My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1976: Want so much

The door was silently pushed open--

The scarlet figure walked in silently, and it stuck out its tongue. The tongue was a long pink strip, so long that it could lick its eyes. The front part was thin!

"Hiss." The **** figure's eyes were like peas, and suddenly saw the beautiful **** the bed.

Come closer, come closer!

The blood-colored figure suddenly raised its head, made a torn sound, and suddenly saw a yellow paper talisman burning out of thin air!

The ashes drifted away, and the Dao Marks began to wander away. Those Buddhist Dao Marks directly wrapped it up, turning it into a gray cloth bag, and then a white shadow flashed by——

On the gray cloth bag, the white jade hand sticks out, and a red thread is tied to the mouth of the bag. There are six Buddhist beads on the red thread, and there is a Buddha shadow on each of the beads!

The mysterious blood man was carried away by the white shadow, and nothing happened to the entire Xia family, only the remaining drops of black blood on the ground were shocking!

In the wind and rain!

White Qianying walked into the "Ghost Gate", if Su Jin saw it, she would definitely be shocked, this girl turned out to be a dream girl——

On Huangquan Road, the flowers of the other bank were still losing their energy, and finally withered to ashes. The Ksitigarbha King waited quietly on Huangquan Road.

"King of Ksitigarbha."

Dream girl wiped the sweat from her forehead and threw down the gray cloth bag.

Ksitigarbha King Junyi’s face was very calm, with a light flick of his fingers, the gray cloth bag turned into yellow paper ash, and fell to the ground. When he looked at the blood-colored figure, he frowned and said, "Eunanyin handsome, how do you explain——"

"Hiss." The blood man stuck out his tongue, licked his face, and delivered a few voices.

"Ghost mansion and underground mansion, the well water never violates the river water, you have crossed the boundary." Ksitigarbha king said lightly.

"If Xia Yuyan hadn't been in my reincarnation, we would be able to detect her disaster within six days, otherwise it would really be unexpected that your ghost palace violated the original agreement!"

The dream girl flutters in a white coat, she looks like a fairy, but her face is a bit annoyed——

Su Jin is out.

If something happens to Xia Yuyan, who can bear his anger when he comes back? Fortunately, the Ksitigarbha King gave Zhang Fu before leaving, otherwise Meng Girl would be difficult to deal with.

"The ghost king body Su Jin is not tolerated in the world, Master Yin Zun confessed that he will destroy his tenth generation and nine clan, and your Ksitigarbha king can't control us -" Eunan Yin Shuai said.

Just finished talking...

The ‘Buddha Ruler’ of the Changliu Buddha case appeared in the hands of the Ksitigarbha King, and he directly tapped Enan Yin Shuai on the head!

"Ah! Ah!"

Ernanyin Shuai was cracked all over, and from the cracked wound, there was a smear of flame, and it began to roll on the ground! Obviously Ksitigarbha's methods made it unbearable.

Dream girl looked at her for a while!

Su Jin is now a strong man in the world, and disaster is imminent in the entire Huaxia World. It is enough for this ghost mansion not to "same the same enemy and the enemy", and even wants to do a bad job against Xia Yuyan!

"Punish you to pick up rice at the'chicken pecking the mountain'. The day you finish picking up the rice will be when you leave." The Ksitigarbha King said casually.

Miss Meng’s face was full of consternation, her face was full of sympathy——


Of course, none of these Su Jin knew.

Time is slowly passing by, dawn is approaching, and the sky is fading.

Su Jin just opened his eyes and his face was bleak. He urged his strength to heal his injury, only to make the injury no longer heavier. Although his complexion is better now, it seems difficult to heal—

Su Jin estimated that it was due to the Dao Mark of the World Realm, which caused his wounds to be very difficult to heal now.

Soon, the sky was bright.

"Boom boom boom~~~"

There were three knocks outside the door, before Su Jin agreed, Mei Yinglan opened the door and walked in.


Mei Yinglan pretended to be taken aback, and said, "You are injured!"

As a female emperor, Mei Yinglan can naturally see it at a glance, and although she did not show up last night, she also watched the whole battle in the dark, after all, such a big movement.

"Yeah, it's your chance to kill me." Su Jin said lightly.

"Oh what a joke."

Mei Yinglan threw a wink to Young Master Su, and immediately helped him up and asked: "The strong man in the world last night failed to kill you. It was beyond my expectation——"

"Master has ten lives!" Su Jin pulled out a sneer, glanced at the right side, Mei Yinglan's face——

"The lady, has you left?"

In fact, what Mei Yinglan wanted to know most was the identity and whereabouts of the other party. Last night, she couldn't see through the "Mirror World" of the Zen Snow Girl, and of course she didn't know what happened next.

"Caught--" Su Jin wrote lightly.


There was a dull look on Mei Yinglan's charming face, and she exclaimed in shock, she didn't even dare to think of the two words "caught"!

"You caught her? Don't tease me, it's not fun—"

Mei Yinglan turned to pretend to be tender, not to mention, Su Jin Xu was in a state of warmth as he watched.

"Catch! Must catch! Lao Tzu is locked until she begs for mercy."

Su Jin was unwilling to release the Zen Snow Female Venerable easily. Although a world realm was caught by him, it would cause him unpredictable trouble, but he still couldn't relieve his anger.

Mei Yinglan gasped, and there was something strange in her eyes.

"When will you give me too much water?" Mei Yinglan tried to ask.

Huaxia Great World, now too dangerous, Mei Yinglan wants to return to Longwu Realm!

"Want so?"

Su Jin observed her face, and then said, "It depends on the mood—"


Mei Yinglan gritted her silver teeth secretly. Although she had only known each other for a few days, this guy was more intelligent than ordinary people, and even more powerful than some old guys.

That "Taiyi Shenshui", whether there are two or not, after all, Su Jin is slanderous, and he can say that he has it at random. Well, even if there is, Mei Yinglan feels that he can’t get it—

"Leave now and go to Qingshuang Tomb to place the emperor's coffin first." Su Jin glanced at Mei Yinglan and said.

"Will you still put the Qingshuang coffin there?" Mei Yinglan obviously didn't believe it.

of course not!

Su Jin deeply remembered the begging look of the "Hundred Flowers Fairy" before leaving. He was going to Qingyun Mountain and handing the Qingshuang Coffin to her. As for where it was buried, he would not care!

Go out the door.

The "Nine Elephant Flying Boat" appeared in Su Jin's palm. With a light blow, the Nine Elephant Flying Boat rose in the wind, and the two of them jumped up——

A strange color appeared in Mei Yinglan's eyes. When Su Jin jumped onto the Nine Elephant Boat, he covered his right shoulder blade without a trace, and a thin layer of sweat formed on his forehead.

Nine Elephant Flying Boat began to swim east!

Sitting at the stone table on the deck of Nine Elephants, Su Jin took out a jar of old wine——

Left hand?

Mei Yinglan was carrying a cup of wine, and Su Jin filled her with half a cup of wine in it——

"Drink, maybe this is the last time we drank." Su Jin looked at Mei Yinglan and smiled slightly.

the last time?

Mei Yinglan's eyes twitched, still not at ease: "Jing nonsense—"

There was a clear smile on the corner of Su Jin's mouth, and he was silent for a quarter of an hour before he said: "Worshiping the Moon Country, the land is vast and there are sparsely populated, no one is there now, you can do it."


Mei Yinglan stood up in shock, holding a purple long sword in her hand, and in a flash, it pierced Su Jin's heart.

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