.

Su Jin coughed dryly, took out a cigarette and lit it to hide her embarrassment, and then seriously she said, "Qiao Yu, can I ask you a question?"

"You say?"

Qiao Yu was a little nervous, but soon she was dumbfounded by Su Jin's question.

"That's it. A female x friend of mine has a very good figure, but she is a little smaller. In this regard, you are an expert. Can you tell me how to do it?" Su Jin looked at her seriously, deliberately Said.


What a superb man!

Qiao Yu was almost dying of embarrassment. When he was asked such a question on the spot by a big man, the embarrassment was certain. She hadn't experienced this kind of situation yet, so she would be quite embarrassed.

"If it's inconvenient, then forget it." Su Jin's eyes rolled quickly and nodded to Qiao Yu.

"Convenient--actually, it's nothing. Just pay attention to balanced nutrition. It is recommended to eat small and frequent meals every day, and the other is to exercise." Qiao Yu lowered his head, not daring to look into his eyes.

"Oh? No wonder, it seems that you often exercise in this area. I understand, I will tell." Su Jin smiled.

"Yeah." Qiao Yu's voice was so low that she could only hear her.

Su Jin smiled secretly, no way, who made him shocked every time he saw her, although this learning experience is of no use to him as a big man, but in case his own woman has troubles in this respect in the future, no Is it properly adjusted?

"Then you work, I have something to go out first." Su Jin said.

"Bu... Bye-bye, Brother Su." Qiao Yu changed his mouth, knowing that he could no longer call him Minister, so he called out.

Su Jin then took a few more glances in front of her, and after receiving extraordinary feelings, he walked farther and farther under Qiao Yu's gaze.

Qiao Yu looked at his back, and even though he was saying that Su Jin's eyes were too ws, but his temperament fits the ws together, which makes people not disgusted, on the contrary, staying with him for a long time. She couldn't help but blush, she had never encountered such a situation.

Su Jin drove the car and arrived at Gu Shuzhai in no time.

However, in the meantime, he answered a phone call from Li Qing, saying that Yang Shiwen would be undergoing a transplant this afternoon. After all, he was a critically ill patient who had to race against death in time. He naturally wanted to see this, and now he still needs to see how Sister Qin is progressing.

Money is easy to use everywhere, and he doesn't want to always take money from his own woman in the future. Although he said it was borrowing, he still feels bad about it. After all, two places at a time are fine, and he will feel annoyed if he has more!

Therefore, his first goal now is to develop his financial resources, as for the rest, he can only put it aside.

Gu Shuzhai.

Due to Su Jin’s explanation, Qin did not go out to deal with some things today. In Gu Shuzhai, Su Jin is not only as simple as her own man, but also the leader of the entire team, so under normal circumstances, he ordered Everything needs to be completed the first time, although it requires a lot of patience and time.

"Failed again." Sister Qin frowned, looking at the data displayed on an instrument, and then at a glass box on the table. A small white mouse inside was actually poisoned to death by her...

She touched her forehead, and every time she encountered a challenge of this level, she would try to overcome it, but this time... she didn't know what to do, she had failed more than 30 times, and now her head was a little chaotic.

"Sister Qin, the young master is here." Wang Mei Niu smiled and shouted outside the door.

"Oh, come in." Sister Qin turned her head and responded.

Su Jin is still rather strange, because this is not sister Qin's room, but another secret door. After entering, he suddenly realized that this place is like a small laboratory! The equipment inside has everything, and it looks very professional. Could it be that the medicine she gave herself last time was made here?

With envy in Wang Mei Niu's eyes, she closed the door for the purpose of not disturbing them.

"How is it?" Su Jin asked.

"It's not so bad. Have you seen those mice?" Sister Qin pointed to the mice in the glass cages and said, "These are test subjects No. 38, 39, and No. 40."

After Su Jin looked at it, he glanced at the other boxes, and the white rats in them were all dead.


Can health products be so poisonous? Sister Qin's ‘technique’ made his scalp numb. He was a little doubtful about his own thoughts, whether Sister Qin could be configured, is still a mystery.

Sister Qin smiled and said: "The previous ones have all failed. This kind of thing is more troublesome than I thought, but it is about to be close to success, because only the blind medicinal materials have a problem."

"Oh?" Su Jin was a little happy, his confidence suddenly reached an unprecedented height.

"It's just that if this medicinal material is not used, the medicinal power will be greatly reduced. It seems that I need to find a substitute." Sister Qin watched the experimental white rat No. 38 slowly foaming and falling down, and she understood the medicine. The chemical reaction between poisoned the white rat.

Su Jin shook his head: "Don't worry about this, just take it slow."

"But I can't let you down. If you let me dispense poison, it's a matter of minutes." Sister Qin's expression was a little tangled.

Su Jin:...

He was speechless. In terms of poisons, it is estimated that the entire Huaxia was not as good as her, at least he had seen her.

At this time, Su Jin also noticed that Sister Qin’s hair was a bit messy, and her face was a little tired. It seemed that she hadn’t slept all night, which made him a little ashamed, “Sister Qin, go to sleep. Do it after you rest."

"No, it's almost a success, I'll try again." Sister Qin was unpredictably firm in this task. Of course, it was more out of love for the preparation of medicines, otherwise she would not embark on such a path.

Su Jin hesitated and asked, "Sister Qin, I remember you were a soldier, how come you came into contact with this kind of thing?"

"After approving the teacher, there is a very powerful woman next to the master, and I inherited her mantle." Sister Qin didn't mind saying this, and then stared at the last two white rats in the glass cage.

Su Jin's heart was shocked. He didn't know why. Sister Qin said that he was unintentional, but he listened to it intentionally and couldn't help asking, "Then is she good now or you are good?"

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